But seriously, I'd love to know why MS says XB1 led software sales and Venturebeat saying PS4 had the best software sales.
MS said Xbox led software. They probably combined 360 and XB1 sales to make them look better.
But seriously, I'd love to know why MS says XB1 led software sales and Venturebeat saying PS4 had the best software sales.
But seriously, I'd love to know why MS says XB1 led software sales and Venturebeat saying PS4 had the best software sales.
Esteemed company there Xbox*
But seriously, I'd love to know why MS says XB1 led software sales and Venturebeat saying PS4 had the best software sales.
Their new console is flopping
The resolution's dropping
The crushed blacks are a'popping
The Xbox family
MS said Xbox led software. They probably combined 360 and XB1 sales to make them look better.
But seriously, I'd love to know why MS says XB1 led software sales and Venturebeat saying PS4 had the best software sales.
Their new console is flopping
The resolution's dropping
The crushed blacks are a'popping
The Xbox family
It's not impossible
PS4 >2* Xbone
Xbone >3DS
=> PS4 > Xbone +3DS + x
So as long as PS3 +x > Wii + Wii U
it can happen
I wonder if they included Vita in other platorms
Aren't they saying the "Xbox Family" led software sales? So XBO and 360.
Esteemed company there Xbox*
I didn't expect One to get that low until around June.So if that XBO HW number is right then that means PS4 sold around <286k. Wii U first January: 55k, PS4: <286k, XBO: ~143k
That must sting for all those people who kept saying the Wii U's historic failure was a sign of things to come for the PS4/XBO.
wii u around 20k-22k then
Sony and MS should really round up these attach rate figures, how can someone buy 2.7 games? Then again, many games these days are released unfinished, so I can see how somee would say that they bought a game which was only 70% complete.
All these numbers indicate to me is that any developer that's making a game exclusive to next gen machines is on suicide watch.
Prepare for a bloodbath of most studios closing their doors within the next two years.
Good news for Nintendo fans. 3DS and Wii U software sales were up 6 percent and 26 percent when normalized for a four-week month.
I think he's posting about their first Dec->Jans.wii u around 20k-22k then
read the title it actually says this
"Xbox One Leads US Game Sales in January"
Esteemed company there Xbox*
MS said Xbox led software. They probably combined 360 and XB1 sales to make them look better.
Aren't they saying the "Xbox Family" led software sales? So XBO and 360.
95% drop... that'd put the WiiU in the 16k territory?
LOL @ people in this thread predicting doom still.
You do realize that even now PS4 is still far and away the best selling gaming platform in the history of the game industry, right? It may not hold that position forever but people predicting a collapse are morons. It's tracking more than 1 million units above the PS2 in the USA alone.
No one is talking about it but TR must have sold terrible. 10 overall behind all those old releases in a month it was the only new realse on both PS4 and XBO during a drought. Maybe it should be $30 after all.
Esteemed company there Xbox*
Most people have three games and some have two games. It's not that hard to understand.![]()
Well this post lists these totals for 2013 (5 week month):
I can't remember if those were our final consensus.
I think he's posting about their first Dec->Jans.
Well this post lists these totals for 2013 (5 week month):
I can't remember if those were our final consensus.
Where are you expecting it to lift the market too though?
The market that Sony and Microsoft's consoles serves is reviving due to these launches.
The TTM for Sony+MS consoles was up from 7.3M in October to 8.4M in November.
And again up from that to around 9.06M in December.
We don't have 360 and PS3 numbers but they'd have to sell less than 60K combined for it not to be up again in January.
They're not going to make up for the loss of the Wii Sports/Rock Band crowd.
Their new console is flopping
The resolution's dropping
The crushed blacks are a'popping
The Xbox family
PS4's showing is not quite the Wiilike showing I was expecting in the other thread, but it's a good showing.
The chalkboard only works if you have a bunch of people saying those things will save the X1.
Software, not hardware.
Well someone doesnt understand statistics![]()
Is this the first month ever that MS declines to provide the NPD figures?