loves Arcade Sticks

NeoGAF AUGUST 2015 Pick-Up Post!! Show Us Your Gaming Goods & MORE!
Dear NeoGAF,
7 full months into 2015... How are you enjoying your year of gaming? I hope everything is well. Now would be a good time to start saving up for the Holidays. Speaking of which, what are you looking forward to the most?
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Your Neighborhood Friendly,
Welcome to the monthly tradition on NeoGAF! Since November 2006 <3 !!!
NeoGAF AUGUST 2015 Pick-Up Post!! Show Us Your Gaming Goods & MORE!
For those of you new to this thread, this is a place for us to show off our new pickups and discuss them!
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Post ACTUAL pictures! No one cares to see pictures they can find on google images....
Post ACTUAL pictures! No one cares to see pictures they can find on google images....

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Do not CRITICIZE other people's pick ups. This is a friendly thread. No need for insults!
Do not CRITICIZE other people's pick ups. This is a friendly thread. No need for insults!
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Oh yea I wanted to say one more thing!!
Post ACTUAL pictures! No one cares to see pictures they can find on google images....
Post ACTUAL pictures! No one cares to see pictures they can find on google images....
Post ACTUAL pictures! No one cares to see pictures they can find on google images....

July was an insane month for me. I just came back from Japan in early July, then went straight to Anime Expo, Comic-Con and EVO 2015. Here are my favorite things from July!

My friends at Aksys Games gave me this awesome Guilty Gear Xrd - Sol Badguy banner! They got Daisuke Ishiwatari to sign/personalize it to me! Thank you!

Thanks to my friends at Funimation, I got to attend the red carpet world premiere (English Dub) of Dragon Ball Z Resurrection 'F' !

My Air Jordan 1 OG - 'Shattered Backboard' posing with my Mad Catz USFIV 'RIVALS' TE2 FightStick! Orange life is real.

Awesome trio of new shirts from BAIT. I love the Macross / Robotech designs.

Anime Expo wouldn't be Anime Expo without an anime related pick up! Limited Edition of the second Persona 3 movie on Blu-Ray!

Comic-Con is one of my favorite times of the year!

Enterbay 1996 All-Star Game Michael Jordan! This one is sportin' my favorite sneakers of all time (Air Jordan XI Columbias)!

Udon's exclusive set of metal Street Fighter cards!

Can't forget the elusive Ono-san card! This one is the rarest!

Check out this awesome sketch from Long Vo (Udon) of Chun-Li and her Mad Catz arcade stick <3!

Comic-Con exclusives on deck!

Gotta love the Lego Action Comics - Superman set <3

Udon artbook covers also double as posters. Gotta love the "ladies" of Street Fighter

Took me forever to finally get the new Air Jordan I OG Chicagos!

Got the new Ultra Street Fighter IV 'RIVALS' TE2 and Hori VLX for PS4 during Comic-Con!

And I modded the Hori VLX with Mad Catz buttons lol. :3

The awesome ladies of Summoner's Cafe got me some awesome gifts! D:

Josie Rizal (TEKKEN 7) art that they made for me <3 !

One of the coolest gifts I've ever received... An original theater display card for Bruce Lee's "Enter the Dragon" from 1973.

Most people know that I love sneakers... but I really love video game related sneakers! Check out these UBIQ X Rockman (Megaman) sneakers <3 !

Super limited Street Fighter V - Ryu faceplate cover for the PS4. <3

The GOLD EVO 2015 TE2 trophy/prize that was given out to the top placers during EVO weekend.

Special EVO TRITTON headsets

Samurai Taisho Darth Vader. So gangsta.

Kenshiro art print by artgerm.

Share a coke with your VF-1J.

Exclusive TEKKEN shirt for Comic-Con & EVO. This shirt features art from jbstylez and the characters Lili and Eliza!

EVO 2015 was a great experience this year <3 !

Some gifts from my friends at the TEKKEN Project Team and Bandai Namco Ent.

As I mentioned. I'm all about sneakers that are video game related. These are the hot Xbox One Adidas that no one knows about

Urban fashion brand, UNDFTD (Undefeated) did a collaboration with Xbox One as well. Check out this hot controller!

Toodles made me this awesome LEGO FightStick <3

BAIT X Street Fighter socks.

EVO weekend was extremely busy. I'm grateful that a friend of mine was able to go (during the show) and pick me up a pair of the Air Jordan 7 'Bordeaux' !

GandaKris surprised me with a custom amiibo. It's me as Pikachu in a Mad Catz shirt. lol.

Arcade Shock's limited edition EVO button, by Sanwa. And an extremely rare HORI Kuro button!

My SplitFrame arcade stick bag & my new Fighting Edge (with Mad Catz buttons, lol).

New custom parts for the Mad Catz TE2. These are the bezel trim areas and the side panels. Taste the rainbow.

Masters of the Universe! This set is awesome. If you're curious. Look up the 'Super 7' MOTU exclusive on the interwebs.

My friends at Jordan Brand/Nike sent me a set of these Hare Jordan pins

OG Air Max 95 Neons!

The Chuck II. 98 years later Converse releases an updated version of one of the most popular sneakers in the world, the Chuck Taylor. If you want to know the difference, here's an excellent read about them:

And finally... Got some games last night. Finished chapter 1 of King's Quest already. I LOVE IT! Waiting for more.
What was your favorite stuff you got last month? Post it up and start posting your NEW pick-ups from this month as well!