Clair Anne Carr remix of "You'll Play Your Part".
And since I made a big post in the Humble Bundle topic, I'll quote it here.
And since I made a big post in the Humble Bundle topic, I'll quote it here.
The only comics I don't have are Friends Forever #1 and those comics that are just stills taken from the show, so I won't be participating in this bundle.
By the way a guide to the issues available:
Friendship is Magic (main ongoing series)
#1-4: Return of Queen Chrysalis arc. About Chrysalis kidnapping the Cutie Mark Crusaders and the heroes coming to their rescue. Recommended to read after the season 2 finale. IMO, it starts out very strong but the last issue is pretty weak.
#5-8: Nightmare Rarity arc. About Rarity being possessed by the remaining energy of Nightmare Moon. Can be read any time after the pilot episode, but the story takes place during season 3, despite some confusing things with Luna's design. The arc is fairly weak, but has some nice moments and I actually do like the way Nightmare Rarity is defeated.
#9-10: Zen and the Art of Gazebo Repair. About Big Mac trying to find some nails during a big festival. A fun comedy story that can be read any time after season 1.
#11-12: Neigh Anything. About how Princess Cadence and Shining Armor met in an 80's high school movie setting. A fun comedy story that can be read after the season 2 finale.
From this point on, every issue of this series that includes Twilight must be read after the season 3 finale.
#13-14: Friendship Ahoy. About the heroes helping a pirate search for treasure. I thought this was a fun arc, but others aren't as keen on it.
#15-16: Ponies in Book Land. About a book worm bringing stories to life. There are fun moments, but it's pretty weak overall, and there are parts that require some thinking to have them make sense in continuity.
#17-20: Reflections arc. About Celestia secretly traveling to an alternate universe and the problems this causes. In addition to the season 3 finale requirement, this story has references to Equestria Girls, but it's not required for understanding beyond knowing that the heroes have already encountered a dimensional portal. The first two issues are really really good, but it completely falls apart by the end, to much disappointment.
#21-22: Manehattan Mysteries. About Trixie being framed for a jewel theft. Does not include Twilight, but this story should be read after season 3 anyway. It's decently fun.
#23: Pets to the Rescue. A mostly dialogue-less story where the pets have to save the day. Decently fun, though the conclusion is weak.
Micro Series (10 issue miniseries, each focuses on one character, all stories can be read at any time except for Luna's, which has to be read after "Luna Eclipsed" in season 2)
#1: Twilight Sparkle. About Twilight helping a reclusive author. This story has bad art (apparently the penciling is fine, but the inking ruined it), but the story is decent enough.
#2: Rainbow Dash. About Rainbow Dash facing against powerful gremlins. The dialogue is cringeworthy, featuring a lot of totally rad phrases, and the story has bothersome aspects, but it's still entertaining.
#3: Rarity. About Rarity making the best of bad vacation. This is probably the best of the micro series, maybe even of all the MLP comics, and is highly recommended.
#4: Fluttershy. About Fluttershy gathering her courage to enter her knitting in a competition, but then it somehow turns into another Rarity focus issue instead. Slow, but decent enough.
#5: Pinkie Pie. About Pinkie Pie cheering up a retiring clown. Pretty fun, and the song in the issue does have a fan cover.
#6: Applejack. About Applejack trying to fend off a monster that steals apples and replaces them with squashes, the Sassquash. It's decent.
#7: Cutie Mark Crusaders. About the CMC helping a young shapeshifter find a good default form. Pretty good and it has really cute art (maybe too cutesy for some tastes).
#8: Celestia. About Celestia's relationship with an old teacher at her school. The flashback scenes are good, but the present day stuff is weak and doesn't actually resolve the main problem.
#9: Spike. About Spike accidentally creating intelligent life. It's decent.
#10: Luna. About Luna trying to handle ruling the day. It's pretty good.
Friends Forever (secondary ongoing series, each focuses on a different "pair" of characters, all stories involving Twilight or Discord must be read after season 3)
#1: Pinkie Pie and Applejack. About a baking competition. AVOID. Bad art and a nonsensical story that doesn't actually involve Pinkie and Applejack competing.
#2: Cutie Mark Crusaders and Discord. About Discord deciding to help the CMC on their quest. It's pretty fun.
#3: Celestia and Spike. About Celestia accompanying Spike on a quest. Includes Twilight. Pretty good, and it's a good showing for Celestia in particular.
#4: Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor. About the two investigating a ghost in the Crystal Empire castle. It's decent.
#5: Fluttershy and Zecora. About Fluttershy's animals starting to talk, and the two investigating. Must be read after season 3. Pretty weak.
#6: Rainbow Dash and Trixie. About Trixie being made queen of the Diamond Dogs, and Rainbow trying to help her escape. Must be read after season 3. Pretty fun.
#7: Luna and Pinkie Pie. About Pinkie trying to teach Luna how to be funny. Includes Twilight. Pretty weak.
#8: Applejack and Rarity. About a road trip, with all of the standard complications. Includes Twilight. This is a lot of fun.
#9: Granny Smith and the Flim Flam Brothers. About Granny helping solve a disagreement between the brothers. Pretty weak, and disappointing in how it doesn't take full advantage of the premise.
#10: Fluttershy and Iron Will. About Fluttershy teaching Iron Will to be more gentle. Must be read after the season 4 finale. Pretty weak, and like in "Putting Your Hoof Down", everyone except Fluttershy is uncharacteristically antagonistic to Iron Will.
This took longer to write than I thought it would, but there it is.