Considering the recent news of the Claire Redfield actress not returning to voice her in the RE2 Remake because Capcom went with a cheaper agency in LA (and she's from Canada, so she's not affected by the strike), is just seems costs are the reason.It makes me wonder if the voice actor strike affected the game.
So far most of the voices just sound like randos that were picked off the street
It makes me wonder if the voice actor strike affected the game.
So far most of the voices just sound like randos that were picked off the street
The most Capcom thing about that is that the pre-order function doesn't even work.
A story mode is very important in terms of getting good sales right out of the gate
But only if it's good
And doesn't have shitarse voices
Just curious on how someone guarantees a product without trying it for themselves..?I haven't and won't play this demo, but I can guarantee you it's not as bad as the Dragon Age 2 demo.
Or poopy visuals.
I prefer these visuals over Injustice 2 actually
I prefer these visuals over Injustice 2 actually
You can't blame him though, have you seen the faces in Injustice 2? They look horrible.I can see why Capcom gets away with this stuff.
For this thread too, competitive matches are about to start on
Or at least, they should've started like 7 minutes ago.
I prefer these visuals over Injustice 2 actually
I prefer these visuals over Injustice 2 actually
The most Capcom thing about that is that the pre-order function doesn't even work.
Isn't he a doctor, now?X's voice... yeah, not feeling it. I really miss Mark Gatha....
tried it last night, I did not enjoy it.
the story mode is as aweful as SFV's shoed-in cringey story mode.
Character models look really bad, controls feel more sluggish and the use of the Infinity Stones are not as cool as the 20 year old Marvel Superheroes that handled it better
payers just want a standard Arcade mode when it come to single player.
as far as the game, it feels like a huge step down from uMvC3.
there is littel reason for a uMvC3 owner to downgrade for MvC Infinite
I actually agree with Lovely Salsa on this. NetherRealm games only look really good in the cutscenes imo. The in-game animations are often laughably stilted overall and I keep wondering why more people don't pick up on that (apart from being nostalgic about them). Not even that recent video by SugarPunch managed to convey this apparently.
Heck, I think MVC:I looks quite good honestly, apart from a few faces here and there.
...cutscenes look like fanfiction.