(this following is not just meant as an answer for you but as a general statement, just so you know I'm not talking specifically about you with this

all I am saying is that the quote everyone is basing this whole thing on right now does in no way say that both consoles use RDNA2, it simply doesn't say that, it never said that and no one thought it said that back when we all thought the Series X will also use RDNA1 with RDNA2 features added.
this whole thing is based on a quote that people interpret in a way that fits their narrative instead if taking it at face value where all it is is someone talking about GPU features and new PC GPU releases.
and why does everyone who is married to Sony now want this quote to say both use RDNA2? because that validates an "insider" leak they particularly like, that is the sole reason.
because the github leak that still is by far the most reliably source of info said the tested chip is RDNA1, so how handy to have a quote that they can manipulate to say what they want to hear.
it is quite frankly ridiculous and it is getting worse by the minute.
I am still absolutely certain that the PS5 will be in the ballpark of 9 to 10 TF and is using RDNA1 with added features (namely RT and VRS) and I believe this because there is still no convincing explanation for what that leaked chip is for if it isn't meant to be used as the APU of the PS5.
and I also think that this is what people should expect in order to not get disappointed.
all this arguing will not change what is inside the PS5, you guys know that right? even if all that say 9.2TF are wrong or all the people that say 13TF are wrong, this will not change anything once the final console is revealed. it is just that all the people expecting 13TF RDNA2 are setting themselves up for disappointment and all they base their believes on is hearsay and and people that change their estimates all the time and in some instances were completely wrong about what they said... may I remember us all about how one of the "leakers" that said 13TF and which is now seen as prove also said Sony bought Remedy a few months ago with no one noticing and no public announcement of this until now even tho Remedy is publicly traded?
expect 9.2TF, and be happy with every GFLOP you get on top of that... in the end it doesn't matter if you think the PS5 has an RDNA2 GPU with 13TF of power or if I think it has a 9.2TF RDNA1 gpu, the real console is already finished and ready to be produced soon, nothing we do here changes that.
and if it is 13TF RDNA2, me and others telling you it is 9.2TF RDNA1 will not have any impact on how the console will be received or if people will buy it or not, does it? all it will be in the end is some were right and some were wrong, that's it, which is why no one should get heated about it and which is why people should expect 9.2TF RDNA1 with RT and VRS because we can be certain that this is the bare minimum we will get from the PS5.
all you do to yourself by insisting it has to be 13TF RDNA2 is that you set yourself up for disappointment if it turns out 9.2TF RDNA1 was correct. just like all the people expecting close to Xbox One performance from the Switch because, "it surely has to use a new Tegra X2 chip and not that old Tegra X1", were disappointed in the end when it turns out, not only did it use a Tegra X1 but it also used it with way lower CPU clocks and even lowered GPU clocks compared to the reference specs.
•These discussions will not change what will be inside the PS5 or how it will be received
•Everyone calm down
•Expect 9.2 RDNA1 with RT and VRS
•Be pleasantly surprised by every GFLOP we will get beyond that
•Don't set yourself up for disappointment by clinging to weird interpretations and hearsay insiders that already had very spotty predictions