Ok, got it. I read that tweets were fake on faggotera.

Ok, got it. I read that tweets were fake on faggotera.
Laura Miele from EA mentioned ML in a wired article.PS5 can do some form of ML, AMD have said it, Sony have said it. We dont know the finer details as to how, and if its implementation is as good as XSX, but the fact remains it can do, which is part of RDNA 2, as is Raytracing which is also hardware based, give it a rest ppl!
Don't you just love when people start false rumors by saying "some people are saying"? It is not me who is saying it, some people are saying it.
Gavin Stevens you were fundamentally wrong with your whole explanation of what SFS was. I was glad to see James corrected you on that. Not only that you stated that "Traditional systems yes the PS5 work this way"
The only part you got partially right was your explanation of virtual texturing and the use of pages and mips. What you also got wrong is your insinuation that traditionally developers just load higher resolution textures without taking into account what is actually visible, distance and other parameters. Developers have been speculatively loading textures forever long before GPUs started to have hardware to natively assist in doing it more efficiently.
Frostbite BF3 on PS3
You were promptly corrected with actual proof that even PS4 had native hardware support for virtual texturing. The question you should have asked yourself is if PS4 had native support for it, why wouldn't PS5? Why would PS5 forgo years of knowledge in efficient memory and bandwidth conservation? Why wouldn't Sony adopt newer development in this space like Nvidia, AMD and everyone else?
Far Cry 4 PS4
A technique called Sampler Feedback Streaming - SFS - was built to more closely marry the memory demands of the GPU, intelligently loading in the texture mip data that's actually required with the guarantee of a lower quality mip available if the higher quality version isn't readily available, stopping GPU stalls and frame-time spikes. Bespoke hardware within the GPU is available to smooth the transition between mips, on the off-chance that the higher quality texture arrives a frame or two later.
Ok, got it. I read that tweets were fake on faggotera.
FYI, i saw someone get banned for saying the f word a few months ago. not sure if era is an exception but from what i recall, they dont tolerate that kind of homophobic insults here."Faggotera"![]()
omg I luv it, I'm dead lol
S Self High FiveGavin Stevens You might be able to get the deleted tweet using the web archive below. it's what self high five used to find me the tweets Tom Warren wrote about PS5 being 9 tflops. i dont know how to use this to be honest.
Usually when a tweet is deleted (e.g. the Ubisoft one about the 4K dispute), you will see this in its place:
Deleted tweet link showing unavailable
There is no evidence of this anywhere in the chain or the account, or in google cache. Again, like always this is an open offer - if anyone has a link to the original please furnish us with it and the thread will be re-opened.
He got death threats?
Console wars are getting sad. Also he's a 3rd party dev not a Sony engineer. The person he was referring (Sony graphics engineer) also confirmed RDNA 1.5
I see so many people on twitter link gaf and era threads to comments, I feel like it's only a matter of time before they expose themselvesIm genuinely curious as to how many of those threats came from some of our very own in this thread. I wouldn't be surprised tbh.
Imagine the sony guy's inbox as well. Quite pathetic times indeed.
We really need that facepalm reaction, he's talking about how you would at least need 8 TFLOPs of GPU compute power on the GCN architecture to run games at native imagination needed.
Cerny DID say this in his interview in AV watch Japan.
Here's a link to the interview, what you are looking for is the last paragraph:
【西田宗千佳のRandomTracking】 マーク・サーニーが明かす「PS4 Pro」の秘密。「解像感の高い4K」のための工夫
PlayStation 4 Pro(PS4 Pro)は、「4K世代」に向け、PS4をアップデートしたハードウエアである。9月の発表以来、ハードウェアスペックは語られてきたが、デモを見たわけではないユーザーの立場から見ると、「実際にどう違うのか」分かりづらい部分があったと思う。エンターテインメントとしての「ゲームのビジュアル」がどこまで進化するのか、半信半疑な部分もあろうかと思う。
let me translate for you:
<< "If you're rendering natively in 4K, that's a personal estimate, but you'll need at least 8TFLOPS,
It's not a technology that can be used at a reasonable price this year", Cerny said. >>
I see so many people on twitter link gaf and era threads to comments, I feel like it's only a matter of time before they expose themselves![]()
This comes from an insecurity where one console might be really missing something the other has. This goes both ways btw. The same was the case with the SSD. Eventually the best outcome is that there is barely a difference between both consoles, but fans of one system want to be better. At the same time if they would be have a worse system this hurts them a lot so they go all out in defense.Im genuinely curious as to how many of those threats came from some of our very own in this thread. I wouldn't be surprised tbh.
Imagine the sony guy's inbox as well. Quite pathetic times indeed.
First3-4 tweet under any officialExactly my point. I mean i don't use Twitter for anything besides check notifications. But these guys dedicate themselves so much to following all these people they "hate" so much its laughable.
I don't think i even follow the official xbox or Playstation accounts, let alone any of the corporate mouthpieces from either company. And much less any random insider or youtuber lol.
Also looks like Seagate is listing the SSD expansion release on the website.
(Stocks are only $50 a share rn! If you can afford a few I'd grab them and wait for holiday 2020 to flip em)
First3-4 tweet under any officialXbox post are people shitting on Xbox or just spamming screenshots from Ghost of Tsushima. It's wired, I think they have notification alarms for Xbox post
2.5 x less data than what ? Xbox one maybe ? XSX with a larger prefetch for teh streaming pool - depends on what it is relative to doesnt it.
Thats where the 2.5 x is confusing people, relative to what and how much prefetch data can be cut to the streaming pool....the 2.5 x is relative to slow settings on either an old Xbox (impled by MS) or XSX set up to stream with a large streaming pool of memory (vague).
If a 3rd party wants to do a 1 second gameplay prefetch on streaming data to keep a streaming pool size low, they will do it on ps5, and now they can do it on XSX and when data is missed SFS can blend missed mipmaps in LATE to prevent a GPU stall (with cost caveats on coherency if anyone read DX12,, SFS is not free lunch).
3rd parties will use fast streaming. UE5 already does this in Nanite, no SFS, VRS, Ps5 version called new Geometry engine culling and mesh shaders are for standard rendering so dont apply.
you know what? im starting to believe that Series X will be launching soon, like in august or september.
MS isnt even bothering to launch their next gen console with next gen games. do you really think they care?MS and Sony could both launch now if they wanted, but the unit numbers would be too low and its a "paper" launch. They going to need a few million at least.
They could face a class-action for misleading consumers.
MS isnt even bothering to launch their next gen console with next gen games. do you really think they care?
i do think they are far ahead of sony based on how quickly they showed off the console. i think it's entirely possible they will have 2 million ready to ship by september. they could launch in u.s and uk and get a head start.
I think they couldn't. Hardware is ready but software most likely isn't. I mean firmware, OS and games, all of them. Production of consoles had started how long ago, one-two months? Those things need time, especially in the current world situation.MS and Sony could both launch now if they wanted, but the unit numbers would be too low and its a "paper" launch. They going to need a few million at least.
- the dm contained no information not already known, and HE contacted ME. No baiting involved, no tricking. He simply said he would look into the other stuff for me.
Console wars are getting sad. Also he's a 3rd party dev not a Sony engineer. The person he was referring (Sony graphics engineer) also confirmed RDNA 1.5
MS isnt even bothering to launch their next gen console with next gen games. do you really think they care?
wait, what? I am not the one releasing a next gen console with no next gen games. That's Microsoft. They are the ones being petty and trolling everyone who buys their next gen console thinking it will have next gen games.seriously, why are you being so petty and trolling?
OkI think the thread that has been created and the discourse here, on twitter and other sites following on from it show that no, that information was not known - or at least understood correctly. So now we have a shit storm and posts like the below which are interpreting it how they see fit. I don't think you were being malicious now, but I think you made two big mistakes. The first was posting a DM without permission - you've owned, apologised and accepted that. The other mistake was not taking the time to realise what posting it would cause. Without the context and understanding of the what, why and detail it was always going to cause a shit storm. You aren't stupid and a little bit of thought before posting it you would have realised what would happen. I also understand why you did post it and why your judgement may have been clouded, because your integrity was being questioned.
That all said you absolutely should not have had the day or so you've had as a result - that's just shitty. Should never have happened and was not deserved.
No, no he didn't he actually said it was something in between, which can be a lot of things. 1.9, 1.5, 1.7 or even all of 2.0 + Sony custom + a bit of 1.0 for backward compatibility reasons. You just don't know.
The problem is, PS5 clock remain a mystery, because you dont know how far PS5 will downclock. During "the road to PS5" talk Carny said he expect PS5 to stay at close to 2.2GHz most of the time, but he also contradicted himself saying PS5 GPU cant sustain 2GHz fixed clock (9.2TF), and that's why they have to use variable clock.
I think this variable strategy will work very well in games with framerate lock and fixed resolution, because in such scenario GPU is not pushed to it's limits anyway, and 2.2GHz clock is only used when needed. There are however also games with unlocked framerate and dynamic resolution. In such game PS5 GPU will have to run at 100% for extended period of time and I'm afraid we will never know how far PS5 GPU will have to downclock in such scenario.
Edit. - As I can see PS warriors have aready reported my post. But I'm not surprised PS certain people cant stand the truth, and especially when Cerny hismelf contradicts their believes.
Rea -
Old paradigm = fixed clock
New paradigm = variable clock
Cerny said it's impossible to sustain 2GHz clock with old paradigm (fixed clock). So based on what he said we know PS5 will not run at 2GHz clock for extended period of time, yet you want to believe PS5 GPU will have no problems sustaining even higher frequency. You guys want to believe in fairy tales for real? 2GHz and higher 2.2GHz is only possible thanks to the new paradigm (variable clock). Yes, with this strategy PS5 GPU can run 2.2GHz when game will need more GPU resources (for short period of time however). Cerny is right saying PS5 could hit even higher frequency than 2.2 GHz, because that's also the case on PC when you OC GPUs (it's easy to achieve every high frequency for short period of time, but in order to find stable clock you have to test what's the max sustained freqency).
Variable boost clock strategy is very good, because boost simply means more performance. Developers on PS5 know for sure how far PS5 GPU will downclock in the worst possible scenario and they can always optimize for this fixed clock (and everything about this clock will be a bonus for certain period of time).
PS fans think PS5 is using 2.2GHz because of RDNA2 architecture magic rather than variable clock, but the thing is MS is also using RDNA2 GPU, yet they cant sustain more than 1.8GHz.
Either way it's a hybrid. Not necessarily a bad thing but not full RDNA2. Sony may not have needed other features or simply added a few RDNA features later in development. I don't know you don't know, but what we do know is that it's a hybrid
wait, what? I am not the one releasing a next gen console with no next gen games. That's Microsoft. They are the ones being petty and trolling everyone who buys their next gen console thinking it will have next gen games.
I am just the messenger.
what about likes of halo infinite (we know nothing so far about it and how was it developed - what we know that the engine built for it was targeting next gen, it might be actually full blown next gen title), there is the medium which will be the next gen exclusive available at launch (and via game pass), so your statement “no next gen games” is a bit of a stretch
btw. Serious question, do we know what next gen games will Sony have ready for ps5 launch? I know that Spider-Man MM is coming at launch but not sure if I can recall any other next gen title that was announced for holiday 2020 release
It's crazy, but people always seem to forget that PS4 was the most powerful console from 2013-2017, that's the majority of the gen, but Sony fans are not really pre-occupied with that, hanging unto that or making it known, we just play the best game....Then of course, the most powerful console came in late 2017 and it's already out of commission after two years....I'll tell you something. I'd rather be playing Ghosts right now or LOU 2 last month than to be the owner of the most powerful console right now.....I'll choose great games that keeps on flowing all gen all day everyday ....LOL, i wouldn't expect too much if i were you. But I'm sure The best looking and best animation game from current gen, is not from most powerful console.![]()
what about likes of halo infinite (we know nothing so far about it and how was it developed - what we know that the engine built for it was targeting next gen, it might be actually full blown next gen title), there is the medium which will be the next gen exclusive available at launch (and via game pass), so your statement “no next gen games” is a bit of a stretch
btw. Serious question, do we know what next gen games will Sony have ready for ps5 launch? I know that Spider-Man MM is coming at launch but not sure if I can recall any other next gen title that was announced for holiday 2020 release
btw. Serious question, do we know what next gen games will Sony have ready for ps5 launch? I know that Spider-Man MM is coming at launch but not sure if I can recall any other next gen title that was announced for holiday 2020 release
But can you play Ooblets?I'd rather be playing Ghosts right now or LOU 2 last month than to be the owner of the most powerful console right now.....I'll choose great games that keeps on flowing all gen all day everyday ....
You're messing up the narrative here. Remember what thread you're in.
halo started dev in 2015. its not built for anything other than 2015 hardware. that should be common sense.what about likes of halo infinite (we know nothing so far about it and how was it developed - what we know that the engine built for it was targeting next gen, it might be actually full blown next gen title), there is the medium which will be the next gen exclusive available at launch (and via game pass), so your statement “no next gen games” is a bit of a stretch
btw. Serious question, do we know what next gen games will Sony have ready for ps5 launch? I know that Spider-Man MM is coming at launch but not sure if I can recall any other next gen title that was announced for holiday 2020 release
Aren't all these guys on GAF or were at some point?......Apart from Bernkastel, I've seen Croat with the same avatar at some point here, same for Dukeblueballs....Why would the XBOX discord fake a profile of one of their very own ladies, makes absolutely no sense to me......Nobody likes to be discovered for who they are.....It's just like the guys shitting up the forums by spreading hate/fud and calling people cunts and generally have no arguments and when they are called out, they say "they were just joking", trying to save face or do the famous song by Shaggy "it wasn't me"..... Truth is, If you don't want to be caught up in such things, or be embarrassed by it.... just don't do it, simple...If you have someone like @Bernkastel still around here on Gaf, those FUD threads about PS will always pop up. Imagine being this invested in your console, that X discord group is really pathetic. Even calling @Mod of War a pile of shit, very edgy.
Console wars are getting sad. Also he's a 3rd party dev not a Sony engineer. The person he was referring (Sony graphics engineer) also confirmed RDNA 1.5
I think it was only because of who supposedly said it that it got so much traction. If it had been joe Bloggs on Twitter, it would of been laugh off.Lisa Su confirmed RDNA 2.
Cerny confirmed RDNA 2.
We have CEO of AMD and Lead architect of the PlayStation 5, but their conformation is ignored and because one guy said its in between RDNA 1 and RDNA 2?
I think it was only because of who supposedly said it that it got so much traction. If it had been joe Bloggs on Twitter, it would of been laugh off.
I generally agree with what you said, but don't you find it a little disingenuous to frame the XSX GPU as sacrificing something to reach their CU count. Their GPU is running at 1800 MHz IIRC. Is that not considered a high clock speed to run sustained in the GPU space? This is a genuine question.The CU difference is already seen in the TFlops difference, of course here XSX has the advantage. But having more CU does not necessary means something good, specially at the cost of a lower clock speed.
There are certain benefits of having a faster clock speed, Cerny mentioned rasterization as an example of it. There is a popular Post in this thread that comes from ERA were those benefits are listed.
Again, does that means PS5 is more powerful than XBX? NO , but it means that the configurations are different and we have yet to see
those 15-18% raw power numbers in action.
You want to play Halo, Gears, Forza? Buy a Series X.
Ok thought that many people are bitching about noisy PS4, here's my PS4 Pro than hasn't been cleaned internally, ever, nor the first base model since 2013 are both are pretty silent.