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Naughty Dog Rumored to Be Developing New IP


I mean TLOU2 was announced in 2016 & gameplay for it was shown off in 2018, this guy says the casting was for a "secret project" they're working on.
Yeah I doubt it.

If they were making a second game back in 2018, they would have announced it by now.

That casting call perfectly matches Jeffrey Wright as Isaac. Probably just didn't say what game the casting was for, idk.


America was built on racism since 1619 and it never has stopped. So it's no surprise that it becomes a topic in a thread like this.
Racism exists in other places, by all races. Asia, Europe, etc. And it will exist for as long as people are different, tribal mentality is ingrained in our lizard brains as a form of pack survival. We will never overcome it by continually pointing differences instead of focusing on what makes us the same.
Racism exists in other places, by all races. Asia, Europe, etc. And it will exist for as long as people are different, tribal mentality is ingrained in our lizard brains as a form of pack survival. We will never overcome it by continually pointing differences instead of focusing on what makes us the same.
The world doesn't work like that.
I believe it's their Sci Fi title - Stray's Cross.

TLDR Details

- Steampunk inspired
- 2 main characters, a criminal and a scientist
- Talented female scientist
- Male criminal

They both meet and discover the truth about a long hidden/secret conflict has been leading to a fall of humanity for ages.

Decide to cooperate together after finding out the truth about the secret conflict and that's where the adventure begins.

Wouldn't take anything at face value though until things are official, but make of it what you will.
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You mean celebrating differences. Cultural differences at that, not inherent traits. Best Actor, not best Black actor, or Gay actor.

As we start dividing up things in such ways, we regress as a society.
I mean celebrating differences and similarities. They go hand in hand. You're making them mutually exclusive. Life will never be that black and white.
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The only Naughty Dog games I ever enjoyed were the Uncharted games. Was hoping to see more of those, but with the way they are going, I am not sure if I care what they do anymore. I am clearly not the demographic they are going for. Which is totally fine. I have plenty of other games to play. Or I could replay Uncharted again.
The only Naughty Dog games I ever enjoyed were the Uncharted games. Was hoping to see more of those, but with the way they are going, I am not sure if I care what they do anymore. I am clearly not the demographic they are going for. Which is totally fine. I have plenty of other games to play. Or I could replay Uncharted again.

lol what demographic are you, that a black lead wouldn't adhere to your archetype?


I see what you did there.

we all know ND is doing it to check boxes. thats the problen
Well, I mean, you don't know that objectively though...

Is that what you'll assume if any race outside of white is a the main playable character? That's pretty crazy man, and pretty much is counter productive towards making more races as main characters outside of white seamless

unless however you have an issue with that concept. And think think that white is a default that is more "malleable" across different concepts than other ethnicities?
I did not say anything about that.

you just said that they don't seem to make games for your "demographic" any more...

all this thread indicated is that there is a black lead. and the only other game that did anything different with a playable character was tlou part 2 where you pay as a buff chick.

so I'm just wondering what your "demographic" is...based upon only what you just said.
Give me a Blood Diamond type game set in Africa and have you scavenge for supplies and fight rebel troops to liberate villages. Not asking for open world Far Cry but wide linear Last Of Us 2 on crack minus the infected.

Make it dirty, bloody, visceral combat. Build on from Last of Us 2 melee and gore.

It comes down to a pandering + PR game for companies + the sales demographic.

Most western game studios are actually white + asian employees, yet you hardly see any asian leads in western games. It's almost all white and black. You also see almost no latino leads in any game unless it's a game like GTA involving thuggish hoods or drug traffickers. And the Latino/Hispanic population is bigger than Asians and Black combined. Yet basically nada.

And I cant remember ever seeing an East Indian lead or a Native Indian lead except maybe Prey.

Modern day PR is catering to the Black + LBGT communities.

In recent years, the black community is all over gaming and tvs ads. The LBGT group isn't really in media, but instead you get a million companies changing their logo to rainbow on Linkedin leading up to June. When Pride MOnth is over, they change it back.

Every company I've work at the past 10+ years has done this, BUT internally only one actually did some kind of marketing to that group putting money into promotions as part of Pride parades or causes. The rest did nothing except change the corporate logo for a month. There's going to be lots of people who think changing a logo means they care. But really it's just to get some brownie points hoping it leads to more sales.

I don't think black people have any issue seeing asians, indians, latinos etc in their games as a playable character, likely would support it aswell.
especially considering blacks have had little issue playing as whites for all their lives.

it's really only a certain demographic that has an odd complaint that one or 2 games a generation has a black lead or otherwise. not a good look for that particular demographic.

and the notion that studios aren't mixed with a variety of nationalities outside of white, is simply unlikely. these are large teams, that i'd assume have quite a few other nationalities in them that rarely get to even see their race represented.

which again, shouldn't be a big deal.
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Black history is american history, period. Native History is AMerican history period.
Social media and why this place has banned political thread section is because of people yelling saying they feel marginalized. Yelling to bring attention is something that works yes. But thats to shine a light on something that has not been brought to everyone's attention. Everyone knows how marginalized people of color and minorities are. Yet the people yelling the loudest are African american.

Why dont you hear anything about Asian americans? Which asian/chinese history is american history.(railroads were built on basically Chinese slaves)
Resetera seems like a great fit for you if you can't take people who are just excited for a new game regardless of the person as the lead. Usually the best games are the ones that lets the game speak for itself and not someone yelling that they feel represented.
People that are just being trolls or ass hole you can ignore them. But I don't need people to do what people at reset do and paint a brush stroke that everyone needs to be vocal with the said representation.
If you feel it needs to be yelled more, go to resetera.
People are free here to talk. If you don't like it and you think it's out of line then grab a mod. Most of us me included were raised to treat everyone with respect. Everyone to me are people. You race, religious beliefs, nationality does not matter to me.
The same goes for content I consume. The more people stop making deal about a black character in a game the more people stop looking for it, and its just a great game to them.
I just want to say, that telling the individual you are debating with to go to resetera is essentially an admittance that you wish for this forum to maintain itself as a particular echo chamber lol

Are we finally admitting that gaf turned into Fox News while Era is msnbc? and you'd like to keep it that way? Forums used to be a place with a variety of different opinions; seems different these days.


I just want to say, that telling the individual you are debating with to go to resetera is essentially an admittance that you wish for this forum to maintain itself as a particular echo chamber lol

Are we finally admitting that gaf turned into Fox News while Era is msnbc? and you'd like to keep it that way? Forums used to be a place with a variety of different opinions; seems different these days.
If that’s all you got from my exchange than so be it. I advocate on here for acceptance . What I don’t advocate for is people bringing race politics in threads that really had nothing to do with race when most peeps are just excited about a new IP.

Resetera is a echo chamber. It’s just literally 3 people in this thread that made it about race. When most people outside off troll posts just want to talk about a new ip with a great cast.
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If that’s all you got from my exchange than so be it. I advocate on here for acceptance . What I don’t advocate for is people bringing race politics in threads that really had nothing to do with race when most peeps are just excited about a new IP.

Resetera is a echo chamber. It’s just literally 3 people in this thread that made it about race. When most people outside off troll posts just want to talk about a new up with a great cast.

um, the majority of the people in this thread were saying relatively negative things about naughtydog and implying pandering, and wokeness. Despite the fact that ND themselves didn't release that statement.

and if you really think that resetera is the only forum that has a "lean" or general perspective, then you aren't being honest. in fact you are very aware of this fact, otherwise you wouldn't have told that guy to go to a different forum.

you just dismissed that guy's statements as "liberal and tried to redirect him to a forum that is liberal, as if liberal opinions have no place here. you kind of told on yourself, you know exactly where this forum leans.


IDK if I can handle another woke game from that clown. Destroyed an amazing IP. Prob why he's jumping ship to another one.


IDK if I can handle another woke game from that clown. Destroyed an amazing IP. Prob why he's jumping ship to another one.

I heard its not his game. He may not be main director on this only Writer, co-director. His hands are tied with HBO.
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I would have high hopes if Niel Drunkman stays as far away from the new IP as possible.

He's taken more of a head Producer leadership role. I don;t know who is creative director. I would have to assume Sony knows internally that TLOU2 was not well received among fans regardless of how well it did in its first couple months. I think a fresh IP would be great, as long as its well thought out and no BS politics. Don't care who the main character or characters are as long as they are as well written as uncharted and Last of us part 1 characters I'm totally down.

um, the majority of the people in this thread were saying relatively negative things about naughtydog and implying pandering, and wokeness. Despite the fact that ND themselves didn't release that statement.

and if you really think that resetera is the only forum that has a "lean" or general perspective, then you aren't being honest. in fact you are very aware of this fact, otherwise you wouldn't have told that guy to go to a different forum.

you just dismissed that guy's statements as "liberal and tried to redirect him to a forum that is liberal, as if liberal opinions have no place here. you kind of told on yourself, you know exactly where this forum leans.

My entire point was about political in games. I'm fine talking about a games character in question, and there are people that reacted in with "woke" remarks. But most of us just want games we care about period. The issue with you labeling this place, is you think resetera has only issues with people leaning left which there's nothing wrong with anyone with those views and are free to express them.

If you or others want to make a thread about Naughty Dog and diversity of characters nothing stopping you. This was about a leak, and for people to have the mindset that one must talk about the characters race and bring it to light, because everyone needs to be educated is one of the reasons this place is about free speech.

What I and others have issues with is hijacking a thread and then going off because others dont fall in line with others outlook on how people of color and minorities should be discussed or in general have a correct opinion on.

Go look at people who were the triggered culprits. People literally asking for Mods to lock the thread. To me thats the same as someone wishing for someone to get a ban because they dont like the differing of opinions. People are sick of seeing it all over everything, we come to gaf to talk about things we love, and there are definitlky threads for such talk for people who want to spread the word, and discourse over minority's but we dont want this place to become where thats the most important talking point. Thats what resetera has become. They literally are all about race politics, and making you feel like shit for loving video games from Japan/Korea because of bad representation.

And thats kind of the vibe a lot of people on here get when people start talking preachy about representation in games on here.

I'm done talking about this, back to ignore you go.
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you just said that they don't seem to make games for your "demographic" any more...

all this thread indicated is that there is a black lead. and the only other game that did anything different with a playable character was tlou part 2 where you pay as a buff chick.

so I'm just wondering what your "demographic" is...based upon only what you just said.
Well, you I guess. They seem to make games for you. I enjoy action with comedy, which Uncharted had. TLOU series was too serious, brutal and eventually woke for my taste. I guess until we see more than nothing, there is not much to discuss. But so far it only seems to check a box. Let's wait and see if they can do more than check boxes.


Writes a lot, says very little
I'm like 70% sure the leaker just mentioned black lead to cause discourse and get even more attention.
lol pretty much and the usuals show up to cry and tell people just how much it shouldn't matter (proceeds to give us 7 pages of tears) lol
This is why I wish Naughty Dog made a narrative focused game where you can build (character creator) any type of character and it would fit to gameplay and narrative they built. It’s the only way forward in this medium and it would appease everybody.

lol ok bud. AC did that and folks got triggered and called them woke. BFV did that and folks called them woke. There is no fucking appeasing "everyone" with SJW and anti-SJW. To add 1 demographic, each side claims pandering and secret dumbass agenda to take over the world (a fucking video game character is the end game eveyone), to add the opinion to create a character, 1 side will argue FORCED diversity (not sure who is putting the gun to anyone's head to play the game or make it but ok) and another side will nit-pick to death that its NOT diverse enough in that you can't make a whale, non-binary midget.

I don't think you fully understand just how ignorant each extreme side is on this.

Using their logic, nothing is basically allowed in games. All things are agendas. I even fucking joke that you'll see them boycott Forza and GT claiming an agenda with car companies. Be like "ok but why mention FORD cars, it shouldn't matter" and or "Ford and GM was enough, why add in Toyota to have FORCED DIVERSITY" or "The director of the game drives a Dodge Ram.....now a Viper is on the cover of the game? AGENDA!!!!!"
They seriously have to use racial identity as a tease? It is actually a hype killer. Strange times.
Who is they? The person who leaked this is the one that brings that up.
It's almost like there is a history to do with black representation that makes it matter. Because of the fact that representation matters. Because black people being represented in media matters. Because for the first 50 or so years of any media, black representation was made specifically to caricature, denigrate, disparage black image. So yes it matters, it matters that naughtydog wants to create their first lead black character. They are some of the best storytellers in the industry and it matters that they want to put a black face as the lead in their story.

You should rethink why introducing a game as having "first black lead" makes you recoil in disgust.
This 100%^ Back when the SJW shit started to come out with that Youtube series, one of the things I recall even say was that you can't force a people to include you and you can't force anyone to represent what any demographic goes thru. I agree many are not represented well, but i draw the line at attacking developers, artist etc and making it some demand. No one can really represent us, like us. So imho I feel those that want such concepts need to be the ones creating such things vs asking, demanding etc.

That goes for both sides.
Naughty Dog has said nothing nor is the person making the tweet a verified source but here we are on page 4 with nothing but butthurt Caucasians in an uproar. As much as y'all bitch about "WOKENESS" you're the ones stoking the fire because it makes you angry on a personal level.
Doesn't matter to people like that, they'll see anything and get offended.
what about the ones who type up paragraphs online of being in absolute shambles by the rumor of a black lead being in a game (i.e. you)

if race doesn't matter, it shouldn't matter, right? lmfao
I'm saying. It doesn't matter, yet 7 pages later lol

The ones saying it doesn't matter, should be the least triggered, offended and in tears. If this makes them upset, they need to simply make their own game.
I dont think anyone ever complained about any of these characters being black.
The deep lolz yessssssssssssss You don't "think" anyone complained about those games? Sir....they made the same fucking claim about those games, that you yourself are making with this whole "mandate" for wokeness or something.

The problem here is that it seems to be a mandate for ND

How do you know though? You legit say "seems to be", yet sir you can just say some shit like those games "seem to be a mandate" too, you'd have just as little evidence on those titles as you would anything from ND

Unless you fucking read their minds, you'd know not of why they made the character or the artist behind it etc. This is coming from the same fucking users saying shit like "who cares", so fuck...WHO CARES Slimy? Lets say they have a "mandate" who cares right? =)


Writes a lot, says very little
Racism exists in other places, by all races. Asia, Europe, etc. And it will exist for as long as people are different, tribal mentality is ingrained in our lizard brains as a form of pack survival. We will never overcome it by continually pointing differences instead of focusing on what makes us the same.
The world doesn't work like that.

I'm sure it does and I don't disagree with what you want, but P phat_crazy is correct. The world doesn't work like that. Its a great wish and shit I wish it did work that way as you are correct that we should focus on what makes us the same.......generally the world doesn't hold that same view.

So mckmas8808 mckmas8808 is correct. That concept is alive and well in the United States still as much as I wish it would end, as much as I agree with the hope of what you want it to be like, its simply not how any of this works. Its wishful thinking and hopeful as fuck, but I'm not shocked you see it in this thread even remotely.
Idealisms and sayings thrown around while human nature remains static. Recognizing the differences are just as important as recognizing what makes us the same.

^ Agreed.

Seeing a difference doesn't mean one doesn't see what makes us the same. One can see something is different and respect that while also focusing on what makes us the same too. It doesn't need to be an either or and I don't even get this all or nothing mindset that makes it sound like recognizing any difference MUST be a negative.

I don't think black people have any issue seeing asians, indians, latinos etc in their games as a playable character, likely would support it aswell.
especially considering blacks have had little issue playing as whites for all their lives.

This. and thank you btw as a black male, I've been telling people this for years, for god sakes my profile pick is one of my favorite characters of all time.

I don't mind playing different characters as I like the change of pace and I like to see what's different and get a different type of story, character etc.


Then there was a Reddit leak in 2019 showing that the codename for this project was "Stray's Cross." Apparently it's a first-person action-adventure game with steampunk elements.



Black protagonist... cool

Described as a 'criminal' who's background was due to a shooting with the cops... lol

swing and miss if true


Racism exists in other places, by all races. Asia, Europe, etc. And it will exist for as long as people are different, tribal mentality is ingrained in our lizard brains as a form of pack survival. We will never overcome it by continually pointing differences instead of focusing on what makes us the same.
Racism exists in other places, by all races. Asia, Europe, etc. And it will exist for as long as people are different, tribal mentality is ingrained in our lizard brains as a form of pack survival. We will never overcome it by continually pointing differences instead of focusing on what makes us the same.

but as humans we are more intelligent and we can choose. also racism is a human thing. do animals even have the capacity to hate another animal over the colour of its fur? its something a person chooses.they just choose because they are cunty shitty people probably raised by the same type of people.
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but as humans we are more intelligent and we can choose. also racism is a human thing. do animals even have the capacity to hate another animal over the colour of its fur?
Fun fact, they do.

Animals that suffer from albinism are often shunned by their peers, have trouble finding partners to mate, abandoned by their mothers, or killed.

Advice, dont go for the animal kingdom to criticize bad human behaviors, because you'll most definitely find similar patterns there. That includes stuff like hatred for different communities or killing for sport.
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Racism exists in other places, by all races. Asia, Europe, etc. And it will exist for as long as people are different, tribal mentality is ingrained in our lizard brains as a form of pack survival. We will never overcome it by continually pointing differences instead of focusing on what makes us the same.

...and what better way is there to demonstrate that we're all the same than to provide an avenue to display different POVs on a mainstream level.


Naughty Dog's embracing of the religion of critical race theory is bad for gaming long term. Their games evolve technically and visually while the enjoyment plummets while we have to endure being preached to. I'm seeing signs this new ip will further regress the enjoyment one could possibly get from this entertainment product.


...and what better way is there to demonstrate that we're all the same than to provide an avenue to display different POVs on a mainstream level.
When I was a teen, Eddie Murphy was my Idol, I’m as European as you get. Never gave his skin colour an inch of thought. He was funny and a heroic star.

Yet today I’m bombarded with cynical wokeness all around me, forcing me to evaluate things through colour and sexuality instead of the person. It’s not right, nor healthy.

We only need to look at examples of cancellations of individuals like Gina Carano who is a well established sweetheart; become a target of woke ideologues simply because she wouldn’t put pronouns in her bio. Those that preach acceptance- what a joke.

Shit ain’t working. Judging the content of people’s character is the only thing that can possibly solve things.
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egoistically hope that it's nothing like uncharted or the last of us..but given they made a shitload of money with those two,it will probably be another heavely scripted high production values tps


Because there hasnt been a real AAA game with a black lead since like... GTA San Andreas? It was news with Ghosts of Tsushima too except Asian lead. Its good to see
... wait this is someone's actual opinion? This is just factually, objectively incorrect.
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has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
This so much. You have no other info on the game at all, but what color the lead is is what matters? Fucking Druckman, what have you done to this once great studio
"Once great"

Laughs in Uncharted 4 and TLOU Part II
Whole lotta ironic whining. Youre not even snowflakes, its out right raindrop behavior. “Black main character” is such a hard trigger word for some of you sunlight-less chair decorations. Reflect on your insecurities you awkward body bags. Same people that can’t handle a woman with an opinion without hitting them with a kitchen quip. Your regurgitation of the word woke deserves a self-inflected slap.


When I was a teen, Eddie Murphy was my Idol, I’m as European as you get. Never gave his skin colour an inch of thought. He was funny and a heroic star.

Yet today I’m bombarded with cynical wokeness all around me, forcing me to evaluate things through colour and sexuality instead of the person. It’s not right, nor healthy.

We only need to look at examples of cancellations of individuals like Gina Carano who is a well established sweetheart; become a target of woke ideologues simply because she wouldn’t put pronouns in her bio. Those that preach acceptance- what a joke.

Shit ain’t working. Judging the content of people’s character is the only thing that can possibly solve things.

I can't believe what I'm reading. You're absolutely ridiculous lmaoooo.
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