Yeah, but we are the consumers, not the owners of the company... From a gamers perspective, it's a shame.Basically this says Sony will not use a cool name for this and depends of each publisher do it.
I repeat one company is selling a lot more games than the other this year in the current gen so this is normal.
One company needs better publicity in order to sell more and the other is already ok and please don't start say one company is evil
and the other not because was not Sony or Nintendo which popularize the online in exchange for a pay, these are companies only want
your money.
Here's a question, for a 32mb texturefile what is the size it would be if compressed with just Kraken vs Kraken and oodle?
Gran Turismo PS5 Could Target a Mind Melting 240 Frames-Per-Second
We’ve already seen Gran Turismo Sportrunning in 8K resolution, but speaking with Australian media at a recent event, Polyphony Digital honcho Kazunori Yamauchi revealed that he believes 4K is good enough for games. The veteran believes that framerate is much more important, and he’s potentially aiming big for the PlayStation 5’s first incarnation of the massive simulation racing series.
“In terms of frames-per-second, rather than staying at 60fps, I’m more interested in raising it to 120fps or even 240fps,” he said. “I think that’s what’s going to be changing the experience from here on forward.”
Gran Turismo PS5 Could Target a Mind Melting 240 Frames-Per-Second
Need for
Not related to nextgen but hardware related...
Intel.... lol
As far as I can tell:
Texture compression is usally 5-15% losless
This new oodle tool can do 20-50% with minor loss in quality
For xsx and bcpack its somewhere between 50-60% for textures also with loss in quality.
Overall if the PS5 can use that new format this and kraken will definetly crush the bcpack ssd/io speed by far. 9gb/s should be common and 22gb/s would actually be possible for PS5.
Why are people still posting this incorrectly sized fan renderThe PS5 is a large lad.
Ohhhh we so ready❤
When you boot up the game you’ll be right there in the action.
I think people that buy digitally buy more new games overall, as well as spending extra on “deluxe” versions and season passes.
The only people I know in my friends groups that are mad about discs are also mad about waiting a few weeks on a game they’re hyped for to try and save £5-10. They won’t buy a season pass unless they have to to stay with the group, they’re constantly selling new games they just completed and are just tight in general, despite having about the same disposable income.
They see any game on their shelf not currently being played as cash they can’t spend, and one of us from our group has bought GTA V (used) a few times as we’ve played online and then got bored of it before an update comes out that gets us all interested again.
Buying a used game lines the pockets of game shops while being entirely valueless to Sony and the developer.
I think the Digital Edition will cost massively less than the difference found in the Blu-ray drive cost price.
Digital sales are valuable every time to Sony and the developer, cut out the middle-man, and are typically done by impulse buyers and those who buy more games (that count) in general.
I expect a minimum of $50 less on PS5DE.
WTF are you doing roaming around with that blue name? Here, I just extended your auto-refresh torture for another month.![]()
*Strokes my shitty 6870 GPU and 1100T CPU*I mean how could Intel fall so far so fast after being in their position? I really don't get it.
Mod of War help..!
But seriously, thank you. You are truly a lovely bloke! I will suffer the auto-refresh-that-should-only-work-if-you’re-on-the-last-page-please with a brave smile on my face.
The PS5 is a large lad.
For the first part of your comment, it's because he's a little bitch. The other stuff, we'll know in July when they hopefully show Series X footage.Anyone know why Brad Sam's is so scared of the 2nd most powerful console in the world?
Oh right, this gen MS also had the most powerful console and managed to finish 3rd to a 720p machine.
Remember that gen when they were cheaper and given a years head start and still lost to the most expensive console in the world? And that was when MS actually had some interesting IP.
I mean their most recent reveal wasn't even running on XsX. They were all target renders. They even opened with a game made by some lone wolf in his basement.
I don't understand where all those extra 2 flops are going? Why aren't you showing us Minecraft RTX 4k 60fps? That alone would make me clap. But we're gonna see that next month I'm sure of it. 3 weeks is plenty of time to fix it.
I mean minecraft is an old legacy game with the most simplistic graphical textures of all time. Heck 120fps should be the target. My current PC which is 6 years behind runs that shit. Bolting on RTX should be easy peasy.
Are you saying the PS5 isn't an absolute unit?Why are people still posting this incorrectly sized fan render
I knew that bad mofo Cerny was under playing stuff. He left surprises for devs to see themselves. 22gb number wasn't put out there just cause. They would of stress test and hit that number multiple times to deem it note worthy. I guess this answers that unreal 8k texture stuff huh. RAD Gaming tools about to be bought by Sony if they haven't been already. Sony already own audiokinetic. So I can see it happening.
What do you reckon they hit. I say right now 9-12gb?? The number will rise as devs find tricks & upadtes roll out throughout the gen.
That's something i couldn't answer without having access to their library. Here is just about the only benchmark of rad game tools compression library compared to other methods. Oodle textures optimizes already compressed BCn textures to gain between 3% to 40% reduction in size according to their website.Here's a question, for a 32mb texturefile what is the size it would be if compressed with just Kraken vs Kraken and oodle?
This picture is wrong, I finally got the right one:The PS5 is a large lad.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Oodle Texture is more efficient than BCPack, too.
RAD Game Tools have been around for a very long time, with their technology chosen and used across all platforms, and the team they have working on compression are excellent as shown by Oodle’s other formats that were selected to run on CPU instead of the open-source Zlib with dedicated hardware on PS4 and Xbox One.
Middle-wear is RAD’s bread and butter. It’s what they do for a living and they are an industry leader. You see their logo in a lot of splash screens and end credits.
Microsoft developing BCPack internally primarily saves licensing costs. It’s a one off fee from the cost of the small team you have working on it. From what I’ve seen from the guy working on it on Twitter, it’s still something in active development and not yet nailed down.
The Oodle licences Sony has bought for all PS4/PS5 software for any third-parties will not have been cheap.
Oodle Texture won’t have been a last minute thing, but known about and worked on as long as Kraken integration will have been.
The same developer that announced it being publicly ready has previously spoken about PS5’s decompression block and how it was a requirement that its speed is input bound. It can throw out data as fast as it can be fed.
Do you folks think that with MS doin the entire "play your games the way you want to play" approach and "putting the consumer at the center of games" will allow onlike play on Xbox consoles for free like on PC?
They say both xbox and pc xbox live architecture is same and with all the xgs games coming to pc on same day, It seems like a rip-off to me that not only xbox owners are paying for your hardware but then you milk them to play online games too. On pc people get to not only decide what hardware they play like low mid high but they get online free. How is this practice anything consumer friendly?
Sony states that all games released now are compiled in new SDK making them PS5 ready right? So while it’s likely a flag for now, full PS5 api access is available and a patch can drop any time enhancing those games without a seperate codebase.So again, how is it different from Microsoft's stance? They were talking about their own games and those publishers which join their scheme. Those publishers were clearly labelled during last Xbox Inside (which means not all of them want or will join) and then we also learnt that EA doesn't want to follow.
You're making bold claims based on automated translation and someone's musings.
Mod of War We've been suffering from the auto-refresh all this time, like swimming against the flood.
But BCPack does it in a lossy fashion, compromising the quality in favor of performance, while Kraken compression is lossless, right?
Fucking sucks, lol. No way to turn it off?That’s a platinum GAF feature.
Mod of War We've been suffering from the auto-refresh all this time, like swimming against the flood.
The PS5 is a large lad.
Okay, that thing is huge.
But it's ok. As long as it's quiet.
Lmao someone’s salty
PS5 has the length, the XSX has the thickness.Both look huge if this is accurate, just in their own ways.
Yet the CPU in the XSX can't run full cocks with 16T saturated. So it's always cute when the media ReRe's throw stones at glass houses.
Both machines are going be a massive upgrade and kick ass visually, regardless of these minor snipes from the neutral western media.
Would you mind to explain this more? Or do you have any articles talking about it? I’m not trying to sound smart or question your info, just hadn’t heard much about it and wanted to learn more about the differences between the two consoles.
I would also guess from what we know so far that the Xbox CPU will have to handle a lot more, and any advantage it might have in clocks will largely be devoted to trying to make up the gap in I/O that the PS5 has.
Shame they didn't put a cool name?If one publisher/studio use that "feature" in XSX they almost sure will use itYeah, but we are the consumers, not the owners of the company... From a gamers perspective, it's a shame.
Inside Xbox Series X: the full specs
This is it. After months of teaser trailers, blog posts and even the occasional leak, we can finally reveal firm, hard …
8x Zen 2 Cores at 3.8GHz (3.6GHz with SMT)
You think preorders for xbox Sx will start next month?
I really hope so I'm readyYou think preorders for xbox Sx will start next month?
Lmao someone’s salty
Mod of War We've been suffering from the auto-refresh all this time, like swimming against the flood.
Sony is just trying to make it easier to developers with tools they already work or are used to.My current understanding is the texture compressor is lossy (developer’s choice on how much) but leaves it in a format that allows the general compressor to really crunch it down.
You can check the Oodle Texture page on RAD Game Tools website to see if you can spot the difference at the different levels.
XSX: In house BCPack -> Free Zlib format
PS5: Oodle Texture -> Oodle Kraken
Sony has elected to licence both elements from the wizards at RAD Game Tools, and make their use available to developers at no cost.
Microsoft has elected to create their own texture compressor and use the open source Zlib format to crunch it down.
Oodle Kraken is around 10% more efficient than Zlib.
Oodle Texture is an unknown compared to BCPack, but Microsoft‘s Xbox team will be doing very well if they can match someone like RAD on it, in my opinion.
Developers were already licensing Oodle Kraken for themselves on PS4 and ignoring the Zlib decompressor to squeeze out more IO performance. They are the benchmark.