Hello Games decided to tinker with the jetpack dash — don’t know why, it was just great before.
It now launches you more vertically than horizontally, but to get the old behavior just point the camer at your feet before launching. (You’re going to be starting at the ground a lot after this update.)
Please consider taking the time to explain to Hello Games why the 1.54 jetpack dash was superior: https://hellogames.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=167605
GribbleGrunger Nice base!
It looks like one of those spaceports that the game sometimes spawns (unless I'm missing a smaller detail).It's the oddest thing ... I built that base before I explored the planet I'm on. I thought I'd surprise myself and take a wonder into that earlier horizon. Well, I eventually took a little look around my planet and came upon this. Notice anything familiar?
It looks like one of those spaceports that the game sometimes spawns (unless I'm missing a smaller detail).
Ahh, now I see. That's pretty sweet! I haven't messed around with the base tools since they were originally implemented. I want to get my bearings amidst all the new mechanics before I jump into base-building. It's cool to see what's possible.Look at the colours and then look at the colours I chose for my base ...
Ahh, now I see. That's pretty sweet! I haven't messed around with the base tools since they were originally implemented. I want to get my bearings amidst all the new mechanics before I jump into base-building. It's cool to see what's possible.
You have more architectural control with the basic materials than you do the laboratory pre-fabs.
On the other hand, the pre-fab modules snap together real nice.
This game is so fascinating but the bugs are so maddening.
I pick up a mission that involved repairing some equipment at a building. I follow the waypoint to the building (same system) and learn that it requires some materials, most of which I'm able to source locally until I hit copper. The planet features activated copper but not plain ol' copper. (Really, it has to be regular copper?) So I fly off to another planet in the same system to gather copper. I get enough and head back to space.
The waypoint is gone. Not only that, when I return to the mission board to see if I can reactivate the waypoint, that mission is nowhere to be seen.
Meanwhile, terrain has started regenerating in my base. It's not an underground base exactly, but as I've expanded some parts have ended up built into a hill. Those rooms are now full of terrain blocking me from accessing any equipment/crops unless I clip through the terrain by walking into it from the rear. I can't use the terrain manipulator to clear any of this out, because tools aren't available while inside your base.
What’s inside the top part of the tower? Is it functional or merely decorative? Just curious because I think the tower looks awesome and fits in really well with everything would be a plus if you are using it for a signal booster or something.Some more pics of my base:
What’s inside the top part of the tower? Is it functional or merely decorative? Just curious because I think the tower looks awesome and fits in really well with everything would be a plus if you are using it for a signal booster or something.
This game is so fascinating but the bugs are so maddening.
The mining in the game needs to be smart enough to recognise that if you've say carbon in a cargo slot to add any mined carbon into that over a general slot (until it is full). The amount false 'inventory full' being generated by something that just requires an 'if this then that' approach to sorting stuff is mindboggling. I honestly don't know how it is that no one at Hello has already thought about this.
I haven’t tested this thoroughly but I believe this at least does work. If you see the red inventory full icon on screen but one of those slots is not full up of its element, you can continue to mine and collect that element.
Not 100% sure but I haven’t been burned by operating under that understanding so far.
1: Add two new categories to the discovery page: Mineral and Flora. These would give you a bonus for finding all of them on a planet in the same way finding all the animals does. If you get all three, then you get a further bonus.
2: A recipe list. This would begin simply as a list of question marks and fill as you discover more recipes.
Does anyone know if there is a way to move the base computer inside the base? It's kind of annoying, having to build stuff around it.
Have to hand it to them, they're like shit off a stick with these patches.1.56 is up folks
Yep, they probably patched the duplication exploit.1.56 is up folks
I think you misunderstood what I'm on about.
I don't store my mined elements in the Exo-suit general inventory. I store them in the Exo-Suit Cargo slots because they have double the capacity. However by default whenever you mine the game will put any mined elements into the general slots until those are full. It's only after that that it will place elements/items in the cargo slots.
Adjustments to farming timers, cool. Will have to see if melee jumping is better or not (do not understand why they tinkered with it in 1.55 at all).
Nothing about frigate fuel though.
It's weird: people are saying the base restoration quest is how you get access to NEXT blueprints you don't have on a converted save. But I definitely have at least one of those mentioned -- the large refiner. Wondering if I need to try to run this quest or not.
I still can't send anything to my ship over long distances, even though I've installed the very tech that's supposed to allow for this. Has anyone else been able to send stuff to their ships over long distances?
No Mans Sky 1.56 Patch Notes for PS4 (Updated)
No Mans Sky update 1.56 is now available for download o
- Fixed an animation issue.
- Added the base archive quest for old saves with No Man’s Sky 1.56 update.
- Fixed an issue that prevented pre-NEXT saves from accessing the Base Computer Archive missions
- No Mans Sky patch 1.56 addressed an issue where some non-existent base parts were showing in the Guide
- Addressed a bug that made melee boost jumping overly hard to do.
- Texture quality and streaming improved with No Mans Sky version 1.56.
- Made further adjustments to the farming timers with No Mans Sky version 1.56. Note: plant timers have been on real-world rather than in-game time since the launch of NEXT, and these adjustments are in response to that.
- Added fixes for crashing issues.
- No Mans Sky 1.56 update added fixes for stuttering and lag issues.
- Various performance and stability improvements.
I still can't send anything to my ship over long distances, even though I've installed the very tech that's supposed to allow for this.
I still can't send anything to my ship over long distances, even though I've installed the very tech that's supposed to allow for this. Has anyone else been able to send stuff to their ships over long distances?
The teleport gives you about 350 Au of range from what I can tell. Without it, you pretty much need to be stood next to your ship to do inventory management effectively. Personally, I'd like them to up the range to something like 1000 Au,.
Starting to feel better, after 15 hours I flew to the moon of the planet I am residing at, turns out it has Solar plats and grativon balls all over, all of a sudden, MONEYZ!