The timing is strict, so it's usually down to whoever times it better; Roadhog or his hookee.
Also, I feel like the best way to ensure a kill is by moving forward as soon as you hook and then shooting ASAP, because it gets you a tiny bit closer to ensure the kill and lets you know you can shoot when you can move.
Oh and btw, any chance to get the digital goodies (like Tracer for HotS) when buying on PS4?
Oh and btw, any chance to get the digital goodies (like Tracer for HotS) when buying on PS4?
Oh and btw, any chance to get the digital goodies (like Tracer for HotS) when buying on PS4?
I literally apologized yesterday in chat for getting PotG as Bastion.
Oh and btw, any chance to get the digital goodies (like Tracer for HotS) when buying on PS4?
did you have like 3 or 4 roadhogs on the team?I got a Mercy POTG last night. Rezzed 5 allies on the capture point, but died to an ult right at the end. How they all managed to die after that and lose us the match, I don't know...
Well this thread and the GB quicklook have convinced me. I'm picking this up after work today.
Most people I've played with refuse to destroy turrets, Its really frustrating.
Since I was meaning to ask this anyways, is that really confirmed? I mean will there 100% be no paid dlc (except for cosmetics)?
Most people I've played with refuse to destroy turrets, Its really frustrating.
You can't not get em. The only version on console is the origins edition, which comes with all those extra goodies. I think you just register whatever code it comes with to your account and the tracer, the Diablo mercy wings, and everything else shows up in your PC games.
How does that work for the digital version?yes you get all the extra stuff
I guess that's how it works? Linking the account.I know it was a digital pre-order bonus but not sure now. Best way to check is link your account within the game and see if you get the goodies (if you buy the digital version).
Did Blizzard make Payday 2?
Payday devs are not as big and rich as Blizzard doe
Comparing shitty business practices from one company to another absolutely makes no sense--especially when one of the companies has proven that they're fairly good on their word and when they mess up they make decent strides to doing better.
The only game that's kinda on life support from Blizzard is WoW and that's because it's old as shit and doesn't need support to stay alive apparently.
Remember the time Payday 2 was going to be microtransaction free forever, guys? Remember? Woops! Lol!
Remember the time Payday 2 was going to be microtransaction free forever, guys? Remember? Woops! Lol!
Most people I've played with refuse to destroy turrets, Its really frustrating.
How does that work for the digital version?
I guess that's how it works? Linking the account.
Thanks guys.
Remember the time Payday 2 was going to be microtransaction free forever, guys? Remember? Woops! Lol!
yes you get all the extra stuff
On the salt side: Level 13, still no epic or legendary skins.
Symmetra didn't look appealing at first, but she is surprisingly enjoyable. Well hidden turrets can really fuck up someone's day.
Is there a way to tell if you're up against a premade team?Fucking put premades against premades Blizzard. Nothing fun about being with randoms and getting destroyed by premades.
I really hope we get more content soon, especially heroes. I really enjoy the game but I really do feel like its content light and I didn't necessarily get $60 worth.
That being said, I finally started to understand D-Va last night.
Ran into an opposing Pharah who did her best to stop my turrets. I'd just place one quickly after she destroyed it because she didn't fly around or anything. Just got picked off by the turret a lot when peeking out.
It definitely is rare to find an opponent willing to fight a turret. I try to do it sometimes but as Lucio I don't kill them too quickly if someone is helping/repairing them.
So am i likely to end up way behind if i don't pick this up in the first couple of weeks? i want to finish far harbour first
Played against a team of 5 Torbjörn yesterday on Hanamura. I was using Reinhardt and was blocking damage from 5 turrets while my team continued to be useless. The only turrets that ended up being destroyed were the ones I managed to get to.
Is there a way to tell if you're up against a premade team?
I love interesting sound design nuggets like this.
You're a Bastion player i would upvote.
Nah jk, i have nothing against Bastions, his damage output may be a tiny bit too high but he also has a lot of weak points, like you can easily take him out.
I really wish they'd rework Widowmaker's and 76's ults. 76's isn't necessarily broken, but it's pretty lazy, design wise.
Imo, a mechanic which drastically increases the impact of a player's mechanical skill is often going to be preferable to a mechanic which replaces it entirely in an FPS. It just feels kinda cheap and not really contributing positively to the game to have an ultimate which removes your need to aim for a few seconds in a game where DM and raw mechanical skill are already of pretty low importance compared to some other FPS titles.
It also just sucks to have a duration-based ult where the most logical counterplay most of the time is to run and hide behind a wall or a shield until it's over because otherwise if you're vaguely on his screen you're lined up for an almost guaranteed death. Again, not necessarily a stupid or imbalanced mechanic, but it doesn't really feel enjoyable to play against I think. It's one of those ultimates where it's startlingly easy to counter and yet paradoxically you don't really feel like you've been outplayed at all if you die to it. If he happens to use when you're not really in a position to easily run away and hide, you don't really feel like you could've done a whole lot about it either, apart from just to not have been standing there. It's different to McCree's ult in that sense I think because of a) how vulnerable McCree is during the chargeup time and b) the fact that McCree's ult HAS that chargeup time where he's looking to get the most value out of his ult and you have that window to try and get away and maybe force him to either waste it or use it inefficiently. 76 can press Q and almost immediately start shooting.
Widowmaker's is just dumb, especially with her ludicrously fast charge-up time. Fuck that.
Are there any good Overwatch streamers beside Seagull. Took a look at about 20 streams and didn't like a single one.