Nier: Automata PC performance thread


Complaining about mouse support is like people who complain bout no mouse suppprt in dybasty warrior ports.
These type of games will never work brilliantly on a mouse n keyboard due to the nature of movement and combat.
Id never dream of playing a game like thia bayonetta etc on mouse n keyboard it would be handicapping yourself for no reason. Saying its a bad port because of that is just silly
Third-person games can work very well with a keyboard and mouse setup.
I don't know why you would think that they should only be playable with a controller.

Keyboard & Mouse is not my preferred way to play a character action game like Nier, but I hope that someone fixes the aiming acceleration because it makes the game borderline unplayable with mouse, touchpad, or gyro aiming in my opinion.
I'm having to play this using a DualShock 4 instead of my Steam Controller or KB&M, which would be my preferred options. I hate dual-analog controls.
Are you using the PS4 Controller wired or wireless?
I'm using it wireless with a bluetooth dongle and tried the native steam support but it only seems to work properly by using DS4Windows which is only an emulation of the Xbox controller. A shame since I'd like to pad my pod by using the touch pad of the controller.


Are you using the PS4 Controller wired or wireless?
I'm using it wireless with a bluetooth dongle and tried the native steam support but it only seems to work properly by using DS4Windows which is only an emulation of the Xbox controller. A shame since I'd like to pad my pod by using the touch pad of the controller.
The controller works fine for me wirelessly using Steam's DS4 support.
Make sure you properly uninstalled the ScpDriver that DS4Windows uses before trying to use the controller with Steam.

The option to disable Steam Configuration support so that games see it as a DS4 again currently only works with wired controllers.
But I don't think that Nier has native DS4 support anyway?


Neo Member
New versions of FAR are already setup for reshade. Just rename the reshade files dxgi.ini and dxgi.dll to reshade64.ini and reshade64.dll

...and if you install ReShade after FAR, you'll have to reinstall FAR, because ReShade's installation will have overwritten FAR's own dxgi.dll and dxgi.ini.


So it seems like all these community fixes kinda shoot a hole in the idea that Denuvo prohibits modding.. Have you run into any issues with it Durante?
All these fixes sound great, I'm much more likely to pick up the game in the near future now!
I've always said that Denuvo is much less of an issue for modding than some other "technologies", like, say, UWP, which causes tons of difficulties.

For what it's worth, this sort of code doesn't tell the story of why it works (though the comments here do) ;)
Hey, I commented my parts of that code 300% more than I usually do, it should be easy to follow ;)

But yes, the difficult part for something like this is figuring out what to do, the implementation isn't really deep magic.


Use 0x081002F5. Make sure you set SLI_PREDEFINED_GPU_COUNT_DX10_FOUR and SLI_PREDEFINED_MODE_DX10_FORCE_AFR. Play fullscreen.

Credit goes to Laiza.

anyone used this extensively with impressions? Any weird bugs?

considering the dire state of SLI lately it's funny that a japanese PC port would have working SLI.


anyone used this extensively with impressions? Any weird bugs?

considering the dire state of SLI lately it's funny that a japanese PC port would have working SLI.

It works fine. The scaling is good and I can do 4k 60 FPS with two 1080's.

There ARE a few visual bugs, but they all tie to the same thing.

1) If you open the "Select" menu (where you can quick use items/swap weapons/etc), the background flickers. This is the most obvious of the issues.

2) Particle effects from a couple certain things (spoilers) around your character flicker.

3) When exiting the pause menu, the checkboard effect of the pause menu closing flickers for less than a second.

4) The background of the main title screen upon starting the game flickers a little bit I think.

Those are the only issues I've seen. The actual gameplay is perfectly fine and the performance is great. More than worth it.

I think Laiza said he/she repurposed Metal Gear: Rising SLI bits to get this working, due to similarities in the engine. Both suffer from that flickering issue but it is really minor.


Neo Member
It's just you.
  • It even has some PC-specific features, like MSAA or having separate audio settings when not in focus (which is really appreciated).
Hehe I can't stress how much I also appreciate those two out of focus options. I tweak Reshade a lot so it really annoys me when games freeze when you've got another window open. I also enjoy the music playing in the background.
I had just finished the
forest castle
so I went back inside to check out the bloom, which led me to find the blacksmith who I completely missed the first time.


New versions of FAR are already setup for reshade. Just rename the reshade files dxgi.ini and dxgi.dll to reshade64.ini and reshade64.dll

What version of reshade are we talking? I'm still using 2.03 because of all the profiles I still have tied to it. Just tried installing the newest version and renaming the files from that, still not working for me (after reinstalling FAR afterwards).

Feels like I'm missing something...


Unconfirmed Member
This bloom fix is amazing thank you so much. The GI fix was great for people who needed the performance but didn't change anything for me, however this bloom fix is so huge. Can't thank you enough Durante!
Installed the latest FAR patch and what a difference!
Played through that first desert mission and had almost no slowdowns on my 7700K/GTX 1080 rig.
Playing in 1920x1080 and all settings maxed except AA off of course.
Global Illumination on "Ultra" default setting.
The "Use Busy-Wait Framerate Limiter" toggle is doing excellent work.
Will try some downscaling, I guess.

The controller works fine for me wirelessly using Steam's DS4 support.
Make sure you properly uninstalled the ScpDriver that DS4Windows uses before trying to use the controller with Steam.

Using Big Picture mode, Steam currently sees two controllers: A Xbox controller (DS4Windows) and the native PS4 controller. My solution is to just start the game without Big Picture mode, which means using the Xbox controller emulation.
Works well enough, but I'd still be interested in the native PS4 controller support just to see if I can use the touch pad.
Thanks for the ScpDriver info.

The option to disable Steam Configuration support so that games see it as a DS4 again currently only works with wired controllers.
But I don't think that Nier has native DS4 support anyway?
Oh, I see. So we're still talking about emulation as long as the game doesn't properly support the controller.
Still unclear to to me whether the PS4 touch pad works by using the steam configuration support?


Using Big Picture mode, Steam currently sees two controllers: A Xbox controller (DS4Windows) and the native PS4 controller.
You need to close DS4Windows and uninstall the custom driver it uses.
Steam Configuration works with just the standard DS4 driver.
Once you do that, Steam should only list the DualShock 4.

Oh, I see. So we're still talking about emulation as long as the game doesn't properly support the controller.
Still unclear to to me whether the PS4 touch pad works by using the steam configuration support?
You can configure the touchpad to do whatever you want using the Steam Configuration; e.g. as a mouse.
The game itself would need native DS4 support built in to use the touchpad for a specific function though, and Nier does not seem to do that.


You need to close DS4Windows and uninstall the custom driver it uses.
Steam Configuration works with just the standard DS4 driver.
Once you do that, Steam should only list the DualShock 4.

You can configure the touchpad to do whatever you want using the Steam Configuration; e.g. as a mouse.
The game itself would need native DS4 support built in to use the touchpad for a specific function though, and Nier does not seem to do that.

You don't have to uninstall the drivers it installed, just close the program and you're good.


Neo Member

What version of reshade are we talking? I'm still using 2.03 because of all the profiles I still have tied to it. Just tried installing the newest version and renaming the files from that, still not working for me (after reinstalling FAR afterwards).

Feels like I'm missing something...

Version 3.0.6. I think profiles used for older versions of reshade need to be updated for them to work.


Thanks for keeping the OP updated, JaseC :) So it looks like Durante's additions have been incorporated into Kal's tool.

Anyone know what the 'Cutscene Stutter Fix' addition mentioned in the FAR tool affects?


Neo Member
Thanks for keeping the OP updated, JaseC :) So it looks like Durante's additions have been incorporated into Kal's tool.

Anyone know what the 'Cutscene Stutter Fix' addition mentioned in the FAR tool affects?

Recent versions of FAR change the behaviour of the framerate limiter for better framepacing. That change just so happens to fix the framedrops you get when playing the FMV cutscenes as well.


Apologies if this is a dumb question, but why is FAR's framerate limiter set to 59.7 (or whatever, I don't remember what the default setting was) instead of an even 60.0 by default?


Now begins the great debate of playing in 4K or playing in 1080p with 144 FPS...

Almost wish they didn't unlock it! These mods are too good :|


Any way to remove the mouse cursor? I always have to manually drag it off screen.
There's a setting for in the FAR mod to auto-hide it. You can set the amount of time you want the cursor on screen when not touching the mouse (I have it at 2 secs).


Now begins the great debate of playing in 4K or playing in 1080p with 144 FPS...

Almost wish they didn't unlock it! These mods are too good :|

Given the bottlenecks this engine imposes, I highly doubt it scales all the way to 144hz. It would certainly be interesting to see though.
Installed this and can't get the game to run at all. Using Windows 10 64-bit. Reverted the changes, I think I'll wait until Kaldaien looks into it to properly integrate it with his own fix.

EDIT: The modder hasn't tested this thoroughly either, apparently the
hacking minigame
also needs to be capped at 60.

A new version, 0.1.3, fixes that.


Given the bottlenecks this engine imposes, I highly doubt it scales all the way to 144hz. It would certainly be interesting to see though.

Yeah I'll have to see. Considering I can run the game at 4k with 60 FPS, I can't imagine that it would be impossible to reach 1080p 144 FPS.

Worst case scenario I'd have to turn the GI down a little more, but I think it should be achieveable unless the engine holds me back.


You finished all the endings? I'm like 45hours into the game and I just started scenario C lol

I finished all the main endings and 72% of the side quests in like 32hours (Can drop a few hours off that from messing with FAR/Reshade and just general idle time too).

I think it depends how much you stop and smell the roses.


It works fine. The scaling is good and I can do 4k 60 FPS with two 1080's.

There ARE a few visual bugs, but they all tie to the same thing.

1) If you open the "Select" menu (where you can quick use items/swap weapons/etc), the background flickers. This is the most obvious of the issues.

2) Particle effects from a couple certain things (spoilers) around your character flicker.

3) When exiting the pause menu, the checkboard effect of the pause menu closing flickers for less than a second.

4) The background of the main title screen upon starting the game flickers a little bit I think.

Those are the only issues I've seen. The actual gameplay is perfectly fine and the performance is great. More than worth it.

I think Laiza said he/she repurposed Metal Gear: Rising SLI bits to get this working, due to similarities in the engine. Both suffer from that flickering issue but it is really minor.
I get that annoying flickering in the pause screen (the one when you pause a cutscene, or when you try to go into the menu in mid-air) in 0x081002F5, but not in 0x080002F5. In 0x080002F5 the only bug I notice is the weapon transition particle effect that seems to be at a slightly lower framerate (not a big deal to me considering the major performance boost I get from using SLI).
Just picked this up from GMG last night (after burning out on ME:A halfway through)

If I'm tracking with the last couple pages and the OP, I should install FAR and run in bordless window? (I normally run fullscreen but sounds like that's borked) and turn off AA?

1080FE/6700K. Is 1080p60 a reasonable expectation? Maybe 1440p?

Heard Patrick Klepek talk on yesterday's Waypoint podcast and it 100% sold me on the game. Really excited to dive in.


Just picked this up from GMG last night (after burning out on ME:A halfway through)

If I'm tracking with the last couple pages and the OP, I should install FAR and run in bordless window? (I normally run fullscreen but sounds like that's borked) and turn off AA?

1080FE/6700K. Is 1080p60 a reasonable expectation? Maybe 1440p?

Heard Patrick Klepek talk on yesterday's Waypoint podcast and it 100% sold me on the game. Really excited to dive in.
You can easily get 1440p60 on a 1080 if you disable MSAA.
Just picked this up from GMG last night (after burning out on ME:A halfway through)

If I'm tracking with the last couple pages and the OP, I should install FAR and run in bordless window? (I normally run fullscreen but sounds like that's borked) and turn off AA?

1080FE/6700K. Is 1080p60 a reasonable expectation? Maybe 1440p?

Heard Patrick Klepek talk on yesterday's Waypoint podcast and it 100% sold me on the game. Really excited to dive in.
FAR fixes fullscreen. I've been using fullscreen for all my play time and it's been great once I installed the fix. You can definitely do 1080p60, I would expect 1440p60 to be fine. Just make sure you use FAR


Just picked this up from GMG last night (after burning out on ME:A halfway through)

If I'm tracking with the last couple pages and the OP, I should install FAR and run in bordless window? (I normally run fullscreen but sounds like that's borked) and turn off AA?

1080FE/6700K. Is 1080p60 a reasonable expectation? Maybe 1440p?

Heard Patrick Klepek talk on yesterday's Waypoint podcast and it 100% sold me on the game. Really excited to dive in.

the mods fix the fullscrreen issue..just download the latest version and ull have the fullscreen issue fix plus the global illumination and bloom fixes.
You can easily get 1440p60 on a 1080 if you disable MSAA.

FAR fixes fullscreen. I've been using fullscreen for all my play time and it's been great once I installed the fix. You can definitely do 1080p60, I would expect 1440p60 to be fine. Just make sure you use FAR

the mods fix the fullscrreen issue..just download the latest version and ull have the fullscreen issue fix plus the global illumination and bloom fixes.


Referring to the GI and bloom fixes, does that mean I don't need to manually edit the values (thought i saw that a few pages back...)? The fix effectively sets the values to wherever they need to be?


Kaldaien has (pre-)released a new version of FAR with the framerate uncap integrated. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be using the latest version which results in the previously mentioned gameplay segment going haywire. Playing that at 165 fps is uh... nuts to say the least. Other than that, things seem to be running fine.


Kaldaien has (pre-)released a new version of FAR with the framerate uncap integrated. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be using the latest version which results in the previously mentioned gameplay segment going haywire. Playing that at 165 fps is uh... nuts to say the least. Other than that, things seem to be running fine.

Sounds like fun, like playing in Lunatic :p

I should try the
Arcade challenge
with it like that :D


Sounds like fun, like playing in Lunatic :p

I should try the
Arcade challenge
with it like that :D

Upon further testing, it seems to run fine when accessed
from the terminal
, but when it
comes to an enemy out in the world
, then it goes bonkers.
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