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N7 Day: Bioware as a new Mass Effect in production, and want to hear what you like about the series (for real)


I'm down.

We can start by not insulting people for making something someone disliked.
No you're not, your 'engaging' zinger is 1 scroll up.

To reiterate, just for you. Mac Walters is still a talentless dumbfuck, as evidenced by his work on 3 games, and his removal is almost a prerequisite for there to be a well written ME game at all since he's the lead writer/franchise director, in core part responsible for the abhorrent, embarrassing writing in the last couple of games. Your rephrasing is about as farcical as the one about 9/11 being "sth some ppl did". You want a hard restart on the conversation go back to the 1990s and get Mac writing lessons. Until then this Mac's the one we've got, and he sucks dicks.

You can either start engaging, or you can go back to shitposting. That's the sitch.
Let's lay off the personal insults and conduct ourselves as adults.
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No you're not, your 'engaging' zinger is 1 scroll up.

To reiterate, just for you. Mac Walters is still a talentless dumbfuck, as evidenced by his work on 3 games, and his removal is almost a prerequisite for there to be a well written ME game at all since he's the lead writer/franchise director, in core part responsible for the abhorrent, embarrassing writing in the last couple of games. Your rephrasing is about as farcical as the one about 9/11 being "sth some ppl did". You want a hard restart on the conversation go back to the 1990s and get Mac writing lessons. Until then this Mac's the one we've got, and he sucks dicks.

You can either start engaging, or you can go back to shitposting. That's the sitch.
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Well look at the history when they ask for fan input.

They did this after ME2 as well when many of us asked if they were going to put back the RPG elements that were removed. Fill their empty worlds with actual things to do, etc and so forth.

The developers came into the BSN forums and actually TROLLED us on those points of what an RPG is. They started arguments with the community, banned the more outspoken and threatened the rest of the community at large before the launch of ME3. They even shut down their forums shortly after Andromeda was announced. By that time and Anthem, it was clear they didn't want any input from Bioware fans.

But NOW they want to listen to us? Who really believes that?
I was a member of the Bioware Social Network around that time. When Mass Effect 3 was released and the backlash to the ending was at it's height, they banned people left and right and it really left a sour taste in the mouth of many a Bioware fan. Many members of the forum remember the name Stanley Woo, who was a moderator infamous for banning people daring to even voice even the slightest criticism.

The whole ME3 shitshow really soured me on Bioware. In consolation though, that same year I ended up playing another game that was a nice alternative to their style of choice based RPGs. A little game called The Witcher 2 on the Xbox 360, made by a developer who know how to communicate properly with fans, CD Projekt Red.


I'm down.

We can start by not insulting people for making something someone disliked.

Why are you so interested in defending Bioware's honour in all of this exactly? I mean do you even have a spirited defence of Mass Effect 3?


Nintendo asked fans what it wanted and they made BotW. Worked pretty well that time.

Mmm yeah, I don't think its the same situation. I'm no expert onanything nintendo, but bioware has shit the plate many times since me3 ending, to the point that it lost it's way and no longer seem to have the spark or capability to make something as impactful and deep again. Asking fans what the want now seems like a cry for help.

I don't think nintendo ever had an issue with vision (even though Im not a fan of theirs).

So yeah, not a proper comparison, me thinks...


I love the "feel" of the original Mass Effect. That mix of classic sci-fi, film-noir detective mystery, uncharted worlds exploration, heavy synth soundtrack... it was magical.

Mass Effect 2 was fantastic too, but it felt different, it went more into the epic space opera side of things. The character interactions were great.

Mass Effect 3 is easily my least favorite of the trilogy, but the Citadel DLC was a nice send-off for the characters at least.
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Mass Effect needs a reboot in the lines of God of War or Modern Warfare

I’m not too experienced how those series rebooted.

Would it be akin to ME still showcasing Shepard and all the cast/story beats being the same, with perhaps a few tweaks here and there to improve what caused the game to be rebooted in the first place?

If so, I’d be ok with that.

Do I think it’ll happen? No.

Reason being the original creators have already taken a hard stance that they stand behind their creative decisions, and admitting anything other than it being stellar will make the ME team feel unsupported causing more turmoil within their ranks.

Now if almost all the team behind ME3 is gone and there are no objections at this point...maybe.

In my previous post in this thread, I almost made a mention of doing what some of the Hollywood franchises are doing (Terminator, Halloween) and just create a direct sequel to the original while overlooking the other “sequels” that were made.

I dunno, it’s just a dicey situation all the way around. Dragon Age needs to be released first, so I think that’ll be the end all discussion for BioWare. If they don’t stick that landing, then we will know what the future holds for the company.

Shame really.


- Call it Mass Effect 4
- Make the Destruction/Shepard Breathing Ending canon
- Shepard is the main character
- Bring back the dark vibes and isolation during planet exploration of ME1
- Give us a grounded story, I don't want to save the galaxy again
- Ignore Mass Effect: Andromeda and everything it stands for
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Mass Effect 3 might not have been to everyone's taste but it was SIGNIFICANTLY better than Andromeda, had Andromeda actually been half-decent we may have got a DLC by now instead of a hard-back book to compensate for the lack of DLC....


Why are you so interested in defending Bioware's honour in all of this exactly? I mean do you even have a spirited defence of Mass Effect 3?
It's less about defending them and more laughing at how upset and vitriolic gamers get over video game bullshit.

Hari Seldon

Scrap the idea entirely and come up with a new sci-fi franchise so that the mystery of uncovering the story and world is fresh again. Make it a real RPG and not another shitty 3rd person action game.

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
I’ve been playing though Mass Effect 1 again, and the atmosphere, and presentation of that game is amazing. I wish we could get back to the exploration and wonder of that game.

beating ME1 and having that ending, then that credits music playing, is still up there with one of the best gaming experiences I’ve ever had.

What makes it more annoying is the game was bought for me and it sat on a shelf for two years because I was sure I wouldn’t like it.

I deserved to be beaten to death on a beach as a crab for that cock up...


I liked Andromeda a lot. There was a lot of good stuff in there. But they made so many stupid stupid mistakes in terms of the design and execution. It's a shame. But of course they had the C team on this game because everybody else was working on an even bigger pile of garbage, Anthem.

What happened to you, Bioware.


Writes a lot, says very little
Remasters with all DLC and ME3 multiplayer.


Why would they do that? That sounds like something another team would actually do as most teams don't do their own ports, the publisher simply hires a team that actually does that.


Writes a lot, says very little
The only politics that should be in Mass Effect are intergalactic. I'm not against there being politics in the series, but they need to be relevant to the story and the universe.

Well.....who is to say in that universe gay people won't exist? Have some of you realized that in the future, you'll still have gay folks and still have folks that hate em? The issue with many gamers is they think anything in a game with a person of color, gay person, religious person, person with polticial views etc must be "forced politics" even if in the damn universe its something that clearly would still exist. Its like watching a version of Law and Order future edition and seeing a episode where someone is gay bashed or killed for a religious reason etc and you scream "reeeee politics" I mean...did you think in the future that would stop existing? So what I've seen from all the Mass Effect titles, is those issues are not really out of place as I'm pretty sure folks like that would still exist.

If someone likes the story or not is irrelevant. The subject matter of those politics has a place in something like Mass Effect as I don't think that would just disappear or something. I might not like the story, but I don't question the relevance of the subject matter.


Well.....who is to say in that universe gay people won't exist? Have some of you realized that in the future, you'll still have gay folks and still have folks that hate em? The issue with many gamers is they think anything in a game with a person of color, gay person, religious person, person with polticial views etc must be "forced politics" even if in the damn universe its something that clearly would still exist. Its like watching a version of Law and Order future edition and seeing a episode where someone is gay bashed or killed for a religious reason etc and you scream "reeeee politics" I mean...did you think in the future that would stop existing? So what I've seen from all the Mass Effect titles, is those issues are not really out of place as I'm pretty sure folks like that would still exist.

If someone likes the story or not is irrelevant. The subject matter of those politics has a place in something like Mass Effect as I don't think that would just disappear or something. I might not like the story, but I don't question the relevance of the subject matter.

There are lots of ways of having minorities and LBTIQRSTUWXYZ people included in a game and Bioware is one of the companies that does it the worst way.

They will make THAT characteristic the most important trait of those characters. Remember when Dorian (DA.Inquisition) was just "The first 100% male gay of Bioware!!!" and his story is literally "I'm gay and my family hates me for that"?
Or another char in Inquisition that its only notable trait is that He's a FtoM trans, and they have to tell you how the Qunn have a word for that because he's so cool and bla bla bla.
Or let's remember the "BIOWARE ADDS GAY PLANET ON SWTOR!!!"

You can make a gay/trans character and that trait be just a Role stuff of that character not important for the plot. Like when you choose the origin of Commander Shepard and it only changes some lines during the games.


Writes a lot, says very little
There are lots of ways of having minorities and LBTIQRSTUWXYZ people included in a game and Bioware is one of the companies that does it the worst way.

They will make THAT characteristic the most important trait of those characters. Remember when Dorian (DA.Inquisition) was just "The first 100% male gay of Bioware!!!" and his story is literally "I'm gay and my family hates me for that"?
Or another char in Inquisition that its only notable trait is that He's a FtoM trans, and they have to tell you how the Qunn have a word for that because he's so cool and bla bla bla.
Or let's remember the "BIOWARE ADDS GAY PLANET ON SWTOR!!!"

You can make a gay/trans character and that trait be just a Role stuff of that character not important for the plot. Like when you choose the origin of Commander Shepard and it only changes some lines during the games.

ok....that is simply arguing for better writing though. I even say "I might not like the story, but I don't question the relevance of the subject matter", so that just means they need some help with writing in some folks opinions.

"They will make THAT characteristic the most important trait" You could see it that way, but folks many times see someone "gay" as all they happen to be and nothing more, so I 'm sure more exist with those characters then simply "gay". I've yet to play any title Bioware has put out where the character was just gay and nothing else or something.


I've yet to play any title Bioware has put out where the character was just gay and nothing else or something.

Dorian. Dragon Age Inquisition.

Presented as "The Gay Wizard"
Main Story: "Family hates him cause he's gay"
If MC is male he will hit on you on EVERY.SINGLE.CONVERSATION just to remind you.


Writes a lot, says very little
Dorian. Dragon Age Inquisition.

Presented as "The Gay Wizard"
Main Story: "Family hates him cause he's gay"
If MC is male he will hit on you on EVERY.SINGLE.CONVERSATION just to remind you.

Ok....they were gay and nothing else?

You sure?

So I don't see some short bio just saying they are gay and leaving it at that bud.

Him hitting on you is part of his character. In Bravely Default Ringabel character was always hitting on all the women. That would be like a SJW saying that Ringabel's character was only presented as STRAIGHT and he will hit on the girls on EVERY.SINGLE.CONVERSATION just to remind you (proceeds to reeeeeee)
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In Dragon Age, every time Dorian offered me a MyPillow to bite down on brought me further out of the series and from the company. It showed me nobody is at the helm and the lunatics have taken over the asylum.


Doesn't matter what people think or want from the next ME: game, they will make it into some SJW-shit where the new shepard is transgender in order to please the 0.000000000000000000000000000001% crowd and fill it with everything you don't want.

As for what I want.
Remake the first one with better gameplay and RPG-elements, the other games can just fuckoff imo.
If the first one is a 10 the other ones are barley a five at best when it comes to story and will go as low as a 3 if im being generous.


Ok....they were gay and nothing else?

You sure?

So I don't see some short bio just saying they are gay and leaving it at that bud.

Him hitting on you is part of his character. In Bravely Default Ringabel character was always hitting on all the women. That would be like a SJW saying that Ringabel's character was only presented as STRAIGHT and he will hit on the girls on EVERY.SINGLE.CONVERSATION just to remind you (proceeds to reeeeeee)

Yeah but Ringabell's story wasn't about his sexuality. Dorian's was. You even have to go talk with his dad about the "he likes men" topic.

The most they pander to sjw the worse characters they write. In DA.origins we had Zevran, a bisexual elf, that the only moment he needs he has to talk about his sexuality is when he offers to do a "massage" to the Male MC and then he says "don't take me wrong, i prefer women BUUUUUUT...." And never feels like talking about that again, just like real life. But that was pre-sjw pandering Bioware.

Btw "male char hitting on all girls" is a Japanes trope you will find in most of their stuff. Like Brock on Pokémon or Sanji on One Piece.
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Writes a lot, says very little
Yeah but Ringabell's story wasn't about his sexuality. Dorian's was. You even have to go talk with his dad about the "he likes men" topic.

The most they pander to sjw the worse characters they write. In DA.origins we had Zevran, a bisexual elf, that the only moment he needs he has to talk about his sexuality is when he offers to do a "massage" to the Male MC and then he says "don't take me wrong, i prefer women BUUUUUUT...." And never feels like talking about that again, just like real life. But that was pre-sjw pandering Bioware.

Btw "male char hitting on all girls" is a Japanes trope you will find in most of their stuff. Like Brock on Pokémon or Sanji on One Piece.

"but Ringabell's story wasn't about his sexuality. Dorian's was" He still hit on women in the story though bud. Part of Dorians story was about his sexuality, after playing BOTH games, I can very much state that Dorian's story was much more then simply sexuality as clearly that bio linked doesn't just state "gay" and then nothing more. Sorry but the facts just don't lie, you can see from the link that his story wasn't just that which means clearly you lied or are misinformed on that bud. That isn't a "Japanes" trope as that isn't something exclusive to that country, games right now made in the west still have characters that hit on girls or clearly guys. Regardless of what it is, it happened, thus you can't make it seem as if it must be some agenda when clearly games have characters that hit on other characters REGARDLESS OF SEX! Unless you telling me its some straight male pandering and agenda on why Ringabell is hitting on girls..... So you couldn't say his character is ONLY there cause he is straight anymore then you can say Dorian's character is only there cause he is gay. No evidence exist to support either, as in the link to the bio of that character is not just a screen that states "gay "and nothing else, you know....facts....A link literally to the story disproves your whole post. I don't get why folks love going reeeeeee over stuff like this with zero evidence to even support what they are talking about, and then try to pretend they most definitely are not sjw....you seem to have a sjw arguing point. ie believe me please, its only in the game cause agendaz.

The rest of your post is just emotional raging so we going to have to just ignore going forward. You failed to address that link having a whole host of info other then sexually to support such a fake claim.


Dorian's story was much more then simply sexuality as clearly that bio linked doesn't just state "gay" and then nothing more.

That's his whole Ingame story arc. You have characters like Blackwall whose story arc is interesting, well done, with plot twists and important to the game's plot. And then characters like Dorian where the Story arc is just "my family hates me for my sexuality so I left my country*.

Your needing to talk about a completely diferent game in order to use a Tu Quoque is not helping your arguments. Then you give me a link to a bio filled by stuff that doesn't have anything to do with this conversation as I'm talking about a Party Member "loyalty mission" and not about its whole bio.


Doesn't matter what people think or want from the next ME: game, they will make it into some SJW-shit where the new shepard is transgender in order to please the 0.000000000000000000000000000001% crowd and fill it with everything you don't want.

As for what I want.
Remake the first one with better gameplay and RPG-elements, the other games can just fuckoff imo.
If the first one is a 10 the other ones are barley a five at best when it comes to story and will go as low as a 3 if im being generous.
I agree with you threre. First one by far was the best. Story wise, exploration, chatacters were far and above what we got with 2 and 3. Both imo mediocre garbage
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