2023 is upon us and another year of opportunities await us to take advantage. I'm going to take some big chances and make changes, to better myself.
Here are mine, that I should have done a long time ago:
1. Healthier eating.
I'm 5'11/180lbs. I don't eat like a pig and I'm not overweight, but I have consumed MANY pizzas and burgers over the past 10 years, multiple times a week. I've also consumed too many sugars and I fear irreversible health complications, later in life. I want to feel better after I eat as well, rather than run down and tired, in need of a nap. I've already recently been cooking my own simple meals and experimenting, but I need to do it more.
2. LESS video games and related content.
I've been playing video games (habitually) since I was a little kid. I also watch/listen to content creators that just fill in dead space, rather than enrich my life. The objective is to reduce the amount I consume and engage, so that I'll free up time for more important things. I plan on building a new PC and getting a PSVR2, and I plan for those two things to be my last major gaming investments, at least for a few years.. I don't see much future for gaming left in me, so it feels like it's time to wane a little off the teat.
This is a big one, but it's also the easiest to change. I've been viewing porn since my teen years, but it's positive effects no longer exist for me. I have to view so many photos/videos/tabs just to get through sessions that takes more than 15 minutes. It's also reduced my ability to connect with others, including for sex. I used to have more meaningful connections 10 years ago, but porn has allowed me the easy and socially destructive path to pleasure. NO MORE. I want to engage a real person more frequently, again..
4. Get an advanced education/find new profession.
This will be the biggest and most difficult task, but it can be the best change, for me. I feel like I'm wasting my potential not pursuing deeper understanding of my interests, skills, and capabilities. I've never been a fan of going back to school, but the only excuse I've had is fear of challenging myself. I've also been working the same job for over 7 years and there's little to no more growth in my field, for me. It's time to see how much better I can do.
5. (Low priority) Build my body.
This isn't as important to me as the previous objectives, but I do want to change my physic. In the photo above I already look close to the photo on the right (but with minor belly fat), thanks to my job. I used to look like the photo on the left (7 years ago), until my current job and better eating. However, I want to build more muscles. Not to an unreasonable degree. Just enough to feel the difference and be more physically capable. The issue is going to a gym. I don't like performing around others, so will have to figure it out. I also want to do this because people who work in my field end up leaving, after they've done some major improvements to their bodies. If it builds that much confidence to move onto better things for them, then why not give it a try for myself. I'm long ready for something better.
Well those are my new year's resolution plans. What are yours?

Here are mine, that I should have done a long time ago:
1. Healthier eating.

I'm 5'11/180lbs. I don't eat like a pig and I'm not overweight, but I have consumed MANY pizzas and burgers over the past 10 years, multiple times a week. I've also consumed too many sugars and I fear irreversible health complications, later in life. I want to feel better after I eat as well, rather than run down and tired, in need of a nap. I've already recently been cooking my own simple meals and experimenting, but I need to do it more.
2. LESS video games and related content.

I've been playing video games (habitually) since I was a little kid. I also watch/listen to content creators that just fill in dead space, rather than enrich my life. The objective is to reduce the amount I consume and engage, so that I'll free up time for more important things. I plan on building a new PC and getting a PSVR2, and I plan for those two things to be my last major gaming investments, at least for a few years.. I don't see much future for gaming left in me, so it feels like it's time to wane a little off the teat.
This is a big one, but it's also the easiest to change. I've been viewing porn since my teen years, but it's positive effects no longer exist for me. I have to view so many photos/videos/tabs just to get through sessions that takes more than 15 minutes. It's also reduced my ability to connect with others, including for sex. I used to have more meaningful connections 10 years ago, but porn has allowed me the easy and socially destructive path to pleasure. NO MORE. I want to engage a real person more frequently, again..
4. Get an advanced education/find new profession.

This will be the biggest and most difficult task, but it can be the best change, for me. I feel like I'm wasting my potential not pursuing deeper understanding of my interests, skills, and capabilities. I've never been a fan of going back to school, but the only excuse I've had is fear of challenging myself. I've also been working the same job for over 7 years and there's little to no more growth in my field, for me. It's time to see how much better I can do.
5. (Low priority) Build my body.

This isn't as important to me as the previous objectives, but I do want to change my physic. In the photo above I already look close to the photo on the right (but with minor belly fat), thanks to my job. I used to look like the photo on the left (7 years ago), until my current job and better eating. However, I want to build more muscles. Not to an unreasonable degree. Just enough to feel the difference and be more physically capable. The issue is going to a gym. I don't like performing around others, so will have to figure it out. I also want to do this because people who work in my field end up leaving, after they've done some major improvements to their bodies. If it builds that much confidence to move onto better things for them, then why not give it a try for myself. I'm long ready for something better.
Well those are my new year's resolution plans. What are yours?
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