Lol at the mad DC fanboys that aren't willing to accept that it's art style is far from photorealistic.
You're not doing your arguments any favors by posting these kinds of things. I respect people's different views, hell I think all of the major players in this discussion are at least looking like very good games, but playing the fanboy card isn't furthering any meaningful conversation. I am a big fan of Driveclub, not just the visuals but the overall fun and addictive nature, but that doesn't mean I'm dismissive of the other games being talked about. I want to play them all.Dat sony damage control
I will say I think some people are being too hard on some aspects of Project Cars, especially when its still in development. For me, it looks to be shaping up to a game I'll be happy to dive into when it finally releases. The more racing games, the better as far as I'm concerned. Especially after last generation, where I think racing games were kind of going through the motions. With some exceptions, of course.