I feel like this could have been said every year for the last decade and still be true, they need to show the receipts.
LOL NO, They didn't even have half as many this many studios until like, 2 - 3 years ago at most.
As for my predictions;
I will be
optimistic but
realistic with my predictions, after scouring the internet for
reliable rumors (and asking to reliable people) i came up with a list. This list is mostly going to be about games/IPs that Microsoft owns so i will not be listing, for example, things such as Batllefield GamePass rumors.
Halo : Infinite
Obviously. I would be quite shocked if we did not see gameplay and release date from Halo. This is a safe one so %100 will be.
Forza Horizon 5
I have sources that say FH5 will be released this Fall, will be in Mexico etc. and i believe them to be quite honestly. Motorsport is far away (according to my sources FM is late 2022/ early 2023) so one final crossgen Forza seems likely to me indeed. I am giving this one %75 chance.
This is the big one. Expectations and rumours were that this game was a 2021 release hovewer those weren't backed up by reliability. On the other hand, my sources were pointing towards 2022 and Jason indeed backed these claims up by almost confirming Fall 2022 date. Can we see Starfield this year? %90 YES. Will it release this year? %0 HELL NO IT WON'T.
Wolfenstein 3 (Final Wolfie for a while)
The time has come for one more Blazkowicz game. According to my rumours it is mostly finished and ready for Summer 2022 release. Could be a bit later though, this wasn't the most confident release date in my various sources. Do i predict that it will be in E3? Yes. But i am not %100 confident in release date.
Arkane Austin's "OMEN"
I have heard about this, Sanguine themed Immersive Sim but the rumours about it are muddy so unfortunately i can't put my bet on what it exactly is or whether it will be shown in e3 or not. This is one of those
Fifty-Fifty situations.
Psychonauts 2
Yes, it will be on E3 and yes, it will release this year. I will eat a
nice burger if i am wrong about this one but i am very confident. %100.
Project "Typhoon"
This is again, one of the muddy ones, i don't know much about this one so i will say that i have no idea. Maybe, maybe not. %50 again.
Let me say that this game is not 3 - 4 years away as some think, maybe we will see something in E3?

(I have source for this rumor as well)
Flight Sim/ Gunk / Scorn /
AoE4 etc.
Trust me, they are all coming alright. These aren't big stuff so people don't care about them as much (well i care) but they will be there no worries.
The Rest: Your Fables, State of Decays, Perfect Darks etc.
They are very unlikely honestly, not this years E3, maybe not even next years E3 for some of them probably. They are NOT very far into production. You might not even see
STALKER in 2022 and i'm serious about that, it might be a 2023 release for
STALKER according to my sources. One exception might be
Hellblade 2 but i'm not confident about it. Probably Next E3 with 2023 as release date. Same goes for that IO partnership game,
Project "Dragon". These are far aways games, such that we don't even need to think about them this year.