within the realm of video games delays? That is absolutely shortJune 21st to August 10th is a month and half, not exactly what I would call a short delay. But whatever, better that than rushing it out.
within the realm of video games delays? That is absolutely shortJune 21st to August 10th is a month and half, not exactly what I would call a short delay. But whatever, better that than rushing it out.
Nah man. Not allowed because reasons.:/
Hey psn can I get a refund
Yeah it's pretty short.June 21st to August 10th is a month and half, not exactly what I would call a short delay. But whatever, better that than rushing it out.
I can't believe Jason Scheier caused the delay
Yeah. Can't help but think this is actually one of the bigger reasons for the delay.
The game really has come together, and its such an incredible relief. As we sit an play it now, and as I watch playtesters every day, I can finally let myself get excited. Were actually doing this.
I, PaulExcellent, PREORDERED a copy of this game to make sure I got it when it released, and now the release date has changed?
How could they do such a thing?! Disgusting. Who do they think they are?!
People these days forget the Super Smash Bros. Brawl delays. That shit was actually crazy.
This is nothing. I wonder what made them delay it, though. Maybe PS4K support or something?
Is this going to be a big game or something? Why are its delay information generating so much discussion?
Especially when its such a short time period now.
Yeah, probs. But I WANT TO BELIEVE~Playstation blog post says it's to polish it up. I'm inclined to believe that's the exact reason.
He had one of the redditors message him on Twitter blaming him for delaying NMS, like Jason was personally responsible, when the article was published and how he was going to come find and kill him and his entire family. Thats how fucked up it was, and still is.
lolShinobi you better be wrong about horizon or I'm holding you personally responsible
Yo...can't that guy go to jail for that shit? Isn't threatening someone with murder really illegal?
He had one of the redditors message him on Twitter blaming him for delaying NMS, like Jason was personally responsible, when the article was published and how he was going to come find and kill him and his entire family. Thats how fucked up it was, and still is.
apparently not on Twitter
What could they possibly add to the game in 2-3 months?
What could they possibly add to the game in 2-3 months?
I think they probably found game breaking bugs and are running around trying to fix them. Either way, ugh. My hype has deflated so much.