Because we're moving backwards in time towards the 1950's where some people think of race as the very first thing and top priority? I don't really care about this. I've played games with (gasp!) asian, black characters, even what would be called Native American (whether South or North) and I don't care. Vikings, Egyptians, Greeks....they were cool characters and I identified with them. I've even play games as (double-gasp!) a FEMALE character and I somehow managed to still stay ME. I guess I'm just special. Part of why I go by listing NO pronouns. Not because I don't believe in them, but because I'm so badass my pronouns literally cannot be explained or handled by mere mortals. I'm just too complex and too special! Maybe I can find a symbol someday to use as my pronoun. Kind of like what Prince did......Why does race have to be mentioned?
Also there was some mention of Cowboy Bebop on Neil Druckmann twitter. So I have my fingers crossed for bounty hunters in space kind of game. But that's just my wishful thinking.Aaaanyways....getting back on track, wasn't ND rumored to be developing some new title that was sci-fi or space based? I thought I remembered reading that a couple of years go. It IS a bit odd that we've heard absolutely nothing after TLOU2. Well, I guess the PS5 remaster of Uncharted, but other than that, I mean.
I think they could do a really amazing job with a space based game and story. Well, as long as they focus on the story itself and don't get distracted with other elements. Would be cool to see!
Surprising, awesome, painful to watch"First black lead" ahem.....
because race was used to torture peopleWhy does race have to be mentioned?
''Naughty Dog’s next project allegedly a new IP, featuring their first Black Lead''
Crazy to think that I used to think that ND can do no wrong. Such amazing and talented studio, but now, after TLOU2 and the first thing I read about their new project is this?
Fair enough. I now realize that is not a ND statement, I probably should read more carefully. I think I'm still pissed with them after TLOU2.I don't know what to tell some of you. I would argue the fact that anyone is even triggered by this is more questionable then this piece of information.
They also have no control over what "the first thing" you read about this new project happens to be, understand what I'm saying very very clearly.......
somebody saw the game, Saw the characters and decided to leak out that information (if it's even true) you're now reacting to what that person leaked out and your now making it sound like it's a "phrase" or "Hallmark" or some shit despite the main team never fucking saying this, there's absolutely nothing in the marketing because this game has never been revealed, there's nothing on Naughty Dog's website talking about this there's literally not a single shred of anything official talking about this to even say what you're saying because you're literally just basing this off of what someone claimed to see.
So could you not make a game and could I not see it leaked somewhere and decide to make my entire article about the race of the bad guy? Race of the main character? Race of the side character? What the fuck does that have to do with the game you're making if you yourself have never actually made the comment about that to make it a "Hallmark" of your product? So why the fuck would you take what this person is saying and try to force such a weird narrative despite this game not even being announced lol.
Be like "Studio Ev1L AuRoN's next project allegedly a new IP, featuring their first Native American Lead''
Ev1L AuRoN like "ok, but they are just saying that, our game is about much more"
No Evil, I read everything I needed to regarding this wokeness lol
Crazy to think that I used to think that Ev1L AuRoN can do no wrong. Such amazing and talented studio, but now, after Ev1L 2 the revenge and the first thing I read about their new project is this?
I hope I'm wrong, but that type of phrase is the hallmark of a mediocre product.
Fair enough. I now realize that is not a ND statement, I probably should read more carefully. I think I'm still pissed with them after TLOU2.
The thing is, I don't trust them like I used to, and I really want to be wrong. I'll wait to see more about the game before make my mind.
It's a new IP, they can make any lead they want. I hope it won't feel forced thou. I had a feeling they kinda went a bit too woke with TLOU2. It's amazing game don't get me wrong but playing as Abby felt forced for the most part. Second half of the game was not fun to play because I didn't really like this character at all, had a bit of fun much later when they introduced Liev - but overall something didn't click just right. Had a feeling there was a wasted potential in this game. And not just me, my female friend a big fan of first The Last of Us, had the same kind of thoughts as me.''Naughty Dog’s next project allegedly a new IP, featuring their first Black Lead''
Crazy to think that I used to think that ND can do no wrong. Such amazing and talented studio, but now, after TLOU2 and the first thing I read about their new project is this?
I hope I'm wrong, but that type of phrase is the hallmark of a mediocre product.
Me either, what I don't like is phrases like the first black protagonist like is some type of milestone. In reality it doesn't matter, companies that do that usually just want to virtue signaling and we end up with cringe stuff like the end of falcon and the winter soldier. But I clarified my misunderstanding, that statement didn't came from Naughty Dog and I'll hold judgement until I see more of the game.It's a new IP, they can make any lead they want. I hope it won't feel forced thou. I had a feeling they kinda went a bit too woke with TLOU2. It's amazing game don't get me wrong but playing as Abby felt forced for the most part. Second half of the game was not fun to play because I didn't really like this character at all, had a bit of fun much later when they introduced Liev - but overall something didn't click just right. Had a feeling there was a wasted potential in this game. And not just me, my female friend a big fan of first The Last of Us, had the same kind of thoughts as me.
I don't really have problem with skin color of lead characters tbh, I recently played Assassins Creed Origins and I absolutely liked Bayek character but he felt grounded in the world. Not forced. That's what they should go for, and go all in with proper world building and characters. If the lead was someone as badass as Idris Elba - I would play the shit out of new ND IP for example. Especially if he would be a bounty hunter in space!
ND should take notes from GG and what they did with Horizon Forbidden West. Excellent graphics, excellent story, excellent game, diverse characters and black characters with personalities galore.Me either, what I don't like is phrases like the first black protagonist like is some type of milestone. In reality it doesn't matter, companies that do that usually just want to virtue signaling and we end up with cringe stuff like the end of falcon and the winter soldier. But I clarified my misunderstanding, that statement didn't came from Naughty Dog and I'll hold judgement until I see more of the game.