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MvC: Infinite Story Demo out now + several new reveals [Sony E3]

Her SFV face is an improvement over her SFIV face. Ditto for Cammy. Ibuki got rekt, though.

I would rather have single player modes like the MK towers or Heroes and Heralds than Story Mode.

But I also find the NRS story modes just as boring and corny as this shit.

Story modes really don't have much reason to be in fighters because the stories are bound to be nonsense and trash to justify all these peoole fighting each other.

I don't have a particular opinion either way, but the mainstream public obviously disagrees, and their collecive money is worth more than yours, mine, or all of NeoGAF. Not including a story mode or any other meaty single player mode means dooming your game to lackluster sales in the best of cases. It's really as simple as that.


There is something seriously wrong at Capcom, and I place no blame on the developers for this. Their fighting games should be among their major properties, especially a collaboration with Marvel of all companies, but Capcom's corporate side seem like complete fucking cheapskates with how they've treated SFV and now Marvel.

As usual there are plenty of enjoyable gameplay systems (although having dedicated punch/kick buttons seems completely negated by the loss of 3 attack strengths for specials, which are far more important in these games), but it's wrapped in godawful production, and the sheer amount of character and animation reuse feels so cheap compared to what they achieved with MVC3. The character models are like a modder brought the MVC3 models into UE4 but literally did nothing after the shading was removed, except make some ill-advised model tweaks.

How the fuck can a Disney production look like this alongside what ArcSys has put together from scratch for DBFZ? I should also say that having a cinematic story mode is completely wasted when there is nothing compelling about a bunch of otherwise-unrelated characters briefly acknowledging each other's existence before a fight.

After SFxTK and the cancellation of Darkstalkers, Capcom seem to have cheaped out on fighting game production to the point where they aren't even scraping the standards previously set by themselves, while their competitors have improved significantly. Really sad stuff, and I say that as a huge fan of SFV.


I wasn't clicking with this demo at all, doesn't feel or look as good as mvc 3 and no where near injustice.

Looks really soft on Xbox too, thought it might be me as they must have trusted it to put a demo out.

Needs some work, I hope they get there.
Checked it out at the booth. I will say the game looks so much better in motion than in cutscenes. Didn't get a chance to play the vs demo due to work commitments. Hoping to play tomorrow. Saw a few "pros" play it (Kyle, kai, nerdJosh) and everyone was struggling with how different it was.
I'm pretty sick of trying to practice combos for Dante. Highly technical but I have to go through 4 fights and then keep dying once I get there to try combos.
I'm working on converting my stylish Dante combos from UMvC3 to this game and I think it is possible with a few adjustments. Here's the first mini stylish combo

There's so much more I can add such as Devil Trigger on crystal and then into another crystal into super but I don't have the patience to practice any more. No training mode? Who the hell thought that'd be a good idea?


How the fuck did they make this look so bad. I mean gameplay is fine its still Marvel but holy shit what was the art team thinking.
Lmao the reddit Chun fix via dahbomb actually looks a lot better. Little things.

After playing it, I'm in. I do hope they add a tiny bit more weight to the hits (might just be because they're drones) and fix a few of the models. It's not the best looking game but far from the worst in most places. Shaders and lighting fixes will go a long way.

Also, I'm all the way in but Shaowebb hit on why people are pissed. They really have fucked the marketing considering they have the mouse behind them. That being said, lots of yall need to breathe through it instead of talking about daughters doing porn and shit. Legit sounds manic.

Carol is a lot of fun, and I can already tell X is gonna be as big of a bitch ass as his boy Zero.

Her and Cap are still on the list, and Thor might have some juice this time around.


The more I play the demo the more it's starting to click with me. I really, really like Captain Marvel, Chun, and X. Plus like, time stone + tag mechanic is just bonkers. Absolutely bonkers. I'm hype. It's a damn shame they released this demo though; it's SUPER easy, and you have no real time to figure anything out without going into the menus, out of the menus, etc.


I'm deeply disappointed by this demo.

First let me say what I liked:
- it's a new MvC!
- Capcom actually making a demo (and it coming out for E3)
- it having quite a lot of content for a demo of a fighting game

So yeah... that's about it. The negatives has already been discussed in detail, but I still want to get it of my mind.

The writing is absolutely cringe worthy. I don't expect something super cool and epic. Even though I love great storys I can easily do with a fun and campy story.
But this here is not even laughably bad, it's just bad. Arthurs "burn" against Iron Man? Wow... Dantes dialogue with Rocket? Wow wow wow.... This is some new level of bad.

And the character models.... oh the character models... they're between ok and horrid. Chun Li... yeah, she's ugly as sin (what I don't get, since they have all the assets over at capcom. Why would they do such a thing?).
Cap and Thor also look very strange. Somehow like a 4:3 picture strechted to 16:9. The same with Doctor Strange.
Captain Marvel is probably my favourite model. She looks really cool! I love her.
Then the animations. Also from ok to weird. Chris walking looks somehow like him ice skating. There's just no feel to it.

And the controls just feel of. It seems to be lag, even though I'm not sure. I love fighting games and play them regularly since I started playing video games as a kid, but I still kinda suck at them.

There's just no fun to be had. The moves feel good and I kinda like the action, but the fluidity isn't there for me. And I doubt they can fix that in just 3 months. They should delay it till next summer at least.

And everyone at Capcom should get a free copy of Injustice 2. Not for the animations but to give them a sense of what a fighting game can be when it comes to presentation and content.
Weak demo. No assists is a massive loss, dull roster. AWFUL visuals and Sonic 06-tier load times. I don't fundamentally think this was a good demo either. You're just fighting generic drones who have the most basic AI. I'm sure it's different in the actual game against proper people/characters, but it makes for a boring demo. Definitely nowhere near enough to get a good feel for the characters before it ended. The whole experience was just not fun and didn't inspire confidence that the full game will be much better.

As well, if they're trying to sell us on the story, they didn't do a very good job. They didn't really explain what the story is at all other than Ultron Sigma is up to bad stuff and everyone is all together for some reason. There's no actual context to anything, it's just a series of fighting vignettes one after the other. The structure of the story is boring and formulaic, with characters are shown doing something relevant to the story, they stop to quip at each other, enemies show up and they fight them. It's the Dead or Alive 5 book of uninteresting gameplay/story integration.

Also the dialogue is quite simply terrible. The opening narration by Ultron Sigma is some of the most cliche pretentious villain stuff imaginable, and it's in general super stilted and expository. EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER loudly announces every character's name as soon as they meet. "Dr. Strange!" "Spencer!" "Mega Man X!" Arthur and Thor's meeting is especially bad with some really unnatural dialogue. It's like those old Transformers comics where the characters go out of their way to talk to each other as if they're selling their toys.

There's even a "compensating for something" joke. Ugh.

Capcom seem to think the lack of story mode was the only reason SFV failed. So now they're putting this front and centre, when A - it's not that good at all, and B - the core game itself is simply not good enough to make up for it. I wasn't even that big a fan of MVC3, but at least that would've been a dignified way for the series to go out. This is Andromeda tier of franchise killer. This game has no business releasing in 2017 in the state that it's in.

EDIT - Also the fact that the demo ends by advertising the game's DLC and pre-order bonuses is the most Capcom thing.


I still haven't played the demo, but these comments about the load times are really disappointing. It's the main reason I left SFV behind some months ago.
ArcSys is a good alternative to please that fighting game thirst, I am having a great time with Rev2 which everyone should buy because it is great.

I hope the move to the Unreal Engine 4 doesn't affect that DBZ game.


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
Well that demo was depressing ...nothing to 'fix' almost everything is ....just wrong..
I remember a joke almost ten years ago about a hyper realistic 3D Model unreal style MVC3 and we all laughed

Now that joke is reality and that makes me a sad panda....

Haven't been this disappointed with a fighting game since SFxTekken.

This game makes MVC3 look DAMN GOOD.....and I thought that game was just ok now it feels like a diamond in the rough lol smh

I'm gonna re-buy MVC1/TVC and pre-order the new Dragonball so I can forget this existed

If anyone feels even half as "meh" about this as I do please don't buy this game the only thing worst than this game coming out is it selling millions and Capcom making more of this Marvel movie cash grab filth masquerading in the skin of a series we knew and loved.

no haagen dazs no curly mustache no mahvel baybee no fucking x-men

onslaught saying "the dream is dead" >>>>>>>>>> the 'story' in this game


I disagree.
Really wish we could at least have training room for demo. Content people would make would def have generated mad hype!

I'm really loving this new fighting system after putting in some hours just annoying that we have to vs lame ass Ai to do what we want and reload after you kill 'em quickly.

Btw, anyone know if Iron Man now has 8 way air plink from any recorded E3 footage? Thor got buffed big fucking time I'm hoping Iron Man got mad buffs. Good replacement for Magneto till they add him down the road. CAPCOM Pls don't fuck Iron Man like you did in MvC3 & UMvC3. 🙏👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


So.. nobody watched the Capcom stream today?
Mike Evans and Bill Rosemann talking about the game here at about 17:30. Watching now.

I know it's in spoiler tags, but you should still mark this explicitly as an Injustice 2 Spoiler. I clicked it, but thank god I don't care for NRS games already.

This is horrible.
I watched that live and it was a complete waste of time. Just a bunch of dudes who narrated over the weak ass story of the demo and talked about lore stuff. Typical tone deaf Capcom stuff.


I love Injustice, but no, the gameplay just doesn't compare to me.

Even this unifnished demo plays better.

Game feels like it opened up a lot of things, but took some steps back from UMvC3.

I meant more like presentation wise. Cause yeah marvel infinite will probably play fine.
Injustice 2 is amazing for all types of gamers but zoners are currently killing it's tournament appeal. It'll win in terms of sales but that's about it.


Is there a video anywhere explaining how to play this game? Like, do I have a light, medium and heavy punch and attack, that I can combo? And can I do tag attacks, or assists? And do they have power crushes, and infinity strikes? What else do a new player need to know?
I don't understand how this game is so hideous. I thought the art style in 3 was fantastic. I really hope legacy sticks are supported in the final release because I can't get anything going with the pad.


Apart from not being very fun to play and pretty bland looking it's the character roster that bothers me the most. It's just so booring. I'd rather have seen more SF and DS character than most of those capcom characters and the Marvel ones are not much better, they just have to use characters that are in the MCU right now don't they.



So.. nobody watched the Capcom stream today?
Mike Evans and Bill Rosemann talking about the game here at about 17:30. Watching now.

I know it's in spoiler tags, but you should still mark this explicitly as an Injustice 2 Spoiler. I clicked it, but thank god I don't care for NRS games already.

This is horrible.

It kinda looks like another incomplete game of theirs in the alpha stages that they're going to release two years early and they're going to sell at full price and gradually update it over the next couple years and sell those updates as "Season" passes.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Also the fact that the demo ends by advertising the game's DLC and pre-order bonuses is the most Capcom thing.

The most Capcom thing about that is that the pre-order function doesn't even work.


It kinda looks like another incomplete game of theirs in the alpha stages that they're going to release two years early and they're going to sell at full price and gradually update it over the next couple years and sell those updates as "Season" passes.


I didn't even hate the demo or anything, but at the end of it I'd say that I was lukewarm on Infinite more than anything else. Being greeted with a bunch of pre-order and DLC screens at the end kind of turns me off altogether. Like do I really want to commit myself to diving in, competing, and having to pick up all the DLC characters to train against? It's not like I think Capcom is particularly worse about DLC than other developers, but the thought just makes me that much less likely to pull the trigger because I'm not already sold on the core game in the first place.


Might be one of the worst demos I've ever played. Why give us a demo where all you fight are generic grunts? The game looks really unpolished overall.


benevolent sexism
I can't comment on the gameplay because I'm not a marvel guy but in terms of presentation this game is a garbage pile. The characters are ugly, the backgrounds are garish and tacky, the load times make the story unwatchable, and the script and line delivery are worse than any cartoon aimed at 8-year-olds.

An insanely low-budget treatment for a (currently) blockbuster collection of IP.


I have very, very conflicting emotions about this demo after finishing it. I love Marvel, I love Capcom, I loved MvC1 and 2 and thought MvC3 was good if not as good as its predecessors. The fanservice appeals to me on a molecular level.

But the cutscenes, voice acting, facial animations, and even the gameplay feel cheap and small. I blame part of that on the generic grunts you fight (how can you really learn anything about the gameplay when fights end in like 20 seconds?) but also this just feels like a low-priority rush job. It's rough, and not in charming ways. And the roster is far from awe-inspiring so far.

And yet - it's not awful, and I can see it being accessible and fun to play with friends and family. The simple combo system is actually a good idea. And I do love this series and these franchises.

So I don't know. I'm very, very much on the fence right now, leaning toward "wait for a sale".
Played the demo last night and came away very disappointed. It's one of the worst demos of a major game I've ever played and it's seemingly one of the only "E3" demos we will get this year. I see lot of griping about the graphics but that doesn't even bother me. These story scenes are so, so awful that I started skipping them after the one with Arthur and Thor. Everything about them is terrible. The writing and voice-acting are shit-tier. But even worse was the gameplay. The combat against the drones is boring, stupidly-easy, and over way too quickly to really enjoy it, and the combo system has, upon first impression, been dumbed down to rediculous levels. Spamming one button will do a ground combo, launch them, and then continue the combo in the air. I see people talking about turning off assists or something but I did not see that in the options when I looked (PS4). I'm one of those people who thinks MvC2 was the pinnacle of the series and was not in love with MvC3 because of the changes that were made. This game seems to stray even further from the light of MvC2 so I'm not really looking forward to it. Thanks to the multitude of SKUs and pre-order bonuses I'll probably wait to pick up some kind of ultimate version if it ever gets one. I hope for Capcom's sake that this demo isn't held up in the future as an example of how demos can hurt a game and why devs shouldn't make them.
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