fart town usa

Finally took the plunge and bought a used PSVR kit off eBay
Games I've played so far
Skyrim - I'm more or less brand new to this game, only played the first hour or so when it first released on PS3
Resident Evil 7 - I've played through this 3-4 times outside of VR
Sega Genesis Classics
Astrobot: Rescue Mission
Ace Combat 7
So right off the bat, the visual fidelity really surprised me. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised because it's old tech at this point but VR on a base PS4 really doesn't look that great, at least with the games I've played so far.
Skyrim: Doesn't surprise me that the graphics aren't too great but it's kind of laughable when you're out in the open world, rivers in the distance just look plain bad, tons of pop in, rough textures, etc. However, the game is fun as hell to play. I've been utilizing the dual Move controllers with direct movement and while it's pretty janky, it's also just damn good fun across the board to be swinging swords and running around. PSVR doesn't allow for mods so it's definitely hindered in that regard but it's $20 right now and worth every cent. The biggest compliment that I can give Skyrim is that I really do feel like I'm a part of the world. I stopped playing the game early on when I got it on PS3 because it was just too overwhelming, all the options and stuff. With PSVR, I just don't really give a shit. I'm just running around, not really concerned with missing out on things. I just want to get quests and explore caves. It took an experience that felt like micro-managing and changed in into something that makes me feel like I'm Madmartigan from Willow.
Resident Evil 7: I didn't expect the graphics to take this much of a hit. It's pretty jarring cause I'm already familiar with the game and how it looks on a TV or Monitor. Jack stalking me is definitely scary, probably just as scary to me even outside of VR. VR would have been a better initial experience but honestly, as it stands right now, I feel like playing the game on a TV is a better experience. It's also just downright hard to look at in VR at times, not because it's the areas are gross, I just can't find a brightness setting that works for my eyes. It's either too dark to just way too bright. The well-lit areas are honestly hard to look at. I am early into the game, in the safe room after unlocking the hatch in the kitchen so maybe I'll adjust and it won't be an issue. So far the coolest aspect is being able to peer forward or look around corners. It really lets you see a lot of small details that are missed when playing outside of VR. Also, I haven't played RE4 VR but it's probably the better of the two. RE4 just looks way more interactive than what RE7 can provide.
Ace Combat 7: This seemed fine, I don't know the controls so I only played for a few minutes but looking around inside the cockpit is incredibly immersive.
Sega Genesis Classics: The VR mode allows you to actually be inside the Menu Room, you can look around and play the games as if you're sitting on the ground in front of the TV. It's pretty cool, a total novelty and nothing mind blowing but it did bring back slight feelings of when I was a kid and playing the Genesis in the exact same manner. It's a really cool update that Sega added in.
Astrobot - Rescue Mission: This game right here is the killer app so far. The way that it expands your area of play for a platformer in that you can stand up and look around to find secrets and stuff. It's hard to describe how cool it is because a FPS in VR, most people can wrap their minds around that. A platformer though, footage just doesn't capture it. Having the headset on and controlling Astrobot is a special and unique experience. The gameplay is simplistic so far but it's just so damn fun, the graphics are gorgeous too, no complaints there. It was literally one of those gaming experiences where I was involuntarily saying, "OH WOW...." over and over. My wife loves it too, it was really cool watching her play and seeing her smile, laugh, etc. The game just makes you feel things in a different way.
Do I recommend PSVR? Absolutely. I don't $400 recommend it but I got a full kit for like $230, I don't regret paying that at all.
I definitely plan on getting Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, Drunken Bar Room Fight, and there's some YouTube videos I've seen that showcase some really solid games, can't remember their names though.
The main thing that PSVR has me excited for though is PSVR2. The PS5 has been on my radar but I didn't really have a need for one, PSVR2 is going to cause me to get a PS5. It's going to be insanely expensive but man, since this is going to be a huge aspect of gaming in the years to come, I definitely want to experience it because it really is a damn cool experience.
I do need to also mention that VR 100% takes a toll on your body. It physically and mentally drains you, I'll hopefully adjust but I have to take a break like every hour or so cause of the eye strain and it kind of gives me shaky legs. Jack chasing me in RE7 made me a little nauseous but nothing so far that made me feel physically ill.
So GAF, are you like me and have been wanting PSVR but haven't taken the plunge yet? Were you an early adopter? Do you just flat out hate VR, or does it make you ill to the point where you can't play it?
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