This Lucio skin dropped for me last night, level 11.
She's my most played character now. Well placed turrets murder these new players.
That skin dropped for me too last night. Is it a legendary skin?
This Lucio skin dropped for me last night, level 11.
She's my most played character now. Well placed turrets murder these new players.
I just noticed it last night, but at the victory pose screen whoever is in a group will be placed closer to one another. Like so:
oo o ooo (group of 2, solo, group of 3)
Zarya is bae.
Grats on your shiny new highlight reel intro!
That skin dropped for me too last night. Is it a legendary skin?
err no it was just a goodle gif lol
Oh god no. Any incentive to deviate from the actual objective or effective play is such a horrible thing to do to a MP game.
Game is really great. I'm having a blast.
Turrets and Bastion feel a little overpowered (been able to get a 26 kill streak with Torbjorn and I'm *not* a good player), but the overall balance is pretty great.
I hope they'll never add daily quests as people are suggestion in the official forums.
There are 21 different heroes.
I dare you to tell me you literally play all of them every day.
This Lucio skin dropped for me last night, level 11.
Is there an advantage to picking 4 offense characters when your team is supposed to be on defense? I was playing with randoms and this happened yesterday and we got blown out so fast.
Zarya is bae.
Grats on your shiny new highlight reel intro!
Going to give Zenyatta a go tonight after work. I really want to be able to use him properly but I suck so hard when I try.
I just noticed it last night, but at the victory pose screen whoever is in a group will be placed closer to one another. Like so:
oo o ooo (group of 2, solo, group of 3)
And? I'm allowed my opinion that there isn't enough content to justify the console price. I'm not saying I don't enjoy the game.
You can win with bad team comp. Doesn't mean it'll work against a good team.
love it!!!
Oh god no. Any incentive to deviate from the actual objective or effective play is such a horrible thing to do to a MP game.
Spawn killing isn't a thing. Objectives are pretty far from spawn points so you have a lot of room to maneuver without getting insta gibbed.
This is also great for casual play since you don't have to worry about unlocking weapons and shit.
I find that most often the people that complain that 'My teammates never fucking switch to support' are the same individuals whmo never fucking switch to support.
The POTG needs to be fixed. Just call it highlights and random choose someone. Most games has at least 1 thing that could be shown. That way we get everything. Right now it's high noon/ die die die and bastion over and over and over
I want this game but i'm not sure what to get it for! Xbox or PC??
I like sitting back and just playing on Xbox, but i have no friends who want it on Xbox.
PC will probably have more skilled players, so it would be a little more difficult without friends huh? More Support for the platform?
double dip??
Any fellow Zarya players? Don't see her too much. Trying to get better with her. Any tips anyone has to share? I feel like I spam "grenade launcher" too much.
For those who play Zarya, what do you think of her barriers? I was in the practice range fooling around a few minutes ago and they appear to have a very short duration before it goes on CD. Is this fine in regular play, when you're trying to get your weapon to max charge? Just curious.
The best is when you finally get the objective back from the enemy and everyone is fighting about 50 feet away from it instead of just taking a few steps back so you are close enough to get the free heal and actually move the vehicle as well.
uhm i had some dude spamming the dragon non there is glitch or something
You have to work to time them to right before you or your teammate gets attacked or is under attack. Don't spam them. If you time it right your charge will jump fast and you will melt people. The CD is pretty quick though so you can dart in and out pretty regularly. She has good survivability.For those who play Zarya, what do you think of her barriers? I was in the practice range fooling around a few minutes ago and they appear to have a very short duration before it goes on CD. Is this fine in regular play, when you're trying to get your weapon to max charge? Just curious.
The POTG needs to be fixed. Just call it highlights and random choose someone. Most games has at least 1 thing that could be shown. That way we get everything. Right now it's high noon/ die die die and bastion over and over and over
Question about D.VAs mech self destruct. Maybe I'm just not paying enough attention but it seems like it can be destroyed firing on it to prevent the explosion, yet other times it looks like it's shielded. So is the one that it seems like you can destroy not the self destruct?
I also don't bitch about having to play support. Just annoys me that others don't take the responsibility, especially when there is also no tank. One person can't be both.
Is there an advantage to picking 4 offense characters when your team is supposed to be on defense? I was playing with randoms and this happened yesterday and we got blown out so fast.
So anyone have a character they thought they weren't gonna play/like but it ended up the exact opposite? For me it was mcgree and genji, didn't interest me much when I saw previews/gameplay but once playing these guys its fun as hell.
For those who play Zarya, what do you think of her barriers? I was in the practice range fooling around a few minutes ago and they appear to have a very short duration before it goes on CD. Is this fine in regular play, when you're trying to get your weapon to max charge? Just curious.
For those who play Zarya, what do you think of her barriers? I was in the practice range fooling around a few minutes ago and they appear to have a very short duration before it goes on CD. Is this fine in regular play, when you're trying to get your weapon to max charge? Just curious.
Never would have imagined enjoying D. Va or Reinhardt as I never like being a tank in any game. They are a blast.So anyone have a character they thought they weren't gonna play/like but it ended up the exact opposite? For me it was mcgree and genji, didn't interest me much when I saw previews/gameplay but once playing these guys its fun as hell.
Lucio! Started playing him last night as my first foray into a support character and he is surprisingly fun. Very mobile, AE heals and speed boosts and a fun to shoot gun that features a knockback. I like him a lot.
Lucio is amazing for payload attack, I really like him, don't forget that if you hold down jump you can wall run which helps gain some height and travel around.
Lucio is amazing for payload attack, I really like him, don't forget that if you hold down jump you can wall run which helps gain some height and travel around.
Having to counter this:
while playing with randoms is frustrating as hell to be honest. Sure, I switch to junkrat or pharah, but doing this alone just doesn't work
Then when they die you have mercy who goes ''HEROES NEVER DIE'' and I have to start all over again
Did a wall grind to jump out of the well on Ilios yesterdayIt was awesome