Two rerolls on this banner so far and nothing. I'll be surprised if I see any legend let alone any of those top recommended ones. All you can expect from the RNG I guess. Just wish I didn't have to go through that long tutorial every time.
Are you following a tutorial guide, or manually replaying through the entire tutorial? Because there's a way to do the process far more easily using an emulator on your PC. Here is a guide. You just reroll via your PC, and then transfer the account to your phone.
Manually replaying. I didn't even know this was a thing you could do haha. Thanks!
Would you look at that? All of the older Legends (unsurprisingly) have higher rates than the newer/better ones. Nice job, Bandai Namco!
Did a single pull - Silver...welp could be wo...actually now it couldnt be worse xD
Majukun, can you hook me up with a Fuji team for X-Drake ?
Crazy amount of Legends in JPN.
btw. I must have missed your last Sugo pulls..congrats on Neko and TSL - i know you were complaining not too long ago that you need a Top Tier Captain for about luck.,1283:44,675:99C7,10B0D0E0Q0L0G0R0S100H
i have this one saved in the damage calculator but with a ? at the end,which i put for the non-tested i have either made it,tested it and didn't come back to correct it,or i used another one...sadly i don't rmemember what i used since i maxed it the first time he came
anyway,a fast youtube search gave me this ones
How many times can a dude pull Whitebeard? What is this game tryna tell me? 🤔
Crazy amount of Legends in JPN.
btw. I must have missed your last Sugo pulls..congrats on Neko and TSL - i know you were complaining not too long ago that you need a Top Tier Captain for about luck.
can anyone put a blackbeard s captain for me?
i need it for the noland stage of the ganfor gate..incredibly not a single one seem to be on my list
can't see ya,maybe we are not friends yet?Just put mine up.
Thanks to these new Colos, I've already finished socketing QCK Law and Hody, which means I'm back to my original planned schedule for unit socketing. Right now, SW Shanks is 1 Bind, 2 Charge Special, and 1 Orbs socket away from max. I have the guaranteed socket books to max him, but I'd rather avoid spending those until I really need to for now. Once he's done, I'm hopping over to either 6+ Sabo or 6+ Hancock because I loathe running their raids, then whichever I didn't get. QCK Doffy I should be getting done tonight/tomorrow with his raid since I find it pretty easy/tolerable...this'll be the 5th Doffy I max socket. That's horrifying to realize. That'll leave Lucci, Sengoku, Shirahoshi, and Buggy as my only unsocketed Legends, and I plan to tackle all of them via FNs except for Lucci, who I hope to make progress on while maxing FN Kaku next time he drops. Whatever doesn't get done will get done via socket books.
can't see ya,maybe we are not friends yet?
I put mine up, Maju
Still pulling but haven't seen those three. It's weird looking at videos of people pulling on Japan with how often they see legends, though the steps are part of that. What exactly is the reasoning for reducing the rates for Global though? Because it's global and is a wider market, lower the rates to get more money out of them?
As far as we can tell, it's pretty much exactly that. Bandai has less accountability than in Japan, and has far less competition compared to Japan too. Their gacha rates are trash and there's a few more less obvious ways that they bleed us for gems such as an unequal skillup rate compared to Japan. but I'll give Bandai some credit where it's due. The actual release schedule for content to clear on Global is pretty damn dope right now and we get most QoL updates in a reasonable amount of time after Japan.
I'm not fully aware but is this the case with Blazing and Dokkan as well? I've been playing those and while I do get bad rolls now and then, largely the track record is pretty good. That's still a shame though as it feels like it discourages actually bothering to roll. I mean you'd got the steps of course which guarantee at some levels, but it's not quite as good if your rates of getting top tier are so low. I will give some credit I suppose based on what you're saying on the release schedule.
Anyway, rolled Blackbeard just now. Going to keep trying but I think I'll see about backing that one up if I don't come out with Luffy or Akainu by the time this Sugofest ends.
I don't really know about those other games, though IIRC some got paranoid that it also occurs with their games after hearing about OPTC. And agreed, it seriously encourages hoarding until at the very least, All-Gold Sugofests in the hopes of pulling a large batch of new and useful units at a minimum. It's also part of why rerolling for a strong account is heavily recommended; you don't want to be at the RNG's mercy when it comes to being able to get something powerful. OPTC is still one of the most F2P-friendly gacha games out there because everything can be cleared with F2P units, but the gacha aspects are disheartening, yeah.
Blackbeard's a good choice, if you do end up sticking with him. I've been advocating him as the best starting Legend for anybody that really wants to learn how to teambuild for content ever since I got him. Good luck!
I don't blame you if you don't want to do the 7000 rerolls to get a top tier legend
Some good "common" legends are Mihawk, Sengoku, Blackbeard(though he's 'tier 2') and Rayleigh
I had Ray for over a year as my only legend. He's a little high skill but he's very beginner friendly with his high damage and ability to use any subs
The fact it's so quick to do so is the only reason I'm trying so much. I've seen a few other legends like Mihawk, Kizaru and Rayleigh but decided to keep trying nonetheless. I admit I had some hopes of possibly seeing double legends on some pulls, but with those rates the chances would be rather astronomical.
Edit: lol And I just pulled two legends after saying that. Shanks and Croc.
Your rerolling plus the others posting their JP pulls actually inspired me to go ahead and try to reroll myself a JP account for when the pulling itch strikes. And uh.....good fucking lord, the second account I rerolled. Three Legends, plus every godly sub I could have ever wanted:
This account is so disgustingly good, lol. Neptune for that mad exp. Akainu plus every single Legend BFF of his because why not. Sandersonia + Marigold for the class boost and conditional boost. TS Sanji for the orb boost. And Neptune makes use of everybody I just listed as subs if he's running a Powerhouse team. So much synergy. So much OP. Here's proof:
- Akainu
- Whitebeard from the free Legend mail
- Inuarashi
- SW Shanks as a third Legend because why not
- TS Sanji
- Neptune
- RR Marigold + Sandersonia
- Doc Q
What the fuck...? I HAVE to play this one. It'd be a sin not to.
Good lord! And on the second try? Is it the same banner or a slightly different one compared to Global?
Jesus christ. Neptune even means you don't have to worry about team cost. You could probably get that up and running TODAY
Did a single, although even that one felt forced. Silver poster. What gets me more than the new legends having shitty rates is the new batches of RR being held back in a similar way. Getting fishmen seems nearly impossible only a month or so after they released. Will have an extended look at the rate tables for any upcoming sugo from now on.