Lucio is much better on control maps. More damage to deal with, plus usually opportunities for environmental kills.
Yep, for me it's Lucio on control and Mercy on Payload,
Lucio is much better on control maps. More damage to deal with, plus usually opportunities for environmental kills.
So how are the aim sensitivity settings on PS4. I've heard that there not really good for characters like Tracer or Genji.
I like playing as Bastion.
lol aw poor kid's getting murdered online... nerf all the things... except when i play those characters... cause that shit is cool as fuck then!
Great but not perfect. I saw some Tracer videos playing on a PC and they can instantly turn their head back the way she came with Tracer to hit to from both angles. In PS4 is not as fast, takes a second more to turn around.
The genji ranged thing is the funniest part to me. It's pretty hard to use and one of the least reliable primaries at anything not involving killing a turret. Must play Bastion.
Ok that's surprising, i could have sworn it was Baker.
Would you say it affects your enjoyment of the game?
The genji ranged thing is the funniest part to me. It's pretty hard to use and one of the least reliable primaries at anything not involving killing a turret. Must play Bastion.
And if they are getting the picks you're probably better off having the second widow be a McCree or Soldier or something else to specifically counter the enemy comp.
I hate people like this guy.
The game is out for 2 days and people already cry for nerfs.
There is a reason why we had a beta... Blizz changed a lot during that phase and they will constantly improve the game.
No, you can turn around really fast and can still do pretty well. Is not like on PC where the turn last less than the blink of an eye, but still a lot of fun to play. My favorite character so far. She is sooooo fun to play with...
The genji ranged thing is the funniest part to me. It's pretty hard to use and one of the least reliable primaries at anything not involving killing a turret. Must play Bastion.
Both?Not sure if Torbjorn is cheap or people are stupid.
The first problem is that you are calling them negative habits. Spending money is amoral. Second, being a whale (I am in Marvel Heroes and Hearthstone) is entirely acceptable to them/us. I get that you are bummed that to get your Marvel Hero costume you might have to buy $60 in fortune cards and that's too expensive for your tastes.. Or to get your legendary overwatch skin it might be $80. But don't play it off as "it's BS that they're preying on the market", because I can tell you that I and everyone else who buys into it are totally fine doing so, and because we do you guys get massive gameplay content upgrades for no additional charge.Because it's preying on negative habits of their customers. It's really a sign of the times when I have to explain why microtransactions are bad.
Not sure if Torbjorn is cheap or people are stupid.
Little bit of column B, little bit of column maybe you just played well. Well placed turrets can rip up attackers from unexpected angles while they're dealing with other targets, and the rivet gun is nothing to fuck with.
Feels so good when you get a PoTG with Mercy. Played with a friend of mine, was buffing and healing when a Widowmaker 1 hit killed him, I revived him, he popped the super, I buffed him and 5 kills to the enemy team, only one left was the Widowmaker but we won the game there. For some reason the game gave me the PoTGwon't argue.
The Mercy/Soldier team up seems pretty damn good.
Basically just good hero for old guys with not a lot of reaction time, I guess? Thanks.I guess what you're asking is for characters that don't require a lot of aiming?
I would recommend Symmetra, Winston, and Junkrat. Symmetra and Winston have autoaim and Junkrat is very spammy.
I would personally buff her ultimate but slightly increase the delay of her charge generation or make her not able to instantly spam them. Recall is fine. Guns are fine. But on PC, it's just insanity if you don't have a hitscan weapon.
The first problem is that you are calling them negative habits. Spending money is amoral. Second, being a whale (I am in Marvel Heroes and Hearthstone) is entirely acceptable to them/us. I get that you are bummed that to get your Marvel Hero costume you might have to buy $60 in fortune cards and that's too expensive for your tastes.. Or to get your legendary overwatch skin it might be $80. But don't play it off as "it's BS that they're preying on the market", because I can tell you that I and everyone else who buys into it are totally fine doing so, and because we do you guys get massive gameplay content upgrades for no additional charge.
So if you want to be pissed that you have to grind out your favorite skins, say that. But don't concern troll for a group that is perfectly fine and content with their spending habits.
The first problem is that you are calling them negative habits. Spending money is amoral. Second, being a whale (I am in Marvel Heroes and Hearthstone) is entirely acceptable to them/us. I get that you are bummed that to get your Marvel Hero costume you might have to buy $60 in fortune cards and that's too expensive for your tastes.. Or to get your legendary overwatch skin it might be $80. But don't play it off as "it's BS that they're preying on the market", because I can tell you that I and everyone else who buys into it are totally fine doing so, and because we do you guys get massive gameplay content upgrades for no additional charge.
So if you want to be pissed that you have to grind out your favorite skins, say that. But don't concern troll for a group that is perfectly fine and content with their spending habits.
Basically just good hero for old guys with not a lot of reaction time, I guess? Thanks.
I would also get a slight buff to Widowmaker poison mine. It isnt as effective as in the alive video.
Basically just good hero for old guys with not a lot of reaction time, I guess? Thanks.
No, you can turn around really fast and can still do pretty well. Is not like on PC where the turn last less than the blink of an eye, but still a lot of fun to play. My favorite character so far. She is sooooo fun to play with...
Winston is a bully. Jump on someone, pop your bubble, see if they are smart enough to run away. If not, they get fried. If you pick your spots with him, nobody can really fight back if you're doing it right. If you like frying snipers, he's your hero.
It's a single target DOT I believe. I use it a lot, it's okay. Making it multi target capable would be enough.
I saw some Tracer videos playing on a PC and they can instantly turn their head back the way she came with Tracer to hit to from both angles
Pick your fights, though. A s76 will outheal your damage and laugh in your face as he guns you down.
If Winston's gun was any higher DPS, he'd be OP as shit. I don't find him fun because it feels like you're tickling them a lot of the time, but his ability to push and bully can't be overstated. Plus his ult is the "oh shit" moment of the game. Need a Mcree to wrangle him.
Not sure if Torbjorn is cheap or people are stupid.
I know it's day 2 and all of full release, but hot damn people do so stupid picks. How people think it's good thing to have 3 Widowmakers in attack and never actually attack etc.? Maybe such picks are troll picks from premades, but it's so painful to be in such team and you end up losing 9 times out of 10.
The damage is actually sort of secondary. The greatest utility of the mine is as a security system. Mine a path you aren't watching, and it'll keep people from sneaking up on your ass without you noticing.
I don't mind Bastion, really, but is there a more boring play of the game than Bastion in turret mode killing some players in a choke point?
Bastion is starting to become my go to "my team is really bad" character.
I maintain that Bastion needs a nerf.
Everyone else is fine though.
Maybe buff the spread on soldier 76 at range.
I don't mind Bastion, really, but is there a more boring play of the game than Bastion in turret mode killing some players in a choke point?