But the real beauty of Horizon is in providing the sights that Driveclub just can not, like fully explorable city streets or all the off-road areas. In Horizon 2, almost everything you see is not only real geometry, like in Driveclub, but you can also go there and approach it from any direction, under your own terms.
There's not a trace of doubt that Driveclub looks more realistic in like for like circumstances - its lighting is truly incredible - but that's cutting Horizon 2 short, because it just offers more, due in large part to its open world nature. They are both tremendous technical accomplishments, especially considering that Horizon 2 is open world, runs on somewhat weaker hardware, and doesn't have the luxury of Driveclub's long development cycle (a good year and a half longer; the game looked nowhere near as good last year, and it still won't have weather at launch). Both Evolution and Playground are wizards.