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One Week Until E3: What's your most anticipated re-release (remaster/hd-version)


The two "never" tier ones are Super Mario Sunshine and Metroid Prime HD.

The realistic one is Bioshock Remastered. That game doesn't run well on 360. It could use a remaster.
I would like an infamous 1/2 remaster collection with updated controls. I honestly want to reevaluate Cole, and those games in general

This. Hopefully they'll announce a new inFamous game as well, which will build on Cole's story. I love the inFamous games, but Second Son and First Light didn't delve into the aftermath of i2 enough for me... Still wish they went with the evil ending of i2 as canon, TBH.


Me if we get that Mass Effect remaster.

Bioware, please use this track again in the trailer.


Vanquish remastered on PC for 60 fps glory

Metroid Prime Trilogy HD must happen this year if future Nintendo consoles won't be compatible with Wii Remotes.
I'd really like to see what comes of Capcom's stated plans to focus on their older catalogue (i.e. pump out HD Remasters all day long). Love to see an Onimusha Collection, Viewtiful Joe Collection, Clover Collection, DMC1 and 3 for current-gen when you pre-order DMC5, etc.


Please Sony/From

Came to post this, along with Dark Souls, (the already rumoured) RDR, (possibly already considered) Shenmue 1/2, and Super Mario Sunshine (which would be an acceptable gap filler for the Wii U's last NX-free year now that Zelda has been delayed again, though going by that recent Famitsu poll our Japanese gaming brothers and sisters don't seem to remember this game well - which might limit its chances severely).

Anything Panzer Dragoon related would be cool as well, though perhaps extremely unlikely. Having Doom 1, 2 (and 3) on modern consoles would also be appreciated as I've been interested to go back to the classics because of the new Doom.

Oh and Outrun 2006 as well of course, like I keep mentioning in threads like these in the hopes someone at Sega might pick up on it. Come on Sega, throw us Outrun fans a bone here with an Outrun 2016!
Saints Row 2 needs it. It looks like shit, and has one of the worst PC ports ever made. It's a shame they lost the source code to the first two games in the THQ stuff, so it'll probably never happen.

Dead Rising would be a cool remaster, considering it was an early 360 game and hasn't been properly ported to other consoles.


Neo Member
MOSS acquiring Raiden Fighters Aces rights re-releasing it on PS4, One and Steam
Shenmue 1+2
Wild Arms Alter Code F, Grandia III, Radiata Stories, Berserk and Hokuto No Ken PS2-PS4
Ninja Gaiden II (the original one) on PS4 and One with Mission Mode DLC included


Demon's Souls or Dark Souls.

A few of you mentioned Max Payne 3. Would definitely pick that up. I only played the first chapter back on PS3.


Still surprised the Assassin's Creed Rogue has been ported over t current gen consoles yet. Even as a digital release.

I've been saying it for years and I'll keep saying it: Okami on Vita.

Unannounced remaster/remakes that I'd like to see happen:
Crash Bandicoot Collection (to go with a brand new game)
Grandia III (plus a port of II HD to PS4)(Would add original Grandia but it would need an extremely unlikely full remake)
KH Collection
Shadow Hearts Collection
Shenmue 1&2
Skies of Arcadia Remake/Remaster
Xenosaga Collection

Most unlikely but also wanted: Wild Arms 5/Suikoden 3&5 Remasters (but even more so a WA6 and Suikoden 6)

FFXII was in, but it already happened :)
Now that FFXII HD has been confirmed, I really hope that Xenosaga HD ends up being true (point 6 from Verendus list, FFXII was point 5)

With FF12 confirmed. Now I'm looking forward to Xenosaga trilogy.

THIS!! Please, i want this so bad... lol
I would love a remake/remaster for Skyrim, Red Dead and Mass Effect trilogy.

Mainly want Skyrim so I have another excuse to play it for that platinum. I still play around with it on PC from time to time.
Mass Effect trilogy remaster with all DLC included.

Pipe dream would be

Persona 3 and 4 remastered

Or any Altus PS2 era JRPG. Fuckers was on fire that Gen.


Ico and Shadow of the Colossus for PS4. And again for PS5. It's a absolute classic and I want to see the graphics constantly improve, especially because we will never see a proper sequel to it's gameplay. The Last Guardian is more of it's own thing then anything. And the game Prey to the God's hasn't shown any news or updates since it was announced a long time ago.

Kingdom Hearts 1.5/2.5 remix for PS4 and XB1. I don't own a Xbox but Xbox players really do need the game especially if 3 is going on the consoles.

Persona 4 The Golden for PS4. I owned it on PSVita, but the game is too good to be on a dead handheld.

Ratchet and Clank Future trilogy. Mostly Tools of Destruction in particular, yes Crack in Time is the best, but ToD needs it simply because of the huge gamebreaking glitch the original game had with the "you need to download an entire game then delete it in order to make the game work" thing.

The World Ends With You for 3DS (Or get Square on a complete 3D remake for the Wii U or PS4. Not sure if the game would work on a XB1 do to the lack of a touch pad.)

And Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2 getting the HD treatment with better cell shading would be a dream.
I would love a Resistance Collection if it received the same around of love and attention as Gravity Rush Remaster or the Uncharted Collection. I think they'd really shine if we had a chance to play them again at 60fps (particularly Resistance 3).

I would also love a remaster of Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen. Love the shit out of it; put in about 130 hours, and I would gladly do it all again. Still not tired of the combat in that.


I want to actually SEE Resident Evil 2 Remaster/Remake/whatever.

Left 4 Dead 2 in Source Engine 2. I still remember that Plantation House image from years ago.
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