Nier: Automata PC performance thread


Upon further testing, it seems to run fine when accessed
from the terminal
, but when it
comes to an enemy out in the world
, then it goes bonkers.

Does that mean it's limiting the frame rate to 60 or it's just not speeding up a ton even at uncapped frame rates?


I was having problems starting the game this morning with the FPS unlocker. Does the FAR integration fix that issue? What was the name of the person that did this? They deserve some props. Just like our current heroes:




Does that mean it's limiting the frame rate to 60 or it's just not speeding up a ton even at uncapped frame rates?

It correctly locks at 60 for the former but not the latter.

EDIT: Should probably mention that the FAR version of the framerate uncap launches the game for me on Win10 (64 bit). Though it has issues that the original mod creator has since updated and rectified.


I was having problems starting the game this morning with the FPS unlocker. Does the FAR integration fix that issue? What was the name of the person that did this? They deserve some props. Just like our current heroes:




Am i the only one not having that issue with resolutions in full screen?
I can't be the only one right?

It should be immediately obvious if you open the Steam overlay. The text will lose its clarity and appear fuzzy/blurry depending on your native resolution. If you still don't see a problem then I guess you're one of the very few outliers that don't have that problem or somehow have the game consistently running in borderless fullscreen (without the app) without having to mash alt+enter a bunch of times until it randomly works. Or you're blind :p

But yeah, you should install FAR anyway if you have issues with cutscenes/performance issues/hiccups.


It should be immediately obvious if you open the Steam overlay. The text will lose its clarity and appear fuzzy/blurry depending on your native resolution. If you still don't see a problem then I guess you're one of the very few outliers that don't have that problem or somehow have the game consistently running in borderless fullscreen (without the app) without having to mash alt+enter a bunch of times until it randomly works. Or you're blind :p

But yeah, you should install FAR anyway if you have issues with cutscenes/performance issues/hiccups.

I am 100% sure that it's my native 1080p or 1440p resolutions.

You playing on TV?

I never had the fullscreen problem on my TV but on my monitor.

Yes, TV.


Another thing affected by the uncapped framerate is the gliding spin kick (hold jump then light attack). The higher your FPS, the greater the distance you cover when performing it.
I cant boot the game with the unlocked framerate :/
I have FAR installed which works great. When I download the .dll for the unlocked framerate and put in the steam folder and add the appropriate lines in the dxdg the game starts in the backround and just shuts itself.


Sändersson;232922077 said:
I cant boot the game with the unlocked framerate :/
I have FAR installed which works great. When I download the .dll for the unlocked framerate and put in the steam folder and add the appropriate lines in the dxdg the game starts in the backround and just shuts itself.

If you really want the uncapped framerate then install the pre-release:

There are issues with it though, so I'd wait, assuming it can even be fixed.


People on steam forums are saying certain attacks (like holding jump and pressing light attack) go a farther distance with higher FPS values.

There are definitely gameplay ramifications.
So... while not having to worry about Lightboost double-imaging anymore is awesome... the uncap isn't perfect.

The framerate limiter built into FAR has a hard time staying at the 120fps I capped it at.

Replaying the opening, its apparent that the appearance of the flying robots on the screen during the shmup sections is affected. They fly into frame nuts fast, its really absurd.Thankfully, enemy bullet patterning is not accelerated (but placement and movement speed of the enemies on screen is).

I also noticed a timing issue during a realtime cutscene during this section. During 2B's uncontrollable switch to team leader+all range mode, the enemies decided to go ahead and start shooting me. Thankfully, her hitbox was turned off until return to control, but I had to eat a ton of hits right off the bat.

Some dialogue was skipped over during the single arm boss battle.

Nothing for awhile, until the boss battle at the end of the tutorial, at the part where 2B is slapped backwards right before taking control of the arm. If you shoot on the way back, 2B 's movement will outpace her bullets. Weird.

So... official support/testing by SE/Platinum would be nice, but of course isn't expected.

I didn't want to buy a 1080ti before. Still don't. But turning off GI sux :^(


Give it to me straight.

How bad is the game with KB+M controls?

You have to evade with the movement keys by double tapping them. There's no separate dodge key. In the twin stick shooter segments, mouse aiming isn't decoupled from movement so your shots go where you go so you'll have to constantly re-adjust your aim. Apparently looking around with the mouse feels bad too with some issues with acceleration.


So from what I understand there is a new version of the frame rate unlock that fixes some issues. Is FAR still using the previous version? I guess it's a good thing I can't go home until tonight. Maybe things will be a little smoother. I was going to hold out on AO and Shadows to be improved, but playing this at 144FPS seems like too good to pass up.

There's video of a 980Ti running Nier at about 110FPS @ 1440p. I might be able to get 120FPS around the 3K resolutions.


It works fine. The scaling is good and I can do 4k 60 FPS with two 1080's.

There ARE a few visual bugs, but they all tie to the same thing.

1) If you open the "Select" menu (where you can quick use items/swap weapons/etc), the background flickers. This is the most obvious of the issues.

2) Particle effects from a couple certain things (spoilers) around your character flicker.

3) When exiting the pause menu, the checkboard effect of the pause menu closing flickers for less than a second.

4) The background of the main title screen upon starting the game flickers a little bit I think.

Those are the only issues I've seen. The actual gameplay is perfectly fine and the performance is great. More than worth it.

I think Laiza said he/she repurposed Metal Gear: Rising SLI bits to get this working, due to similarities in the engine. Both suffer from that flickering issue but it is really minor.

Thanks. Will definitely pick this up when I can. No way I'll have time to play it before Persona 5...


Give it to me straight.

How bad is the game with KB+M controls?

Pretty bad. Mouse look is full of acceleration and feels completely wrong (like it was just directed translated from the analog stick), you have to double tap a move key to dodge (which is gross, believe me), in the shmup sections aiming with the mouse is worthless (which makes route B a PAIN), you can't remap mouse buttons, the list goes on.

Only play this game if you have a gamepad, I can't stress this enough.


Well I just installed the FAR mod, any suggestions on what shoud I move to optimize the performance in the toggle menu (I really don't understand half of the settings there)


After spending some time reading online, I was able to finally get this running and installing ReShade and turned off AA, anyways, I'd like to have a suggestion here, shuld I go for 1080p with what seems to be a variable frame rate between 29 and 45 FPS with GI set to medium a custom bloom, or go for a lower resolution (Was thinking 900p) with a frame rate between 45 a 56 FPS.

Thanks in advance
Tried some 4K gaming and am getting about 35-40 fps average on my GTX 1080. This is with the latest FAR patch, all settings maxed out except AA which is off.
Guess 60 fps should be possible by reducing GI and some of the standard settings?


Tried some 4K gaming and am getting about 35-40 fps average on my GTX 1080. This is with the latest FAR patch, all settings maxed out except AA which is off.
Guess 60 fps should be possible by reducing GI and some of the standard settings?
Locked 60 isn't really possible at 4k on a 1080.

Or at least I don't think it's worth it, I'd rather keep all the graphics options up at 1440p.

(And it makes sense that it's not possible, a 1080 isn't quite 4 times as fast as a PS4 Pro)


Does anyone else get the camera "recentering" or something when moving around but it just keeps moving lower and lower until the camera is looking straight up at the sky? Idk what's wrong if it's with my xbox one controller or what. Not unmanageable but just annoying to constantly be fighting against.


Does anyone else get the camera "recentering" or something when moving around but it just keeps moving lower and lower until the camera is looking straight up at the sky? Idk what's wrong if it's with my xbox one controller or what. Not unmanageable but just annoying to constantly be fighting against.

I don't have an XBone controller, but it sounds like a calibration issue? Does it happen in other games?


I don't have an XBone controller, but it sounds like a calibration issue? Does it happen in other games?

Yep just tried it in another game and it did the same thing. When I just push forward on the left stick without touching the right the camera starts moving up. Once I start using the right stick everything works fine but when I let go it happens again. Weird because I don't ever use the thing, I use the steam controller for everything else. This game was the first in a while I wanted to use this one instead... Maybe if I try it wired it could be fine. Or the stick is just messed up.

Hmm this problem is another thing that makes the steam controller feel nicer.


Yep just tried it in another game and it did the same thing. When I just push forward on the left stick without touching the right the camera starts moving up. Once I start using the right stick everything works fine but when I let go it happens again. Weird because I don't ever use the thing, I use the steam controller for everything else. This game was the first in a while I wanted to use this one instead... Maybe if I try it wired it could be fine. Or the stick is just messed up.

Hmm this problem is another thing that makes the steam controller feel nicer.

Try calibrating it on the windows settings. Or maybe you can try adding an artificial deadzone to fix the drift if it is small enough with x360ce.


Yep just tried it in another game and it did the same thing. When I just push forward on the left stick without touching the right the camera starts moving up. Once I start using the right stick everything works fine but when I let go it happens again. Weird because I don't ever use the thing, I use the steam controller for everything else. This game was the first in a while I wanted to use this one instead... Maybe if I try it wired it could be fine. Or the stick is just messed up.

Hmm this problem is another thing that makes the steam controller feel nicer.
Why not use the Steam controller for Nier?

Personally, I have it set up for trackball-like camera movement by default, and toggle switch it to joystick simulation with the right grip button for the twin-stick elements. This works really well -- trackball is always great for camera control, and joystick mode is really precise for aiming in the twin stick segments.


Try calibrating it on the windows settings. Or maybe you can try adding an artificial deadzone to fix the drift if it is small enough with x360ce.
How would I do that?

Why not use the Steam controller for Nier?

Personally, I have it set up for trackball-like camera movement by default, and toggle switch it to joystick simulation with the right grip button for the twin-stick elements. This works really well -- trackball is always great for camera control, and joystick mode is really precise for aiming in the twin stick segments.

Idk I gave it a quick try at the start but wasn't happy with it. Admittedly didn't spend enough time trying and I like how the Xbone controller feels a lot so wanted to give it some use. Also I was in a rush to just get in and to start playing the game. I'll give the steam controller another go with it tomorrow. Thanks for the tips, do you have your config shared?
Its amazing how well this mod worked for me. I went from constant hitches as I traversed the over world to a completely smooth experience. I'm so thankful for the work that people put in to fix this awesome game.


Yep just tried it in another game and it did the same thing. When I just push forward on the left stick without touching the right the camera starts moving up. Once I start using the right stick everything works fine but when I let go it happens again. Weird because I don't ever use the thing, I use the steam controller for everything else. This game was the first in a while I wanted to use this one instead... Maybe if I try it wired it could be fine. Or the stick is just messed up.
Hmm this problem is another thing that makes the steam controller feel nicer.
That sounds like it's either a bug or a bad controller.
If you're using Steam to configure it, you could always increase the deadzone size on the right stick and see if it helps.

Why not use the Steam controller for Nier?
Personally, I have it set up for trackball-like camera movement by default, and toggle switch it to joystick simulation with the right grip button for the twin-stick elements. This works really well -- trackball is always great for camera control, and joystick mode is really precise for aiming in the twin stick segments.
I just can't deal with the negative acceleration on the aiming with the touchpad/gyro or a mouse.
If someone manages to fix that, I'd switch over from a DualShock 4 to my Steam Controller again.
Until then, I'm stuck using analog sticks. (which I hate)


Yep just tried it in another game and it did the same thing. When I just push forward on the left stick without touching the right the camera starts moving up. Once I start using the right stick everything works fine but when I let go it happens again. Weird because I don't ever use the thing, I use the steam controller for everything else. This game was the first in a while I wanted to use this one instead... Maybe if I try it wired it could be fine. Or the stick is just messed up.

Hmm this problem is another thing that makes the steam controller feel nicer.

Before you throw the controller away or start replacing sticks or whatever, increase the deadzone on the stick that's misbehaving from Steam's controller config (like Paragon mentions above as well). I have had this happen on couple of games (that weren't using xinput afaik) after the SCAPI support for xbone controllers was rolled out, no idea if it will help but it's worth a shot.


I just can't deal with the negative acceleration on the aiming with the touchpad/gyro or a mouse.
If someone manages to fix that, I'd switch over from a DualShock 4 to my Steam Controller again.
Until then, I'm stuck using analog sticks. (which I hate)
I just use the controller-based trackball emulation and not the mouse-based one. I don't notice any acceleration issues.

Thanks for the tips, do you have your config shared?
Not yet, I'll do it the next time I play the game. (Currently tied up with Dark Souls 3 DLC co-op, and coop always takes precedence ;)
For a while I was playing with GI set at medium but there are some spots where the lighting get screwey if it is not set to at least high. I can see why the devs didn't include an option.

Does adjusting the standard camera distance break anything or is the warning just thematic? I still don't fully understand all the camera options. I do appreciate options, more so if they are properly explained.


I just use the controller-based trackball emulation and not the mouse-based one. I don't notice any acceleration issues.

I mean I have no idea what steam's algorithm does to resolve that on the backend, but in game it has a highly aggressive negative acceleration curve. It's so aggressive that when I first started playing the game I thought my mouse was broken or they botched the mapping.
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