I think it's real and just the same game without stutters and hitches. Upscaled maybe. It is released so quickly and with such low fanfare because it is a 40 dollar low effort remaster. I don't think they will ever do a full scale remake like you imagined because it would take too long/too much manpower as you implied. I would LOVE to be wrong on this.Not even just that. This is fucking Oblivion we're talking about. It's a Bethesda megaton. When this game released on the 360 it basically set the standard for console graphics back then. I fucking bought the system for this game. It was a monumental release.
Something like that isn't just going to conveniently drop in peoples' laps like some random bird turd. All casual like it's nothing. And if you believe that it will, you're probably a retarded person.
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