Are you serious? The reflections, added grass, added leafs, higher quality shadows and higher lods has nothing to do with a filter. you can cleary see even leafs and grass been added right next to you and the shadows below you car gets nice and softer in photomode so its not only about the draw distance. You can downsample as much as you whant nothing will change the facts that GTS photomode enchances the graphics like in my picture. And also in replay you can clearly see big difference in draw distance, added leafs, added grass and reflections wich is absent in gameplay. Every map has some sort of enhancement in GTS in photomode and replay. And even if its a so called "filter" as you say its still not the same as gameplay where you see huge differences. And photomode been native 4K is a enhancement in itself wich you are even saying yourself. just look at the trees and the car model and other things like grass and shadows and leafs. you still insist that its gets enhanced.
and here the added reflection on the water is not because of a filter lol
Ofcourse, they prioritized frame rate over graphics in gameplay to make it as smooth as possible wich is a good thing. But saying there are no enchancements in photomode and replays is just untrue, its clear as daylight.
Did you even read my post? Do you understand what supersampling and texture filtering does? Play an emulated 360 game in true 4k, 16xAF and you'll see details that was completely missed or not visible at 720p. I never said there is no enhancement in photomode, you can literally quote me where I said there is an improvement in supersampling, filtering, and procedural grass. How come you never post 4k-sized screenshots for Forza 7, they're always downsampled to 1080p while you post full 4k-sized screens of GTSport and never want to downsample to compare.
I already showed you comparison images between replay and gameplay, all you have to do is look at it. It's literally the exact same besides procedural grass, as I stated previously, which isn't even in the example I showed.
Point out to me between these 2 images below where there's better, and I quote you
Turk1993 said:And also in replay you can clearly see big difference in draw distance, added leafs, added grass and reflections wich is absent in gameplay.


And what's your excuse for Forza 7 also having 30fps replays on One X, it must be the better "trees, reflections, draw distance and shadows"?
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