Hipster Princess
The fuck is this?Sorry dude but this is just wrong.
- Forza does not even properly simulate driving model. In forza 7 "simulation" setting causes each car to behave like you drive on slicks so when you lose grip you will ALWAYS spin regardless how good your wheel work is. People who want even shred of actual simulation need to switch it to "normal" because then you can actually catch slides but on other hand it creates complete buffer between you and car which even more annihilates any feeling you have with wheel.
- Complete lack of detail on steering. Because there is no data. Road surfaces are completely flat. You don't feel anything in your wheel other than counter steer force which is numb as fuck and bumps. There is no any track detail on wheel because forza7 does not simulate it.
In other words F7 simulation is fucked. It is simcade.
GTSport model isn't the best in business (that is Iracing and AssettoCorsa) but it right after them. You can take F40 and compare it to Assetto Corsa F40 and you would hardly find difference. Take F7 F40 and you would feel like you drive bathtub.
F7 is good game. Just not good racing sim.

I have not a single problem catching slides with sim steering.
detail in the steering? what?!
I'm going to go out on a limb and say you've never actually driven a real car in your life