What's striking is that out of the 475 Steam games and 150 GOG games I have, there's actually a surprisingly small number I can be arsed with. Some are old editions of Football Manager of course, and stupidly I bought 2019 but have concluded, as I did with 2017, that it's no longer for me (why did I buy it?). Some of it is shit that came from bundles. Some of it though is shit that I bought, I geniunely bought, thinking it might be fun. And now I find myself wholly uninterested. It's a poor state of affairs.
Of course I meant your overall number. I have been playing for more than 20 years, so my collection certainly exceeds the 130 games you have on your list. But 625 is huge. Though it is not necessarily a list of shame, if you found so many games that are fitting for your taste and got them at a good price, that's pretty good. I'd probably struggle to find 625 games I actually wanted to have.@Yoshi yeah it's a list of shame tbh - too much to clear, bear in mind that's still only a fairly small chunk of the actual games I own. I have a problem. Doing this will hopefully do something to alleviate that problem.
Of course I meant your overall number. I have been playing for more than 20 years, so my collection certainly exceeds the 130 games you have on your list. But 625 is huge. Though it is not necessarily a list of shame, if you found so many games that are fitting for your taste and got them at a good price, that's pretty good. I'd probably struggle to find 625 games I actually wanted to have.
Well, humble bundles, as I understand them, are not individual purchases, so if there are some games in there you just got "by accident", because they happened to be in an otherwise interesting bundle, you could just as well consider them "not in your collection"Tbh within that there's a fair amount of shit that came in humble bundles, games I thought I'd like but turned out shit, old racing sims, old versions of football manager, a few games that split into 2 games (eg Bioshock), some episodic games that insist on one game per episode, shit that RPS recommended that looked cool but turned out to be horribly flawed (I got bitten a few times there), some games I don't even know what they are or how I got them, a hell of a lot of impulse purchases. I very rarely pay > £10 for a game and tbh I think that's led to buying some questionable stuff.
Well, humble bundles, as I understand them, are not individual purchases, so if there are some games in there you just got "by accident", because they happened to be in an otherwise interesting bundle, you could just as well consider them "not in your collection". But yeah, I often hear from people who use PCs to play games that Steam sales and bundles are "dangerous" in terms of "overspending" by buying a ton of games for a couple of cents, but never touching them.
Currently playing:
American McGee's Alice
Axiom Verge
Sly Raccoon
Yes, the atmosphere / charme is fine, but the objective design is thoughtless, the platforming is atrocious and those controls.... I mean, it's from 2000, there has been ample examples of how to do 3d platformer controls...I absolutely loved that game. Far from perfect but it had a lot of charm (in a creepy messed up way). I also played it on hard setting..... Mistake! Madness Returns was even better but again not perfect.
It'd be too big of a backlog to post (since it also includes games I've beaten, if I happen to want to replay them).
I need to fill out one of those online database sites that tracks all your games. I'm currently using a spreadsheet.
Incidentally, the flying divine beast was my favourite moment in Zelda BotW, as a puzzle-Zelda fan ^^.Glad to see that several of you are sticking with the challenge.Yoshi is making excellent progress toward that "clean backlog" award. Happy that you are taking the plunge, too, @hariseldon
Made major progress in two backlog games: Breath of the Wild and MH Stories. I was stuck/bored with the flying Divine Beast, Medoh, for many months but it was time to get through that puzzle-dungeon. Now that it's finished, I can freely explore the world again. I acquired my first flying Monstie about an hour ago. It's awesome to fly around the map.
For me I think this is proving to be a good way to go back to my gaming roots in some ways. When I was younger I bought a game and I'd play the living shit out of it because I couldn't afford to buy every interesting game out there. It's also taking me back to a lot of older games I never really gave a proper chance because the next shiny thing came along, and that's nice too. I'm half wondering if I should set up a backloggery account for my books too as I have a stack of those I need to get through, good recommendations I keep getting and never quite clearing the ever-expanding list.
I haven't updated on this thread in a while - been busy in real life but I did manage to get through Virginia (not hard - it's just a walker that takes maybe 3 hours tops)..
That's a good reason to fail though!Yoshis Crafted World
I want to do this, because my backlog is huge, but I'd fail real fast because Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Pokemon, Yoshis Crafted World, FF VII remake and others.
Think about the money! 48$ and you need to uphold a subscription to play it, whereas all the games you already have a free to play! Moreover, you will get more variety out of the games you already have when compared to a large MMO timesink.I need an intervention Backlog Gaf. About to buy the Destiny 2 collectors edition for $48. I already have the trial on Xbox that I played some but never exhausted and access to vanilla D2 via PS Plus.
Think about the money! 48$ and you need to uphold a subscription to play it, whereas all the games you already have a free to play! Moreover, you will get more variety out of the games you already have when compared to a large MMO timesink.
Maybe, but that's no dinosaur blanket, so save your money for that!these are all well-argued, rational points.
And yet....The collector's edition comes with a space blanket.
Yeah, I played a bit of that but dropped off it. I intend to return. Seemed a bit style over substance truth be told.
I haven't started Syndicate yet, though I've owned it for years. I'm afraid I'll probably feel the same.So Assassin's Creed Syndicate was somewhat in my backlog; I played it for around 20 hours off and on but always intended to finish the story. But I got so frustrated with it recently I deleted it and gave up. It's off the list permanently. Just too much repetition and jank to spend precious gaming time on in 2019.
I have an old copy PS3 copy of GTA V that somebody gave me when they moved. Never played it; going to try it since my Gamepass sub is about to lapse. Is the PS3 version significantly limited technically? I'm generally not bothered by anything other than variable frame rates.
Yes, it was kind of a weird little game. Doesn't take long to play though and it had some interesting things about it. There just wasn't any real "game" to it. Nothing to decide. More like an interactive, but strange, movie more than anything else. I had gotten it for like $3 a year or so ago and I felt it was worth at least that. I think it was trying to be smarter than it really was, which is a shame because I felt they could have done more with the story than they did. It felt somewhat unfinished, like there could have been more they could have explored.
If framerate problems are a sore point for you, might as well not even start ps3 GTA5.
Guileless - yep, we survived. I did dry January as well but that's more because I don't really drink, rather than any conscious detox effort. That said, I am trying to lose a bit of weight as I've hit 13 fucking stone. Not happy with that at all, I want to get back to about 11.5-ish. So, 5-2 diet, weights and rowing to get back in shape (I used the same regime to get fit for my wedding - it worked a treat).
Good luck with the weight loss. I have found that taking a holistic approach to consumption works for me - making a conscious effort not to spend money on games you don't plan to play right away, don't stop at the pub to drink a pint or two just because you've got an hour to kill, make a healthy lunch instead of just defaulting to fast food. So if you're trying to make changes in your budget vis-a-vis games, also consider expanding that to other areas.
I am a fan of the old Metroid games, though mainly starting from Super Metroid, because the first games have some serious issues in my view. Axiom Verge so far is pretty great. Basically a Super Metroid clone with a slight Metroid 1 touch in terms of presentation, and some really well-planned level design. Not quite on the level of Super Metroid in terms of level design, but also not too far off. It does seem to come without the more cumbersome control issues of Super Metroid though, so there also are improvements. If you like 2D Metroid, I would (so far, about 30% through in terms of map) certainly recommend the game.Yoshi Nice progress. I'm curious: are you a fan of the old Metroid games? And what are your thoughts on Axiom Verge, in comparison?
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I've played it and I also enjoyed it. I never 100% completed it but I played through the story. You're definitely right about the control scheme being better.I am a fan of the old Metroid games, though mainly starting from Super Metroid, because the first games have some serious issues in my view. Axiom Verge so far is pretty great. Basically a Super Metroid clone with a slight Metroid 1 touch in terms of presentation, and some really well-planned level design. Not quite on the level of Super Metroid in terms of level design, but also not too far off. It does seem to come without the more cumbersome control issues of Super Metroid though, so there also are improvements. If you like 2D Metroid, I would (so far, about 30% through in terms of map) certainly recommend the game.
Progress report for Dark Souls 1. It has finally clicked. Instead of being a big confusing mess of WTF, I'm starting to get a handle on the mechanics, leveling and dodging (Just like Piccolo wanted). It's only taken 7 hours to get to this point.
I've just killed the Hydra, and my next boss is the Capra Demon.