Wii Fit U also launched this month at retail, guys.
One of the questions to ask Creamsugar, no doubt.
wait, that came out?
Wii Fit U also launched this month at retail, guys.
One of the questions to ask Creamsugar, no doubt.
Pretty sure both the PS2 and the Wii blew 300k easy. It's less so that this January is awful, and more so that PS4 is performing pretty well, while the XB1 is flubbing hard. So the combined next-gen number doesn't look too hot.
It did? I heard absolutely nothing about it lol
Wii Fit U also launched this month at retail, guys.
One of the questions to ask Creamsugar, no doubt.
The previous iterations have sold more iirc.
Ok updated numbers besides the PS4 for January.
PS4: 2,003,000
Xbox One:1,960,000 *Jan estimate included*
PS4: 530,000
Xbox One: 364,000
Xbox One:35,000
PS4: 240k
Xbox One:126k
PS4: Outsold the Xbox One
Xbox One:65,917*first 3 days*
PS4 250K
Xbox One 100K
Something we're not likely to see again because the costs of production have inflated so much.um nope. The ps2 era was completely dominant, same with ps1 and software development was as vibrant and varied as it has ever been in history.
Talk is all great, but without the hardware to back it up, it means shit. If the X1 was more powerful than PS4, 1080p vs 720p and etc., they would still be in the lead. Once again, if both companies are providing the same experience and services, power does matter big time.
lol i thought I saw everything. People are comparing the first January of other xbox consoles to the newest one to predict doom when the newest one is already selling significantly better than either of those 2? You're a strange lot.![]()
Problem is 1 out of 3 is doing solid. The other 2 are in major trouble. This is not good at all for sales to drop off so fast. The pent up demand of a generation being 3 years late should of spurred sales much longer. This is not good I can imagine anyone making a next gen only title reconsidering it now.
I'm looking at January 2007 NPD sales of PS3, 360 and Wii and thinking the Industry is screwed.
Is this in the US. In the UK the game is not doing so well, less than 40k sales in 2 weeks with nearly a million next gen consoles in the wild.It was very supply constrained (and still is actually). Stores in my district don't have a single copy of the game and haven't since almost release.
What were the PS4 numbers from Nov?
Wii Fit U also launched this month at retail, guys.
One of the questions to ask Creamsugar, no doubt.
PS2 sold less than that in Jan because of supply problems if i remember right .
Ahh, thank you. That actually makes me feel a lot better. I want the PS4 to track over the PS2 in every territory, so it can make up for the shifting demand in Japan. Still, really want Nintendo and MS to make some serious moves, and get off their asses.The Wii was over 400K (436K). PS2 was I think like 300K based on some #s people posted before.
I'm looking at January 2007 NPD sales of PS3, 360 and Wii and thinking the Industry is screwed.
So if that XBO HW number is right then that means PS4 sold around <286k. Wii U first January: 55k, PS4: <286k, XBO: ~143k
That must sting for all those people who kept saying the Wii U's historic failure was a sign of things to come for the PS4/XBO.
The best we're probably going to get this gen in price drops on certain older titles.Software prices need to drop more than hardware. Nintendo's first party titles are far too expensive.
That's even more sad IMO.nah, it's expected
It did? I heard absolutely nothing about it lol
wait, that came out?
lol I didn't realize it was out either, jeez.
Something we're not likely to see again because the costs of production have inflated so much.
We don't actually have any numbers for the 360 and PS3 yet...Obviously 2014 is up on 2013 due to simply having new hardware to sell, but that's not what I'm arguing. 2013 was already an incredibly shitty year for sales that was only excused by many because new consoles were coming soon. I'm legitimately curious if this is down on 2012 total hardware sales. Don't give me "wii casuals are gone," firstly they were already gone by 2012, secondly it's not exactly as if those sales don't count for whatever reason, a contraction in the market is a contraction in the market.
For reference, PS4+Xbone+Wii U Jan 2014 is down on PS3+X360 2007 (without even including Wii) unless Wii U beat everyone's predictions. Not to mention, PS2 was still outselling both the PS3 and the Xbox 360 (I beleive. I know the former is true, and I'm pretty sure of the latter.) There's nothing like that this time around. There's no clear group of people buying last gen systems ready, indicating a group of people ready to transition and expand the next generational market. There's no good way to spin this. This is a disaster for everyone but Sony.
lol i thought I saw everything. People are comparing the first January of other xbox consoles to the newest one to predict doom when the newest one is already selling significantly better than either of those 2? You're a strange lot.![]()
lol i thought I saw everything. People are comparing the first January of other xbox consoles to the newest one to predict doom when the newest one is already selling significantly better than either of those 2? You're a strange lot.![]()
um nope. The ps2 era was completely dominant, same with ps1 and software development was as vibrant and varied as it has ever been in history.
lol i thought I saw everything. People are comparing the first January of other xbox consoles to the newest one to predict doom when the newest one is already selling significantly better than either of those 2? You're a strange lot.![]()
"Combined sales for the PS4 and its predecessor, the PlayStation 3, surpassed all other platforms in January, Sony said."
Meaning: PS3+PS4>One+3DS+360+WiiU+PSV+Wii in America.
PS3 sold quite well this month it sounds like.
Not only was PS4 supply constrained, there is no alternative to the Wii this time - no $250 dollar wonder box.
There's going to be a big market contraction for sure, but anyone thinking that part of the market was here to stay was always deluding themselves.
I know. We just had fuzzy math for the other thread on PS4 sales doubling and I never expect One to be that low so I was thinking PS4 was at least 300k+ still not Wiilike, but very high for a supply constrained console.
Too lazyYou should do the totals too.
"Combined sales for the PS4 and its predecessor, the PlayStation 3, surpassed all other platforms in January, Sony said."
Meaning: PS3+PS4>One+3DS++360+WiiU+PSV+Wii in America.
PS3 sold quite well this month it sounds like.
lol i thought I saw everything. People are comparing the first January of other xbox consoles to the newest one to predict doom when the newest one is already selling significantly better than either of those 2? You're a strange lot.![]()
Lets get this party started!
Is a very big drop.
Nothing really important or definitive right now, but shows that outside of the early adopters there's not much of a interest on Xbox One, or rather than PS4 is a more valuable product for ppl.
That's worrying. Even you should be able to see that.
lol i thought I saw everything. People are comparing the first January of other xbox consoles to the newest one to predict doom when the newest one is already selling significantly better than either of those 2? You're a strange lot.![]()
Go read forums with a bunch of Xbox fanboys. You'll see.The chalkboard only works if you have a bunch of people saying those things will save the X1.