Thanks for the warning - I wasn't thinking about not getting it at first but after reading this I looked up some impressions and they seem...worse than "bad or OK".
Eh, there are decently positive reactions on The Round Stable (including our own Doctor, who was the reason why I added "or OK" when I hadn't seen any other positive reviews when I made that post), even if they're not so much gushing as saying, "It's not that bad, guys." There are definitely more people supporting this than, say, Friends Forever #1.
From what I gather, this issue is probably one of the most serious in tone stories MLP has attempted, especially considering that cyberbullying is common for the target audience now, but it has the problems that several characters don't act like themselves, even considering the idea that everyone is in their season 1 state; more importantly that those characters are very unpleasant, which was the big problem with "The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well"; the comedic relief is not well-handled; and the pacing is bad, especially in regards to a rushed resolution. Boiled down, I'd say the overriding issue is that the story presents an unpleasant situation with characters we like acting unpleasant, but doesn't resolve it in a satisfying way or lessen the unpleasantness enough to allow for the existing resolution to be satisfying. And some people don't like the art.
Though again, this is just what I've gathered from what others have said, and I have not read the issue, nor do I intend to.