If that would be indeed the case, it wouldn't be a problem for me, because I was expecting PS5 to take the power crown with 13TF (you can find my posts in this thread posted over 5 months ago). I'm however not so sure if your calculations are correct and thats all. Your data doesn't match up with techpowerup data and they are reputable source of information when it comes to GPUs specs. You probably arnt taking into account some important details and it wouldn't be the first time people in this thread are doing that.
AMD Navi 10, 1725 MHz, 2304 Cores, 144 TMUs, 64 ROPs, 8192 MB GDDR6, 1750 MHz, 256 bit
Even standard 5700 with 1700 MHz clock has similar pixel fillrate, and XSX has both clock and CUs advantage compared to 5700. I like funny jokes

, but here we werent supposed to post such absurd claims. People from over the world read this site, and later on they will repeat the worst possible lies because they will blindly believe you.
I'm not xbox fanboy. Havent you seen my posts where I was prising PS5, or are you not familiar with my posts?
I know people hates me from all sides, because I can criticize all gaming platforms. In this particular thread however there are many PS fans that unfortunately try to post really absurd claims, so I feel obligated to respond when I see such dishonest comments.