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Next-gen Racing Graphics Face-off | (Next-gen means current-gen)


Game's not in the same league as Project Cars.


Are those in game? The shadows are top notch.
1. Laugh all you want, but it's the cold hard truth.


no..its not...but you can continue...nice screens by the way

the thing its all the technical mumbo jumbo of the world cant match the two games side by side playing on a screen...project cars looks awesome..DC with the patch looks almost real sometimes..i dont know how they have done it..but its woah...
Don't act like you can't make the same kind of list about Driveclub which also features "extremely" low poly tracks with bland scenery, really low resolution textures, no 16xAF, "extremely" poor AA and IQ all around, 1/3 the cars on screen, very weak damage modeling, 1/2 the framerate, and it goes on and on. Why tell ya though when I can just show you.

Game's not in the same league as Project Cars.



You should blur out the background more in Project Cars.

Pcars is cleaner for sure and IQ is obviously much better on a good rig, but environments are weaker. Also, terrible comparison. Highly controlled shots vs bland gameplay shots.
You should blur out the background more in Project Cars.

Pcars is cleaner for sure and IQ is obviously much better on a good rig, but environments are weaker. Also, terrible comparison. Highly controlled shots vs bland gameplay shots.

it was intentional. its pretty much the norm when people post pcars shots.
The only "careful selection" is making sure to choose a track that's optimised properly, and not an unfinished one that lags to shit.

so basically the same excuse that people have been throwing around for years, and hasnt changed at all. im sure it magically will by release tho! also gotta make sure you dont enable the rain, thats also "not optimized properly yet". and "all the 2d trees and other incredibly poor track art is just placeholder and will be replaced with quality art by release".


Some of the best and worst gameplay shots I've taken in Driveclub (all actual gameplay, no stopping or photomoding around the track, all in motion* except one apparently, Share Button -> USB -> abload)




IMO it's one of the best and one of the worst looking racers this gen. Pushes some absolutely astounding effects but sometimes the dynamic nature of the game hurts it. It's generally a really good looking game.
so basically the same excuse that people have been throwing around for years, and hasnt changed at all. im sure it magically will by release tho!

Spa is a fantastically detailed track that runs perfectly.

Nurburgring (Eifelwald) is a fantastically detailed track that runs perfectly.

California Highway is a fantastically detailed track that runs perfectly.

The only track I've had complaints about so far is the Azure Coast track, which despite having similar amounts of detail, lags horrifically.

So no, no excuse at all. Please do go on about how inherently bad the game's performance is though, please.


it was intentional. its pretty much the norm when people post pcars shots.

All achievable in game since Project Cars doesn't use any special filters and such when taking photos that can't be enabled while playing. Lets see you match those with DC shots without using it's photomode that adds all sorts of stuff that can't be done in real time.
i do think the games performance is quite bad relative to the visuals it outputs on gpus 3x faster than whats in the PS4 to be quite honest. and i wouldnt consider any of the tracks you listed to be fantastically detailed, especially not in comparison to driveclubs tracks.

All achievable in game since Project Cars doesn't use any special filters and such when taking photos that can't be enabled while playing. Lets see you match those with DC shots without using it's photomode that adds all sorts of stuff that can't be done in real time.

or you could just post shots of what you see while actually racing, you know, like the cherry picked DC shots you posted.
Okay then, have some pCARS screenshots. These are all gameplay-selectable angles without HUD. No freecam was used, no edits were made.

The screenshot with the Escort is slightly less representative, it's from a while back so it's an older build and was running on my GTX560, but it still looks great.


Don't act like you can't make the same kind of list about Driveclub which also features "extremely" low poly tracks with bland scenery, really low resolution textures, no 16xAF, "extremely" poor AA and IQ all around, 1/3 the cars on screen, very weak damage modeling, 1/2 the framerate, and it goes on and on. Why tell ya though when I can just show you.





Game's not in the same league as Project Cars.





So not even in the same league as DC?




Trying to pass photomode shots as real time graphics? They are not even close to what the game looks like. DC photomode adds everything from greatly enhanced AA to soft shadows.

Didn't get the sarcasm? Your pcars pics sure as hell aren't gameplay angles.

BTW, here's in-game


here's photomode.


Me either. He sent out some PMs earlier apparently and posted #4.

Damn. :( Guess there's always the next contest.
i saw your screens as well Admiester. oh and benzys screens are still an accurate depiction of the lighting and track modeling/art of the shown locations.



its embarrassing how bad this is. on so many levels.


i saw your screens as well Admiester. oh and benzys screens are still an accurate depiction of the lighting and track modeling/art of the shown locations.



its embarrassing how bad this is. on so many levels.

Not sure why you would think it's worse than those screens you posted which I don't find all that impressive. Anyways it doesn't look like any of us will change the others mind so I'm going back to watching football. Guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.
i saw your screens as well Admiester. oh and benzys screens are still an accurate depiction of the lighting and track modeling/art of the shown locations.

Do you even have the game? Under the same lighting and on the same track, the game looks almost completely different.

I took the same car out onto the same track at mid day, the brightest point of the day, and it looks much more muted and realistic colour wise, instead of the bright, almost cartoony looking aesthetics.

DC certainly obliterates PCars when it comes to the environments. IQ is obviously going to be better in PCars on PC if you have the hardware for it, but I can't see it surpassing DC overall aside from that. I also think the lighting is better in DC.
Do you even have the game? Under the same lighting and on the same track, the game looks almost completely different.

I took the same car out onto the same track at mid day, the brightest point of the day, and it looks much more muted and realistic colour wise, instead of the bright, almost cartoony looking aesthetics.

diff TOD but the lousy environment modeling and art is identical. lighting doesnt look realistic at all, not sure if we are looking at the same screens. love those ps3 style PCF shadows too. the seemingly complete lack of AO is just icing on the cake. out of curiosity, what gpu and res/settings are you running at to get 30 fps?

it baffles me how anyone can actually think pcars > DC when it comes to graphics :/. same people who think skyrim looks better than anything on consoles i guess.
Do you even have the game? Under the same lighting and on the same track, the game looks almost completely different.

I took the same car out onto the same track at mid day, the brightest point of the day, and it looks much more muted and realistic colour wise, instead of the bright, almost cartoony looking aesthetics.

Gran Turismo wants its trees back. ;)


lighting doesnt look realistic at all, not sure if we are looking at the same screens. love those ps3 style PCF shadows too. the seemingly complete lack of AO is just icing on the cake.

You're entirely kidding yourself.

There's no "complete lack of AO" whatsoever. Just because the game doesn't exaggerate its softer shadows like some doesn't mean they're not present. There's a clear difference when using the (now disabled) debug options when toggling the game's AO.

The only thing that might have a hint of even making the lighting look different is the vignetting present at the edges of the screen when you're moving fast. Saying it doesn't look realistic at all is just a joke.

Also, if we're speaking of these terrible environment details
and cherry-picking screenshots

You're entirely kidding yourself.

There's no "complete lack of AO" whatsoever. Just because the game doesn't exaggerate its softer shadows like some doesn't mean they're not present. There's a clear difference when using the (now disabled) debug options when toggling the game's AO.

The only thing that might have a hint of even making the lighting look different is the vignetting present at the edges of the screen when you're moving fast. Saying it doesn't look realistic at all is just a joke.

Also, if we're speaking of these terrible environment details
and cherry-picking screenshots


shadows in real life are soft, especially the shadows being portrayed in these images. pcars shadows have no softness at all. it would be funny if it actually is using PCF. certainly wouldnt be surprising. mind pointing out the AO in those screens? cherry picking zoomed in parts of a screenshot to prove a false point?
shadows in real life are soft, especially the shadows being portrayed in these images. pcars shadows have no softness at all.


These real life shadows are clear and defined with a small amount of blur/softness around the edges, pCARS renders them just like this. Shadows aren't always vague blobs.

cherry picking zoomed in parts of a screenshot to prove a false point?

I even said myself that it was cherry picking, and it isn't entirely serious anyway. I don't see why you're so riled up.

Either way, the point being proven is not false. Both are low FOV pictures taken from a distance showing not-quite-full quality bystander models. A PC is capable of putting out far more detail than a PS4 and pCARS is taking advantage of this, what's false about it?


Either way, the point being proven is not false. Both are low FOV pictures taken from a distance showing not-quite-full quality bystander models. A PC is capable of putting out far more detail than a PS4 and pCARS is taking advantage of this, what's false about it?

Can you get some close-up shots of the vegetation/trees in pCars?

These real life shadows are clear and defined with a small amount of blur/softness around the edges, pCARS renders them just like this. Shadows aren't always vague blobs.

I even said myself that it was cherry picking, and it isn't entirely serious anyway. I don't see why you're so riled up.

Either way, the point being proven is not false. Both are low FOV pictures taken from a distance showing not-quite-full quality bystander models. A PC is capable of putting out far more detail than a PS4 and pCARS is taking advantage of this, what's false about it?

ignoring the rest of the environment to focus on a handful of bystanders sure does seems like a great way to judge environment quality! the fact that this debate is even taking place when you yourself posted the following screen showing just how utterly terrible the environments in pcars are is bizarre to say the least. you also never answered my question about what gpu and settings these 30 fps screens were taken on.


shadows actually never look like that. only shadows from the car are soft. the environment shadows all seem to be ps3 style PCF shadows. its even worse in motion too. these static images are doing it a lot of favors.


Driveclub under the right conditions looks absolutely incredible.

Project Cars under the right conditions/settings looks absolutely incredible.

However, they excel at different things. Project Cars is capable of looking better in that typical PC version way: higher AF, higher-res textures, better IQ, etc. All important things, mind you. Driveclub is doing more graphically impressive things, with it's global illumination, dynamic volumetric cloud cover, unparalleled weather effects, and sheer geometry and detail in its environments.

It is for this reason that I find Driveclub to be the better looking game, particularly in motion. What it's doing to push the genre forward graphically is more impressive than what pCARS is doing. I can't think of any substantial ways that pCARS is pushing the genre forward graphically. If somebody could enlighten me, though, I'd be more than happy to listen.

It's silly to act hyperbolic about either to prove a point, because they each look amazing in their own rights.


Driveclub under the right conditions looks absolutely incredible.

Project Cars under the right conditions/settings looks absolutely incredible.

However, they excel at different things. Project Cars is capable of looking better in that typical PC version way: higher AF, higher-res textures, better IQ, etc. All important things, mind you. Driveclub is doing more graphically impressive things, with it's global illumination, dynamic volumetric cloud cover, unparalleled weather effects, and sheer geometry and detail in its environments.

It is for this reason that I find Driveclub to be the better looking game, particularly in motion. What it's doing to push the genre forward graphically is more impressive than what pCARS is doing. I can't think of any substantial ways that pCARS is pushing the genre forward graphically. If somebody could enlighten me, though, I'd be more than happy to listen.

It's silly to act hyperbolic about either to prove a point, because they each look amazing in their own rights.
This. How's Project Cars' mod support BTW? I know with oculus it's next level stuff but as far as community mods how is it?
Where are some environment shots of Project Cars on PC that put out more detail?

This entire city area is inaccessible, but detailed anyway. The only obvious missing details are the fact that some buildings are on grass instead of concrete in areas where they won't be visible in normal gameplay.

Also, the shadows flicker and disappear when you're at these heights with the camera, so most of the things in these screenshots aren't lit properly in case anyone mentions that.

This. How's Project Cars' mod support BTW? I know with oculus it's next level stuff but as far as community mods how is it?

Nothing in the way of actual mods as far as I'm aware. There are a shitload of texture/livery mods for cars though. I don't think anyone is bothering with mods quite yet because with the game being unfinished, any of the frequent updates can break something.


Ahh. I bet with proper mod support it could very easily be the best looking racer. Also city environments aren't that great for comparisons to Driveclub since it only has one city way in the distance in Canada. No city driving, it's all high altitude mountain driving. (Unless you're in Norway)

Forza Horizon 2 would be a decent comparison though. Or Forza 5.
Let's get some environment shots going!
Disregard the Alfa on the roof, I was trying to jump onto the castle.


Is that running on the lowest settings? Sorry, they don't look too hot. It's like a ps3 game.

Again, the shadows are missing (and the ones that are present are squares) because of the game glitching out at the camera height, so the lighting looks very flat. The screenshots are just to show the modelled city.

it does look quite awful, cant believe he posted those.

Since there's no convincing you when all you do is post this, there's no point in furthering this talk.


Ahh. I bet with proper mod support it could very easily be the best looking racer. Also city environments aren't that great for comparisons to Driveclub since it only has one city way in the distance in Canada. No city driving, it's all high altitude mountain driving. (Unless you're in Norway)

Will be interesting to see what environment Evo goes for on DC for the sixth location. Would be fantastic to see a city locale.
DriveClub looks embarassing if you actually stop and look at the track. It does a lot of neat tricks to hide it, especially in motion with all the motion blur (which is a rather weak implementation imo), and they do some nice lighting, but a lot of things look incredibly bland and low poly. However, weather effects are currently better in Driveclub imo.

But all that taken into account, and there's no comparison when playing. Cranking pCARS up to 4k on a 4k monitor puts it in another league imo. Details you never even noticed before pop out and it looks incredible. Of course, pCARS has its rough spots and many of the tracks still leave a lot to be desired, but playing a racing SIM with impeccable IQ with cars and some tracks that look simply gorgeous... and yea, you have my winner.
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