Indeed, the trailer was for me- Holy Shit ND fucked up so badly this time- moment, never experienced it before with any of the reveal trailers of that top notch dev studio.
They are like that modern feminist woman expecting traditional treatment(launch sale of their game) while presenting herself as offputing as possible and doing stuff that imediatelly puts her either in pump and dump or even never touch cathegory

U gotta provide ur customers(players) with value, they need to be hyped by ur reveal trailer, not disgusted by it, its marketing 101...
Just as a contrast, since many current day cuckhold ND defenders like to bring up TLOU2, that is the reveal trailer of TLOU2, back from 2016 playstation experience:
10m views, 329k likes/only 5k dislikes on it. It was fricken hellfire, we all loved it.