What's your point? It's a fantastic model considering that it's an in-race model.Some obvious polygon edges in DC car model.
What's your point? It's a fantastic model considering that it's an in-race model.Some obvious polygon edges in DC car model.
What's your point? It's a fantastic model considering that it's an in-race model.
Lol, no. That's what they claim but it isn't strictly true. Only Forza Autovista models are close to that kind of poly count. In actual gameplay GT5 car models are closer to 100k-200k (500k is only for other modes), Forza 4's 60k, and Forza 5's supposedly all LOD0 models at around 170k. DriveClub's gameplay models are reported to be 250k.They're 250k polygons each, GT5/6 are 500k, Forza 5's are 1 million, so no.
These screens, despite not being that old, are actually from a very old build. No point using them as a basis for anything given we have video footage from newer builds of these games.How do you know it's in-race?
Again, some actual screen grab from DC and the leap isn't so great anymore. Video compression hides a lot of flaws.
Lol, no. That's what they claim but it isn't strictly true. Only Forza Autovista models are close to that kind of poly count. In actual gameplay GT5 car models are closer to 100k-200k (500k is only for other modes), Forza 4's 60k, and Forza 5's supposedly all LOD0 models at around 170k. DriveClub's gameplay models are reported to be 250k.
These screens are from a very old build. No point using them as a basis for anything given we have video footage from newer builds of these games.
Rainy GIF comparison of Gamescom footage from both.
Lol, no. That's what they claim but it isn't strictly true. Only Forza Autovista models are close to that kind of poly count. In actual gameplay GT5 car models are closer to 100k-200k (500k is only for other modes), Forza 4's 60k, and Forza 5's supposedly all LOD0 models at around 170k. DriveClub's gameplay models are reported to be 250k.
She can laugh all she want but you know that comparison is flawed because the camera and angle in DC bring the car and the environments closer to the player view. Where in fh2 the view need to be farther away since you can drive anywhere and you wouldn't be able to see the different roads ahead if the camera was so close.
They've said their models have 250k in total, but nobody said it was in-game LOD.
I think your LOD0 comment is thinking of the wrong game. 170k LOD0 (photomode) was Forza 4 wasn't it. With LOD1 (racing) at like 60k.
That's just from memory though. Could be off, my memory is blurry.
Do we even know the LOD0/1 of Forza 5? I've not seen it.
I know they said F4 Autovista was in game prototyping for Forza 5. No idea how close they are.
FM5 Forzavista:
FM5 race photomode(works in 30 fps so essentially it's the detail you get at the same fps as DC):
The 250k quote is for gameplay model.
I remember one of the Forza fan GAFers on here gave me more precise numbers once. I believe he said there was still an lod and that it went down to as low as it did in Forza 4 in fact. Problem is I can't find the post now which is why I made no mention of it.
Point is, with actual gameplay models, DriveClub is currently the most detailed. The console versions of ProjectCars will use 60k poly models so they don't even really come close.
It's funny how we argue about graphics now when a little over a decade ago cars in games looked like this. Legit square wheels lol.
Forza Horizon 2 Gamescom (top) vs. E3 (bottom). From Starx at Beyond3D.
This is from that matrix game right? Even at the time this scene stood out. lol
This is from that matrix game right? Even at the time this scene stood out. lol
Both games look to have unremarkable AI, which isn't unusual for their respective devs.
Cars in games never looked like this - that's a once-famous LOD glitch from Enter the Matrix.It's funny how we argue about graphics now when a little over a decade ago cars in games looked like this. Legit square wheels lol.
Cars in games never looked like this - that's a once-famous LOD glitch from Enter the Matrix.
Okay then, like this.
Well done, with one choice shot you've managed to show everyone why they should stop discussing this topic with you.
She can laugh all she want but you know that comparison is flawed because the camera and angle in DC bring the car and the environments closer to the player view. Where in fh2 the view need to be farther away since you can drive anywhere and you wouldn't be able to see the different roads ahead if the camera was so close.
There is no way that an ingame car model has 1 million polygons.
Legit square wheels lol.
Nope.Is there manual+clucth support for DC, don't remember if this was ever covered?
This is precisely what cars looked like ten years ago in GT4, the screenshot is from GT5 of course just to show it in high resolution. I don't see the problem.
Rainy GIF comparison of Gamescom footage from both.
Okay then, like this.
Both games look to have unremarkable AI, which isn't unusual for their respective devs.
Can somebody explain me why being open world racer plays a relatively big role when it comes to performance? I mean, it's not like you drive inside small corridors in Driveclub, you actually have detailed surroundings and beautiful vistas all around.Forza looks good considering the weaker hardware and open world <..>
These threads always end we'll
asked my girlfriend which gif looked better....she laughed and asked if I was joking
So you're thinking the game will actually look like this when played, huh?While I do think Driveclub looks really good, I dont think actual gameplay does not look as good as the gif/part where the game seems to be in "Photomode".
My understanding is that on crafted closed tracks, you can always master and keep the number of polygons shown and the quantity of textures to load into memory consistent, whereas in open worlds, the player's will to go wherever he wants could lead to situations where there would be too many polygons to be shown or too many textures to load at once, leading to drops in framerate and/or late texture pop in. One way to prevent this kind of problem is to keep the overall number of polygons and the quality/size of textures on the lower side.Can somebody explain me why being open world racer plays a relatively big role when it comes to performance? I mean, it's not like you drive inside small corridors in Driveclub, you actually have detailed surroundings and beautiful vistas all around.
Serious question
So say well.
But how can she see any difference in such tiny gifs, the camera adds 10lbs and is closer.
Clearly DC is barely any better than GT1.
Can I play too? Photo mode face off: FM5 vs GT6.
broken links
Bummer. I'll try to fix them.Guess not haha
The gif is from gameplay. Every game has a behind car camera angle.While I do think Driveclub looks really good, I dont think actual gameplay does not look as good as the gif/part where the game seems to be in "Photomode".
Rainy GIF comparison of Gamescom footage from both.
Drive Club for me, thanks. This plus morphius... oh man.
So you're thinking the game will actually look like this when played, huh?
Double negatives, how do they work? ^^
AFAIK, there's no such thing as a photo mode in DriveClub, in the way replays are better looking than actual races, like in GT or FM.
What's been used here seems to be the same debug tool they used to produce the re-reveal trailer back in the spring.