I swear, you guys have this same argument over what should go under the spoiler tags every season. Is there really no solution that could be reached to make everyone happy?
Have we talked about this before? I don't remember being a part of it if it has, but I could be wrong. And the solution is simple. We act like adults and not complain every time someone doesn't put every minor detail behind a spoiler tag(Just to be clear I think this should apply to this show as it does shows like Game of Thrones or w/e and even movies and games).
reading untagged spoilers isn't trusting people to spoil themselves, it's someone else spoiling it for them
Okay, I'll just say it flat out. You are telling people what is or isn't a spoiler, the problem is, your version of what is a spoiler is absolute unreasonable. What Forester said was an completely minor thing based on his assumptions of what will happen from a video he watched... like 2 months ago? Even if what he said is actually correct, its based on such a small amount of information it can't possibly be that big a deal(and even if it is, it will probably be revealed in the first 10 minutes of episode 1). You just have this ridiculous notion of what is a spoiler, which wouldn't be a problem if this was a no-spoiler topic, but it is not, and it is not your topic either, so you do not get to choose how people should or shouldn't post.
If people discussing the show in the topic for discussing the show, without spoiler tags, is that bad for you, perhaps you shouldn't go into the topics where people go to discus the show? Then you don't run the risk of being spoiled about shit that aren't even spoilers in the first place and everyone else can have fun speaking freely about the topic without worrying about stepping on one guys, extremely unreasonable, toes.
I'm sorry guys, I just REALLY hate this whole 'spoil everything' crowd. I'll try to end my involvement here in this line of discussion and just say... You guys know what does and doesn't need to be spoiler-ed, and if you actually make a mistake, yeah, you should fix it, but don't let people like this tell you what to tag. You are(or at least most of you I assume) freaking adults and fairly smart ones at that, you can figure it out on your own.