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Naughty Dog Rumored to Be Developing New IP


become a target of woke ideologues simply because she wouldn’t put pronouns in her bio

You really think that's what the event was to cause her to 'became a target'?

Yet today I’m bombarded with cynical wokeness all around me, forcing me to evaluate things through colour and sexuality instead of the person. It’s not right, nor healthy.
Everything can become a culture war topic if you really want it to be. You might not have been doing it in the 80/90's but it wasn't financially rewarding for others to push this division as it is now.


So I see three great sins occurring here...

#1 We jumped to believe the Source without doing any real research (a shocker I tell you lol)

#2 We are damning a talented dev for making a new game they want to make Progressive (and hoo boy are they) or not, that's their right, they've earned it.

#3 The usual immediate complaints of "SJW" and "woke" being thrown around (remember that NPC meme, you've become said NPC)

Look no-one hates the current progressive religion more than myself (just check my post history), but when someone doesn't seek to change something ALA He-man, One piece or Cowboy Bebop (to name a few) LET THEM!

Christ, let the game succeed or fail on it's own merits, I get it, many were offended at the handling (and garbo writing) of LOU2, but this is a supposedly new IP, not a beloved existing one... Volcanoe High, that TKO game that offended everyone at the Sony SOP...Let these games exist, than maybe, jusssst maybe they'll quit fucking with existing IP's/remakes/reboots...

lol pretty much and the usuals show up to cry and tell people just how much it shouldn't matter (proceeds to give us 7 pages of tears) lol
See the NPC thing above
lol ok bud. AC did that and folks got triggered and called them woke. BFV did that and folks called them woke. There is no fucking appeasing "everyone" with SJW and anti-SJW. To add 1 demographic, each side claims pandering and secret dumbass agenda to take over the world (a fucking video game character is the end game eveyone), to add the opinion to create a character, 1 side will argue FORCED diversity (not sure who is putting the gun to anyone's head to play the game or make it but ok) and another side will nit-pick to death that its NOT diverse enough in that you can't make a whale, non-binary midget.
To be fair, AC got flak for altering history to be "inclusive" and BFV brought that shit on themselves for their baiting (the initial complaint was creating new strong female soldiers when real ones ACTUALLY existed)

Too true on that second part
This 100%^ Back when the SJW shit started to come out with that Youtube series, one of the things I recall even say was that you can't force a people to include you and you can't force anyone to represent what any demographic goes thru. I agree many are not represented well, but i draw the line at attacking developers, artist etc and making it some demand. No one can really represent us, like us. So imho I feel those that want such concepts need to be the ones creating such things vs asking, demanding etc.
Well freaking said
Episode 1 Slow Clap GIF by One Chicago

That goes for both sides.
Going to disagree a bit there, the right side isn't going after jobs or doxxing people yet, the extreme left IS and HAS been doing so for nearly 8 years now continually jumping on any righteous bandwagon they can
Doesn't matter to people like that, they'll see anything and get offended.
I'm saying. It doesn't matter, yet 7 pages later lol
It's a forum lol
The deep lolz yessssssssssssss You don't "think" anyone complained about those games? Sir....they made the same fucking claim about those games, that you yourself are making with this whole "mandate" for wokeness or something.
As you've stated earlier "everyone is offended", but no major stink was made over those games, hell Death loop got complaints for it's over exposure rather than it's two leads
Let’s go Brandon!
Joe Biden Falling GIF

Everything can become a culture war topic if you really want it to be. You might not have been doing it in the 80/90's but it wasn't financially rewarding for others to push this division as it is now.
And right there is the cause for so much of this and possibly the most frustrating, it's not about concern, but as always the bottom line (one of the reasons I'm baffled at the near worship of Corporations today lol


NaughtyDog Defense Force
He's taken more of a head Producer leadership role. I don;t know who is creative director. I would have to assume Sony knows internally that TLOU2 was not well received among fans regardless of how well it did in its first couple months. I think a fresh IP would be great, as long as its well thought out and no BS politics. Don't care who the main character or characters are as long as they are as well written as uncharted and Last of us part 1 characters I'm totally down.
They said from the beginning that they knew it would piss a lot of fans off.. Sony even knew that.


I believe it's their Sci Fi title - Stray's Cross.

TLDR Details

- Steampunk inspired
- 2 main characters, a criminal and a scientist
- Talented female scientist
- Male criminal

They both meet and discover the truth about a long hidden/secret conflict has been leading to a fall of humanity for ages.

Decide to cooperate together after finding out the truth about the secret conflict and that's where the adventure begins.

Wouldn't take anything at face value though until things are official, but make of it what you will.
Nd making an fps and not showing off their first class animations?!

Sound a bit bullshittery...
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
The funny thing is it sold 4m (the figure he has in his chart) in 3 days.

It's hilarious how ND got these guys so down bad to the point they looking for anything to prove their dumb shit.
It's going to be really funny when they found out that the sales are way past 4 million copies sold.

I've seen many people bring up those wiki sales numbers without realizing they're not current sales figures.


It's going to be really funny when they found out that the sales are way past 4 million copies sold.

I've seen many people bring up those wiki sales numbers without realizing they're not current sales figures.

These people aren't the brightest people because even with those dated numbers, Ellie was revealed to be gay in the first game's DLC and that game is sitting in the top 3 in his other chart lol.
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ND was my absolute favorite developer. Bought my ps3 because of them to play Uncharted. After playing the trilogy 3-4 times in a row back to back, bought the then-new vita and a copy of golden abyss... The game copy was stolen along the way in the post so bought another one and played that game 3-4 times as well. Then next year, 2013, I bought Last of Us - it was technically better but the sense of dread prevented me from replaying on the ps3. Nevertheless, ND was still my favorite developer, and every E3 I couldn't wait for their part in the conference. I also bought every single Artbook I could find (Uncharted, Uncharted 4, Last of Us, etc) and the Uncharted comic and paperback novel. I also watched and rewatched the moving comic Uncharted 1 prequel. Safe to say it was my absolute favorite game series. Later, in 2015, on my new PS4, I finally replayed the Last of Us and had a ton of fun with both the Last of Us MP (though it was made in a way that you had to buy additional weapons to stand a chance) and the U4 MP beta. A year later I bought pricy the special edition of U4. Finished it but something was terribly wrong. Melodrama, lack of proper pacing, and navel-gazing had replaced the fun and rush of adrenaline of the trilogy. Some of this lost flavor was still present in Lost Legacy, but alas, with Amy's and Bruce's departure the old ND was slowly but surely disappearing... And then came TLOU2... RIP ND.


I'm very excited about this. TLOU 1 and 2 are some of my favorite games ever so can't wait.

I may not have agreed with the way they concluded and paced the game but those boss fights with the infected were fucking pretty amazing. I would love a straight up horror game from ND. But I guess that might come across to close to how Last of plays since it has a ton of horror elements.


If TLOU2 is so hated how come it has one of the best completion rates of any single player game? It is nearly 70%. Well received games are usually half of that.

Even though I really disliked how it ended, and how they handled the pacing, the gameplay is fucking really good. Being able to slide backwards prone while shooting never got old. ANd that rat king boss fight, hollyshit my room mate watched that shit and was like " wtf is that!!!". He hates horror games so he noped right out of that game.

I think people who bought it still wanted to give it a fair shake, which to me says to Sony at least criticism wise you can't blame those 70% if they voiced their opinions on how they disagreed with the overall direction.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Racism exists in other places, by all races. Asia, Europe, etc. And it will exist for as long as people are different, tribal mentality is ingrained in our lizard brains as a form of pack survival. We will never overcome it by continually pointing differences instead of focusing on what makes us the same.

We will never overcome it because (like you said) it's the tribal mentality of humans. What will help is if everyone can be treated fairly and have equal opportunity throughout their lives. But it'll never solve bigotry.

That's great that they have a black lead but what the hell does that have to do with the game?

Why is this the info being told about the game?

Naughty Dog's unrelated pandering makes them look like try hards :messenger_neutral:

Why can't you understand that this story is NOT from Naughty Dog? It's like you want to hate ND or something.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
When I was a teen, Eddie Murphy was my Idol, I’m as European as you get. Never gave his skin colour an inch of thought. He was funny and a heroic star.

Yet today I’m bombarded with cynical wokeness all around me, forcing me to evaluate things through colour and sexuality instead of the person. It’s not right, nor healthy.

We only need to look at examples of cancellations of individuals like Gina Carano who is a well established sweetheart; become a target of woke ideologues simply because she wouldn’t put pronouns in her bio. Those that preach acceptance- what a joke.

Shit ain’t working. Judging the content of people’s character is the only thing that can possibly solve things.

This has NEVER happened in the history of mankind. So why are you acting as if it's something that's started recently? People have NEVER been judged soley by the content of their character.
I honestly didn't think I'd like The Last of Us 2 as much as I do. Naughty Dog knows how to create gripping gameplay in a way alot of other developers don't, TLOU2 feels so visceral. I even made my own Last of Us 2 trailer. Check it out

To be quite honest I always thought Naughty Dog's gameplay was mostly subpar. I beaten all of uncharted games and there was nothing groundbreaking about them as far as gameplay cause it was quite average and nothing revolutionary.

It's usually the story, characters and visuals and animations that carried their games.

Last of Us gameplay is super slow and not that great either, story and characters is a whole different deal though.

Last of Us 2 I would argue is where the gameplay actually got amazing and ended up carrying the game through and through because the story in my opinion was kind of lackluster and disappointing for the reasons you already all onow.

Visuals and animations obviously are unmatched.

I think TLOU 2 Naughty Dog really stepped up their gameplay game, so I am excited too see what a new IP will bring now.
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Gold Member
This has NEVER happened in the history of mankind. So why are you acting as if it's something that's started recently? People have NEVER been judged soley by the content of their character.
Life’s not fair and never will be. But continued poking at a festering wound does not help the process.
Those who wield power, know how to manipulate and control the masses through use of it.

People need to stop being empty vessel pawns and giving into the constant divide & conquer paradigm.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Life’s not fair and never will be. But continued poking at a festering wound does not help the process.

Those who wield power, know how to manipulate and control the masses through use of it.

People need to stop being empty vessel pawns and giving into the constant divide & conquer paradigm.

These both assume that the current situation is advantageous for all people. It's not. It's easy for certain people to say "stop poking a festering wound" when it's not your arm that's cut. When it's my arm that has the wound, I'm going to want to tend to it. I'm going to want to heal it. Someone else with 2 perfectly working arms may wonder why I'm spending so much time trying to heal the wound in my arm, but I think that's unfair and misplaced. How about you either help me fix the wound in my arm or step out of the way and not slow me down from fixing it myself.

If everyone acknowledged that there's an issue in the first place, maybe the divide & conquer paradigm wouldn't work as well. Look at this thread as a GREAT example. The mere mentioning that the lead character may be a black person, has some people upset or having issues with it. Which lead to images like this being posted about Naughty Dog.


And consider after all the games that ND has made, the poster above still thinks this is a funny post to use against ND. Are you guys actually okay with this?


To be quite honest I always thought Naughty Dog's gameplay was mostly subpar. I beaten all of uncharted games and there was nothing groundbreaking about them as far as gameplay cause it was quite average and nothing revolutionary.

It's usually the story, characters and visuals and animations that carried their games.

Last of Us gameplay is super slow and not that great either, story and characters is a whole different deal though.

Last of Us 2 I would argue is where the gameplay actually got amazing and ended up carrying the game through and through because the story in my opinion was kind of lackluster and disappointing for the reasons you already all onow.

Visuals and animations obviously are unmatched.

I think TLOU 2 Naughty Dog really stepped up their gameplay game, so I am excited too see what a new IP will bring now.
I see what you're saying but Uncharted did push more cinematic experiences unlike anything else at the time. The train scene in Uncharted 2 was a moment in gaming for me. TLOU2 with headphones is totally immersive in a way I believe very few games do. That type of gameplay Naughty Dog has gotten better and better at. I agree nothing revolutionary but they're definitely at a quality that is mostly unmatched.

Their next IP will be something like we've never seen before I'm almost 100% certain


These both assume that the current situation is advantageous for all people. It's not. It's easy for certain people to say "stop poking a festering wound" when it's not your arm that's cut. When it's my arm that has the wound, I'm going to want to tend to it. I'm going to want to heal it. Someone else with 2 perfectly working arms may wonder why I'm spending so much time trying to heal the wound in my arm, but I think that's unfair and misplaced. How about you either help me fix the wound in my arm or step out of the way and not slow me down from fixing it myself.

If everyone acknowledged that there's an issue in the first place, maybe the divide & conquer paradigm wouldn't work as well. Look at this thread as a GREAT example. The mere mentioning that the lead character may be a black person, has some people upset or having issues with it. Which lead to images like this being posted about Naughty Dog.


And consider after all the games that ND has made, the poster above still thinks this is a funny post to use against ND. Are you guys actually okay with this?
Most aren’t against you tending to yourself, and want to help also - most people are good natured. I certainly do. It is the approach that we vary on.

I’m adamant the woke overreach is making things worse. It’s bombastic, creates division - oppressor vs oppressed. Inflammatory language such as white supremacy, racist - being flung around all too casually.


Hopefully something closer to project eve, or something like genshin impact minus the gacha aspects, not keeping my hopes up though, their 2010-2020 track record is horrible for me. Gotta stay optimistic though, sony allowed project eve to be shown, also they acquired crunchyroll, so it's possible that sony want their studios to change their direction as well.
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Most aren’t against you tending to yourself, and want to help also - most people are good natured. I certainly do. It is the approach that we vary on.

I’m adamant the woke overreach is making things worse. It’s bombastic, creates division - oppressor vs oppressed. Inflammatory language such as white supremacy, racist - being flung around all too casually.

yep, woke left identity politics are dividing the nation; I'm all for helping minorities and all that, but we're doing it at the expense of white people, demonizing them accusing them of white privilege, slave-owners, colonialists, etc

Like what Condolezza Rice said about Critical Race Theory, She completely denounced it. She's all about equality; empowering black people and make black people proud of who they are, but her problem is that we're doing it at the expense of white people, we're making them feel guilty. And I'm totally against that ( I'm a visible minority myself)

and this is the last post I will make in this topic, cuz It's too close to be political (or may be it's already so)
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This has NEVER happened in the history of mankind. So why are you acting as if it's something that's started recently? People have NEVER been judged soley by the content of their character.
I think you are very ignorant and need to get around better people.



According to an insider that goes by the name @RalphsValve on Twitter, Naughty Dog will be working on a new IP as its next major game. The mysterious insider says very little else about the project in question, but notes that the main protagonist of the game will be a black character. As a whole, what's being expressed here wouldn't be shocking to see come about, but it's important to take it all with a grain of sale. While this insider has had scoops in the past that have later been corroborated by others, it's hard to know if this most recent bit of into will prove to be true in the future.

Still relying on race instead of treating everyone equal without focus on color.

Racist Naughty Dog.


I’m adamant the woke overreach is making things worse. It’s bombastic, creates division - oppressor vs oppressed. Inflammatory language such as white supremacy, racist - being flung around all too casually.
Hmm, quite interesting to say this when we see a group of people create a culture war topic out of Big Bird talking about vaccination now when they had to issues in the 70/80's. We can't pretend that a group of people aren't financially being rewarded for causing outrage on both sides. Though think one side is ahead of the game.

Also people take attacks on the system very personally, I could reshare the differential of treatment of CV's based on name but thing it would just be dismissed. Also it does sound like there is a group of people whom want to Bury their head in the sand around certain topics for various reasons.


Should have sold better than 4m since the price droped super fast and i have already seen it for 10-20 bucks months ago.
Some people in the thread most likely correctly informed me that those figures in the wiki article were launch numbers. But still doubtful it surpassed TLOUS 1 numbers. And it should have! It is indeed at least half off in price now. My guess - probably 6-8m copies sold. But that game should have been an absolutely massive hit, like TLOUS 1. It shouldn't have been divisive and dismissive of its fan base. This game was like an Indiana Jones movie killing off Indy. Or a Star Wars movie killing off Han, Luke and Leia... Oh wait... Well at least they spared Chewie and Ellie.

P. S. I think it's telling that there's no released data of the global sales to date of this particular title. If there was data that would show results worth celebrating, they would surely have released it. Ghost of Tsushima, on the contrary, does have cumulative data that includes 2021 sales.
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Simps for Amouranth
Cant believe "gamers" are still questioning the talents of a studio like Naughty Dog, its almost fucking laughable if it wasn't so sad, no matter what they're working on, what story they've chosen or characters to populate it, its gonna be a fucking event Game and i for one cannot wait, there are few studios i would blind bet on and they are one of them, these guys simply do not make anything other than fucking great games


Writes a lot, says very little
But still doubtful it surpassed TLOUS 1 numbers.
? Huh? Why would it? Its been 1 year, The Last Of Us 1 came out 8 years ago..... why the fuck would it surpass The Last Of Us 1 in sales in such a time frame when clearly The Last Of us 1 didn't must move 20 million units in 1 year?
should have been an absolutely massive hit, like TLOUS 1.
The Last Of Us 1 in this exact time frame didn't move the units The Last Of Us 2 has moved....so...I don't know what to tell you. You seem to be under this impression that it should have moved 20 million units in under a year when even the game you are talking about didn't do that....

So within 13 months, The Last Of Us 1 sold 7 million units.

The Last Of Us 2 sold 4 million physical units in 3 days, 2.8 million units digital before the ending of its debut month. So before the ending of its first month, it was something like 7 million.

So....3 to 4 weeks 7 million vs 13 months 7 million.

I've yet to see any fucking data to tell any of us that it was suppose to sell 20 million or 18 million or 15 million or 10 million in that time or anything weird like that, its already the fastest selling PlayStation game in history, yet you are clinging to this odd narrative that "should have been" based on a fucking game that didn't even do the thing that is happening right now.....

I think it's telling that there's no released data of the global sales to date of this particular title

Not really. We didn't get sales data every single year for God Of War and it moved 20 million units (by now anyway lol) , Sony litearlly didn't continue to just keep telling us EVERY YEAR how much it sold. So they are likely waiting til the PS5 directors cut, The Last Of Us 1 remake, Fractions MP or PC Directors Cut etc like you saw from God Of War.

No Sony game has ever given us sales data every year bud. When the do, you'll just find a new thing to spin or cry about regarding this.

This is as much as we know regarding this.

1. It moved 4 million in 3 days
2. It moved 2.8 million digital its debut month.
3.It confirmed the best selling Sony published game of 2020 and overall number 5 in the United States
4. It still charts on PSN as of literally last month (likely do to being a horror of sorts)
5. Sony has NEVER given data yearly on any 1 title. Not only can it be random, they many times might stop posting that information all together and just wait til an announcement linked to it to tell us like we saw from God Of War.

Ghost of Tsushima, on the contrary, does have cumulative data that includes 2021 sales.

It also has a directors cut that came out too....do you not see why they might have given that data like we saw with God Of War?

Ghost is not even on the charts for PSN last month, The Last Of Us 2 was =)

So it simply sounds like they want to wait til some event, or news or announcement to share that info. The new tactic seems to be to argue ignorance, then when told those are launch numbers, cry about not hearing NEW data to pretend that it MUST be BAD if the didn't tell you every day about it, what will it be when you finally hear it moved massive units man? Its literally still charting and its long after all the spoilers and info is out for people to make that choice on if they want it or not, so clearly many don't really care THAT much about this whole " divisive and dismissive" thing regarding the game. Shit we talk about it, but the vast majority doesn't seem to give a shit. It merely sounds like you want any info to make it seem as if its a negative thing, as to why you favor the silence of Sony vs addressing objective numbers, why talk about that as suppose to solid data in the first place? Why did someone need to even inform you those are figures from mere days of release and not months or years? But ye Sony not saying something hold more wait suddenly despite them not telling you about God Of Wars number from 10 million to 20 million, literally from May 2019 to October of this year aka 2021 they didn't tell you shit, where was you worry about that? Thats an even longer time from The Last Of Us 2's launch to now bud, its not some dark conspiracy.

Make it make sense. If you want to know what is normal, look at what they normally do, if you want to know what is good or bad based on those figures, what is the best and what is the worst on the data. The Last Of Us 2 hurts too much of your logic man, its already the fastest selling Playstation game in history, using the first games data won't help much until we get to 8 years and can even compare something like that in total vs 1 year old vs 8 years old. Its a extemely unfair comparison and suspect bud. Why would anyone expect 1 year for it to move 20 million? smh. Does the next God Of War need to move 20 million in under 1 year for you to not attack it too or?

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Is TLOUS2 divisive, friend? Yes, it is. Did it lose a certain percentage of sales due to this, despite its technical and aesthetic prowess? Yes, it did. Could it have sold more if Bruce was still on board? Very likely. Is it universally lauded and the masterpiece people claim it to be? No - lots of people didn't appreciate the narrative choice.
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