dr guildo
The lighting looks cartoony in GTS, like how Forza 5 & 6 looked. Much prefer the Forza 7.

The lighting looks cartoony in GTS, like how Forza 5 & 6 looked. Much prefer the Forza 7.
That's unfair, dragon's tail is the weakest track of GTS.
No one find it strange that if you post Driveclub/Gran Turismo Sport screenshots or gifs people tell you that the game don't look as good as the pictures & gifs but if you post screenshots or gifs of Forza 7 people tell you that they don't do the game justice?
There isn't a generational leap in lighting that was the difference between F4 and GT5. Like it or lump it, it is possible to see how someone might prefer the look of Forza. The highs of GT again are higher but in general there's nothing really special this time around and therefore no good reason to attack it or gloat. But of a letdown really.
Don't know why some people still trying to say forza 7 looks better than gts -_- its over done move on damn
Just like me with DC, I think it's all the outrageously great looking GIF's which give people the expectation of gameplay being a bigger & better version of that.I agree with your post for the most part. All except the end. I don't understand how GTS can be a letdown graphically. It's a solid and excellent looking game.
there are still shadows from haze.
Did you actually watch the video?
Oversaturated and cartoony - Forza 7 runs circles around IRL.
Don't know why some people still trying to say forza 7 looks better than gts -_- its over done move on damn
The video is bad.
Forza looks overcast
GT is sunny day
GT has great overcast lighting too
Person i was quoting was claiming the video was a sunny day.
Only thing is, T10 achieved this in far less Dev time with 40% less GPU power.
I don't care about the quote, it's about what you wanted to prove with that video. Which you can't for the reasons I stated.
I've heard it all now... How anyone can say from that video that sunny weather lighting is better in Forza than GTS, let alone saying it runs circles around it is beyond me. Did you switch the two games around in your mind while looking at that video?
Though its quite sad considering there won't be any sim racers for at least 2 years now.
Though its quite sad considering there won't be any sim racers for at least 2 years now.
When you are a simulator, its inherent that realism is what you strive for. When people say cartoony, I reckon they mean the material shaders with Forza, which make the cars look unrealistic in the environment and also look like plastic sometimes in the light.
Though its quite sad considering there won't be any sim racers for at least 2 years now.
WTF are you talking about?
Cartoony? What
You are having a lauch if you think this lighting looks like the oversaturated cartoon look of Forza 5 & 6.
I don't know either. That shot looks more cartoony and stylised than Journey.I... don't even know what to say.
You really need to learn the art of quoting, jesus wept.
Well to be precise 38%. Is the gap lower now between PS4/X1 haha?29%.
They used a lot of assets from previous games, which cut down on dev time.
I don't know either. That shot looks more cartoony and stylised than Journey.
Well to be precise 38%. Is the gap lower now between PS4/X1 haha?
Yeah, we know that, but that's because they're smarter and off-load time consuming work which has no need to be done internally.
I just got schooled.29% less, 42% more.
Not surprising considering the entirely different tracks, ToD and it running on a Pro.I'm not a pro and i really don't know anything about the technical stuff, but to me, just by looking at this video GTS looks a lot better.
Not surprising considering the entirely different tracks, ToD and it running on a Pro.
Great comparison video. /s
I havent played Forza 7 yet (waiting on the X), but I expect it to be a bit like Gran Turismo Sport : sometimes impressive, often good, sometimes disappointing. Imo of course
Ad hominem will get you far.
I don't understand how the narrative has gone to Forza 7 has more realistic lighting than GT Sports now. You guys are nuts.
The demo is out, and while it isn't perfect the lighting is much more realistic than Forza.
Instead some of you decide to post that ONE video when there's tons more proof out there.
This is 'Confederacy is not about slavery' level of shit right here.
I haven't played Forza 7 yet (waiting on the X), but I expect it to be a bit like Gran Turismo Sport : sometimes impressive, often good, sometimes disappointing. Imo of course
I don't understand how the narrative has gone to Forza 7 has more realistic lighting than GT Sports now. You guys are nuts.
The demo is out, and while it isn't perfect the lighting is much more realistic than Forza.
Instead some of you decide to post that ONE video when there's tons more proof out there.
This is 'Confederacy is not about slavery' level of shit right here.
I don't understand how the narrative has gone to Forza 7 has more realistic lighting than GT Sports now. You guys are nuts.
The demo is out, and while it isn't perfect the lighting is much more realistic than Forza.
Instead some of you decide to post that ONE video when there's tons more proof out there.
This is 'Confederacy is not about slavery' level of shit right here.
Only one I can find which is remotely decent is this:Well he choose that Video in favor of Forza (granted he was talking about lightning), so i at least thought it'll be a good represantation.
Yes, clearly everyone is in denial. It impossible that people *gasp* have a different opinion than you.
GTS looks great. FM7 looks great. GTS sometimes outshines FM7 and FM7 sometimes outshines GTS.
I know it hurts, but the above is a fact.
Are you 12?
It's pretty clear you have an issue with seeing things objectively, so I don't think you have a leg to stand on when speaking about other posters.
Christ of course not. Just narrative changes people take to justify their choice.Are you really comparing immature console war bullshit with slavery?
This thread was good for a laugh to dip in and out of, cause I thought everyone was just taking the piss. I was wrong, some in here are way too invested in this shit. Its sad and worrying in equal measure.
Looks like the same 2D Trees/Leaves/(and some grass) tricks from DC. Bit more 2D though. Those reflections are really rough.
Just a very, very vague kinda looks like the environment low-res reflection. At 1080p quality it's very bad.
Not sure why some of you are finding it so hard to admit one game looks better than the other to be frank. Subjectivity doesn't really come into play when we have an objective metric: realism.
I can admit DC's weather looks the best, or that Forza on PC has the best IQ with its 4k. GTS nails the realism like no other.
Not sure why some of you are finding it so hard to admit one game looks better than the other to be frank. Subjectivity doesn't really come into play when we have an objective metric: realism.
So I tried to do some pictures from dragon's tail last night and not being able to move the camera freely around the car makes it almost very difficult to capture things, in my opinion.
Sure thing, buddy.
If we are talking about which one is more pleasing to the eyes, then its subjective. If we are talking about which one is overall more realistic, then its less subjective. There is a right and wrong answer on objective matters.
I'm afraid, no matter what you think of yourself, you are not the final word. We have a final word already, and Christ almighty, we do not need another. People like different things.
But saying that, how is GT nailing realism,? it looks like the cars float around the track.
Sure thing, buddy.
This isn't really a bad looking track at all though, especially when you change up the time settings. It isn't a step below the other tracks I've played. There are some time of day settings, such as that overcast, where the vegetation shaders don't have much to work with; but they still react beautifully to light, subsurface scatter, and self shadows across the other various time of day. I find the hazy daylight and noon looks the best.