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Nintendo Switch Launch Thread: Now you're playing with power; HYBRID POWER!

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May of already been there? Mine, and a few others out the box had a few slight scratches.

I'm not denying that there could have been some out of the box, but the ones I'm talking about were from my wiping it down. I tested it buy using the cloth in a small circular motion at a certain spot on the back, and yup, a circle of scratches.

I'm starting to worry about how this is going to hold up moving forward


Even though I've been experiencing the crappy de-syncing issue I really am impressed by the Joycons battery life. I've been playing Zelda pretty much non stop the last 2 days and I'm barely putting a dent in the battery meter by the days end.


Junior Member
So got my switch today, So far its decent in terms of hardware the device looks sleek but it has a very cheap feeling to it. I noticed the joy cons do disconnect frequently hasn't been a big issue yet. I think i might be playing this in portable mode more then TV mode. I don't like the wrist strap shoulder button things Nintendo should have found a better design i think again makes it feel cheap. i love the UI though and happy its pretty plain at the end of the day this is a game console and i like that approach even though i like the apps on PS4. Need to dig into Zelda a bit but it looks gorgeous on TV mode and Handheld mode.

I don't think it feels cheap at all. The system actually exceeded my expectations in terms of quality. I do prefer playing on TV with the pro controller though. I will use the Joy Cons for games like Arms though
While I quite enjoy the system, the Switch is portable mode is basically the Vita to me. Sure you COULD play games with it for long stretches, but the sticks aren't great, the triggers aren't great and the d-pad sucks (though in that respect the Vita has it beat).

I'd pay Nintendo $40 for a left joy-con that has a proper d-pad in lieu of those buttons.

I feel just the opposite -- I found the Vita to be really uncomfortable and was worried Switch'd be the same way, but I'm pretty happy with it. Definitely not, like, the most comfortable thing of all time, but those curved triggers go a long way for me in terms of shaping it in my hands.
Even though I've been experiencing the crappy de-syncing issue I really am impressed by the Joycons battery life. I've been playing Zelda pretty much non stop the last 2 days and I'm barely putting a dent in the battery meter by the days end.
Same, I had been trying to avoid plugging the joy-con into the Switch as much as I could since I've had it, and I'm still barely making a dent. At this point, my worry that I may end up running out of juice on them while using them not connected seems kind of silly. Probably gonna take back the charging grip and keep the Pro Controller, maybe spend the money I get back on Snipperclips.
I feel just the opposite -- I found the Vita to be really uncomfortable and was worried Switch'd be the same way, but I'm pretty happy with it. Definitely not, like, the most comfortable thing of all time, but those curved triggers go a long way for me in terms of shaping it in my hands.

I agree. The vita wasn't good for long gaming periods..whereas the Switch is very comfortable in my hands and I can easily play for hours in handheld mode.

Like you mentioned, Mr. T., the curved triggers also goes a long way to shaping it in my hands as well and is very comfortable to use the switch because of that.


I'm a little confused by the storage issue. If I started a physical game now, it would automatically save to the console regardless of whether or not I had a SD card in and there's no way to switch the save files to the SD card to free up space. Is that right?


I'm a little confused by the storage issue. If I started a physical game now, it would automatically save to the console regardless of whether or not I had a SD card in and there's no way to switch the save files to the SD card to free up space. Is that right?

Right; eventually there will be cloud saves but otherwise saves are stuck on the system. The SD card is just for storing downloaded games, not saves.


I tried playing a little Horizon tonight after playing Zelda. My god the PS4 controller feels gargantuan after using the Switch joy-con controller for hours it really is kind of jarring to be honest. I have to get a Switch pro controller I can't keep going back and forth with these controller sizes. I kept hitting the wrong buttons for X and O because the Switch buttons are reversed god what a mess... :)


Fuck. I really love my switch. Portable Zelda mode is amazing. A dream come true to be able to play Zelda under my blanket, on the bus, at work, sbucks, etc.

. this is coming off playing horizon dawn in my 65 hdr tv. But this.. this is just something special.
Not sure if this has been brought up in the thread, but does anybody else have a small gap at the top by the volume buttons where the back cover meets the main body? I'll try to take a picture of it in the morning, but it's definitely not flush, as i can make it flush if i push on the area.
Man, the core hardware is just so damn good on this thing so far. I don't feel shortchanged in any way. Only complaints on that respect would be that the battery cover and kickstand are super flimsy.

Of course, the OS is super bare bones, but what's there works well and has a very decent layout. Going to be a lifesaver having this thing while training in TX this week.


Very happy with mine, but the brilliance of Zelda is probably contributing greatly to that. That game is truly one in a million. 10/10's totally justified.

The Switch itself, I can see plenty of improvement in it. I am legit very interested to see what it looks like in about 6-8 months time when MariO hits the scene. Barebones is the correct term as of now, and embarrassing little oversights like "Sucessful Download" are a bit disappointing.


I agree. The vita wasn't good for long gaming periods..whereas the Switch is very comfortable in my hands and I can easily play for hours in handheld mode.

Like you mentioned, Mr. T., the curved triggers also goes a long way to shaping it in my hands as well and is very comfortable to use the switch because of that.
I cramp up on the vita and 3ds after an hour or so. Not a problem with the switch. It's a godsend for me. I have little time to game on a tv.


Posting my impressions here since my poor thread is dead.

The box:
Pretty small, definitely smaller than I was expecting. It also weights less than it looks, although that's definitely expected given the contents. Don't know exactly how to describe it, but the artwork has a sort of matte finish that is somehow different from the other console boxes that I have here. Not sure if important, but that little cutout that shows the serial number is the dock's SN, not the unit itself. I'd say it's a pretty well made box, it definitely caught the attention of a few of my work colleagues when I got the Switch delivered yesterday at work.

The system:
I'll try to describe a few things that maybe are not common knowledge by now, as it's quite easy to find thousands of reviews around saying the same positive and negative things. I got the Neon version, and boy, do the joy-cons look like they're coated in one of those paint materials that glow in the dark. The colors really pop, and as I've read from a few users, the red one definitely has the edge but not because it is better, but just because naturally, a blue color has a hard time to pull off such effect.

After turning it on and trying to set everything up, the first (expected) issue: if you're planning to update the system and you're on a network with a captive portal (or call it the additional browser based authentication), get your phone hotspot ready, you simply can't. The good news is that indeed, the update is pretty small and install in seconds.

Also, if Nintendo did not include a browser for security concerns, I can't see this being an issue to anyone who wants to exploit a browser-based flaw - besides the already mentioned here, I'm pretty sure that the eShop itself is a web app. We'll see how Nintendo will deal with this in the future.

The screen, as everyone is probably aware, is beautiful and crisp. My standards are the best possible (my phone has an AMOLED screen, the S7 Edge), and frankly, the Switch screen is, if not as great, completely serviceable. It's light years ahead of any screen Nintendo ever shipped their products with, so that's saying something. Daylight visibility is so so, and that's one of the negatives, but oh well, at least I won't be playing it outside anyway. Sound is ok, the expected from a mobile device. Maximum sound from headphones however, is low. Not absurdly low, but I wouldn't mind at least 25 - 30% louder. It may be a problem for the heavily advertised plane trips, unless a noise canceling headphone is used. By the way, the power button is a pain in the ass to press without actively looking at it, its recessed design makes it hard to find it just by touching the area where you'd think it is. Small nitpick, might become second nature in a few days.

At least with my Switch, the joy-cons are tightly locked when connected to the console, no wobble, nothing. Removing them is not as hard as some people are making it to be, it just requires a certain... practice. Same thing when attaching both to the joy-con grip. Buttons are clicky and satisfying, and the analog sticks are very good. Don't believe people saying that they're more "Vita-like" than your usual analog stick, they're not. They're basically a smaller version (with naturally less travel) of your standard PS4/Xbox/Wii U analog stick. And they're good. In fact, L3 and R3 buttons (or the analog "click") is actually easier (or maybe more satisfying) to pull off than with my DS4. I'm still getting used to "click" the L2/R2 buttons instead of expecting a trigger-like feeling, but it feels ok after a while. Just needs some getting used to. I'm just playing Zelda for now, so I don't know for sure how they feel when playing something local multiplayer like Snipperclips or Fast RMX, but they feel comfortable enough. Mind you, it's not something you'd use to play a 5-hour session of New Super Mario XX, but that's not the premise here, so for all intents and purposes, it's a cool idea and it's literally 2 controllers in one. They should use this fact in marketing it as well, because they're really flexible.

The stand, as everybody knows, is flimsy, to say the least. On a slightly uneven surface (like a bed), the Switch sometimes has a hard time to stay in place. However, if you want to play with someone at school, or sitting in your kitchen, or anywhere you can find a solid, stable surface - you'll be fine.

And finally, I had no issues with scratches. At all, and I did try to dock and undock it a few times.

The ergonomics:

My main idea with the Switch, as a lot of GAF users, was to play it laying on my bed, amazed by the power and portability of this little console. And after playing more than 6 hours of Zelda last night, I can safely say that ergonomically, at least for me, the Switch is just ok. Just like the Vita was just ok, or just like the N3DSXL was just ok. I have a hard time feeling comfortable after a while given the flat back of the device, and I was expecting that. So if you have problems holding a Vita or a XL for long play sessions, don't expect much here. However, playing with the joy-cons detached from the unit feels better (not a lot better), but you'll definitely appreciate the extra comfort.

What surprised me, however, is how comfortable the gamepad feels as a standalone thing when attached to the joy-con grip. My last 3 hours playing on TV mode with this setup were absolutely phenomenal, and the fact that they're smaller than your usual gamepad is absolutely a non-issue. It feels perfectly fine and I'm definitely holding on purchasing a pro controller for now. That's obviously my impression and I completely understand people who definitely can't use these things, specially people with bigger hands.

The veredict:
Well, there it is. Not much more to say besides the fact that despite a few shortcomings, this thing is the best system that Nintendo has ever released, bar none. There's a drought of games now, and that's sort of ok given the fact that this is a brand new console, but Zelda is everything that the reviews are saying and it's definitely a system seller. If Zelda (and indie games) are not your thing though, I'd wait a few months before pulling the trigger.


Not sure if this has been brought up in the thread, but does anybody else have a small gap at the top by the volume buttons where the back cover meets the main body? I'll try to take a picture of it in the morning, but it's definitely not flush, as i can make it flush if i push on the area.
I've got the exact same gap there. Not sure how common it is.


is there some trick to opening the kickstand without having to use a butter knife. i swear my nails aren't that short and i'm approx 0 for 50 in trying to get it open with them

leng jai

The volume from the headphone jack is absolutely pathetic. Even with super easy to drive ear buds the volume sounds soft at maximum.


The volume from the headphone jack is absolutely pathetic. Even with super easy to drive ear buds the volume sounds soft at maximum.

Yeah, it's a real problem - I connect my Switch to a 24" 1080p monitor via HDMI and game with headphones...but at max volume it's 4 out of 10 for a "normal' volume at best (say an iPhone).


is there some trick to opening the kickstand without having to use a butter knife. i swear my nails aren't that short and i'm approx 0 for 50 in trying to get it open with them

Mine is very hard to open and my friends opens way too easy by just brushing a finger across it. Seems like it's just inconsistent quality.
I played Zelda for several hours with the Pro controller. You guys weren't kidding, this controller is phenomenal. Comfy as fuck. I'm keeping it.

That said, I still find the Joycon controller pretty comfortable as well. If the Pro breaks, I don't think I'll replace it unless I can find it really cheap.


One thing I just realized, and am very disappointed about, is that Switch games don't have digital manuals. Not even the most expensive $60 Switch games. Every 3DS and WiiU game I own has one, and they're not only useful, but often fun to look at.

Some might think it's a small feature, but I can't believe Nintendo has become so cheap. Honestly, I'm starting to feel like this thing is barely half finished.


Ia anyone else's Switch Speakers super quiet? On the lower three settings it's barely audible, and on the loudest it's unimpressive and occassionally a little hard to hear in mildly noisy enviroments.


Are there any photos of a switch with two blue joycon attached? Trying to decide if my second set of joycon should be another pair of grey or if I should get two blue...

I like the way the grey looks but some color is always fun.
Are there any photos of a switch with two blue joycon attached? Trying to decide if my second set of joycon should be another pair of grey or if I should get two blue...

I like the way the grey looks but some color is always fun.

Check nintendo life's site. I'm sure they had pictures


Neo Member
Alright, guys I'm totally confused. When you get your Switch out of the box, is there some sort of plastic layer on top of the screen that you have to remove (as you often see with new tv's or phones)? It just seems to mee that there is some plastic layer on the screen, but I'm unable to get it off =\
Just used a micro fiber cloth (brand new fresh out of the package) on the back of the switch to give it a clean and get some dust off. Bad idea. Shined a flash light on it and now there's all scratches on the back of the switch.

Really damn frustrating. It's on the back so I guess I won't be super upset, but the console is literally a day old.
Why did you tell me about this flashlight trick?!

Just shined one on mine and yup... micro scratches scattered across the back.

God dammit Nintendo. That's... so fuckin' annoying. Advertise this great new device that can be a console and a handheld, wow! But if you use console mode you'll scratch the shit out of it, sorry.


Check nintendo life's site. I'm sure they had pictures
Thanks! Blue looks really good, guess I'll go with that.

Why do my screenshots look like ass? Does taking screenshots in handheld mode take them at whatever lower resolution the system runs at?
I think it takes the screenshot at whatever the system is being output to (aka 720p on handheld or whatever is being put out on the TV) plus being being either really compressed or saved at a low quality.

Either way hopefully it gets better when they update the capture functionality for video.

Calm Mind

Not sure if this is good place to post this, but I've posted before that I'd buy Switch if it's region free and sure enough Nintendo did that so..

Hyped to start it tonight.
I bet nobody cares but this is also my first Nintendo console in decades, I've had access to them all but last one I bought for myself was Gamecube with region free disc.

Welcome back!


Welcome back!
Thank you, kind sir!

Behold my dream, now a reality.
What's the tablet arm? That's dream come true..

I'm guessing a USB C to USB 3.0 cable won't charge the Switch from a USB 3.0 port on a PC right?
Cannot answer the question but for some reason this reminds me of image that said if you connect Switch to MacBook Pro, the Mac uses the Switch for charging instead, funny stuff.

No regrets after first day with the Switch, played Zelda for about 8 hours in total and really enjoy the game. Tried both portable and docked modes and it looks gorgeous on both, all my worries about low resolution were quickly blown away. Probably going to grab Pro Controller for docked mode sessions, heard high praise for it so interested in trying it out.
If someone in EU knows a place that sells tempered glass screen protectors, please let me know, I'd like to get one as soon as possible to minimize the chances of getting scratches at the sides of the screen.
I am feeling good about my switch purchase with each passing day.

This thing feels, looks and plays better with each passing hour.

Zelda also keeps getting better and better!


I think down the line they will release a "home console" only version of the Switch with a tiny box and sell it cheaper than this model.
Am I missing anything big if I havent updated the firmware and won't be near internet for a while?

Don't think so, just e-shop and friends. Which you won't be able to use anyway.

Does the Switch do local shared updates - i know the options to do games is there (or is it? sure i read that somewhere). If you come across another switch user you might be able to update via him or her.
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