Writes a lot, says very little
We would never know really, regardless its the fastest selling Sony published game in history, at this point you can only argue something else could have sold better but its debatable as The Last Of Us 2 now sets that mark...Could it have sold more if Bruce was still on board? Very likely
Thats nice, a lot also don't care based on its record sales.lots of people didn't appreciate the narrative choice.
We can argue "lots of people" don't like Call Of Duty, its irrelevant when its moving 30 mill. It simply has no relevance. If you want to talk about how you personally feel about the game sure, but it has nothing to do with what I posted as I kept that about its sales figures sir. I never debated how you feel or how others feel about it etc. They are free to feel that way and I never stated otherwise.. I'm simply addressing this odd belief it should have sold better desptie it already being the fastest selling Sony published game in history and that it should have surpassed The last Of Us 1, yet that game itself didn't do 20 million in 1 year.
Its why you want it to be a personal thing or "lots of people" and or "could have" yet provide little evidence to support how that actually proves it should be surpassing The Last Of Us 1 in a little over a year. Its expecting a record on top of a record in a shorter time frame lol