Bwahahahaha!!!! I participated in that thread!!!!
Here was my prediction from 2017:
Spirit Icana said:
"I voted "Wii style hit." 
I think it'll start slow but pick up like the DS did.
I still need to see the next 2D Mario. I have confidence Pokemon will continue to do work, and it's a good thing Nintendo is continuing with their unique proposals with 1-2 Switch (hard to see this selling though) and Arms.
I think mobility is the future of console gaming."
"Never thought the over sized Wii U controller with a short battery life was any good. Thing was anti-Wii in so many ways.
Switch will have Wii-motes and traditional controls all packed-in on day 1. The handheld and stand are much better teetered to Japan's needs for mobility and playing on the go. Don't think the size will be a problem either. This is a region where Vita hasn't bombed spectaculary, and two pockets will probably hold the unit and the seperated joy-cons just fine.
I expect to hear lot's of stories of lost joy-cons. And the price for those are steep. Parents are gonna have a field day with these things.
Edit: Oh, and I think Switch needs a Wii Sports game. By that, I mean, Switch sports. Tennis, golfing, something mainstream. Maybe they can prove HD rumbles worth with something like that as well. Don't think 1-2 Switch is really gonna grab much attention or appeal due to the activities on their, like milking, not being very mainstream."
And here is what these mofos said to me:
Horsemama1956 said:
"Don't quit your day job lol."
Spirit Icana said:
"Tell me that in a couple years after I'm proven right.
TetraGenesis said:
"It won't take a whole two years for you to realize how tremendously wrong you are."
Source is page 73 and 78.
Where are these people now? Switch is now bigger than a "Wii style hit", and mobility+console gaming isn't looking like a far reach today. Also, Switch Sports happened (I didn't predict it, but I said it should happen).
Btw, I'm quite happy with my morning job.