It is INSANEEE how fast you can reload with reaper if you reload cancel into a melee, you can melee pretty much as soon as you hit R.
That shit right there approaches broken level of game mechanic.
But then you miss the awesome animation ;_;
It is INSANEEE how fast you can reload with reaper if you reload cancel into a melee, you can melee pretty much as soon as you hit R.
That shit right there approaches broken level of game mechanic.
I am so damn close to pulling the trigger on a purchase, GAF. What will push me over the edge?
The last online MP game I sunk a lot of time in was Splatoon. Loved it. Before that, I played a decent amount of Titanfall but admittedly sucked at it. Was still enjoyable.
Trying to think of anything else that would help an informed decision... I'm not really one to coordinate via voice chat...?
What say you? Buy or no?
Either that or Reaper/Soldier 76 using their ultimate. Wish they'd change up PotG as something more than just boring killstreaks
Do you have to hit someone with the melee or can you just melee air and then start shooting again immediately?It is INSANEEE how fast you can reload with reaper if you reload cancel into a melee, you can melee pretty much as soon as you hit R and it'll work before you even have a chance to get your finger off R.
That shit right there approaches broken level of game mechanic.
Do you have to hit someone with the melee or can you just melee air and then start shooting again immediately?
They do, but it's rare.
I mentioned it earlier but I got one by quickly killing an ult'ing Pharah as Zenyatta, followed by hitting Transcendence and healing the crap out of my team while they were on the point. It labelled the POTG as a 'shutdown' on the highlight screen. It seems to assign 'points' to certain actions but favors killstreaks and Mercy mass rezzes.
It would be really cool if it could somehow analyze big swings in progress for either side and pick the exact turning point of the match. But that's probably asking too much.
I'm not scared of Winston. He doesn't DPS or really makes sense to me.
*Winston jumps in, bubbles, ults and punches me off stages.
Honestly, he isn't scary without his Ult or bubble. He feels so special dependent.
It depends who you are. If you're on Widowmaker or Hanzo sitting on a rooftop somewhere and Winston decides he wants to fuck your shit up he's going to be pretty scary IMO. Same goes for if you're trying to hang out at the back of the pack as Mercy and suddenly you are being zapped to death.
If you're someone like Roadhog you laugh in his face and are free to almost completely ignore him. I had a ridiculous drawn out fight of a Roadhog trying to kill my Mercy healer and I had to run in front to take bullets for her until someone else came to finally help us kill him. I had my Tesla cannon on him the whole time and it barely did anything to him, but then again that's part of the point of the weapon, good for squishies bad for big guys.
It is INSANEEE how fast you can reload with reaper if you reload cancel into a melee, you can melee pretty much as soon as you hit R and it'll work before you even have a chance to get your finger off R.
That shit right there approaches broken level of game mechanic.
Ok so I think I encountered someone utilizing an aimbot. Check this video at 6:34:45. It starts around there. The snap to a headshot kinda bothered me.
They do, but it's rare.
I mentioned it earlier but I got one by quickly killing an ult'ing Pharah as Zenyatta, followed by hitting Transcendence and healing the crap out of my team while they were on the point. It labelled the POTG as a 'shutdown' on the highlight screen. It seems to assign 'points' to certain actions but favors killstreaks and Mercy mass rezzes.
It would be really cool if it could somehow analyze big swings in progress for either side and pick the exact turning point of the match. But that's probably asking too much.
I played for two hours and hit level 7. Having a blast so far. Unlocked a legendary Zarya skin, some normal skins, and some sprays. Not bad for a handful of crates.
I've been enjoying playing as Lucio, Mercy, and Tolberone so far. Also liking Symmetra for her turrets, great for defense. Surprisingly, I didn't think I'd like playing as a tank, but I have been doing well with Reinhardt! I've tried D.Va but she hasn't clicked with me yet. I just need to learn her strats.
Making me hungry![]()
I played for two hours and hit level 7. Having a blast so far. Unlocked a legendary Zarya skin, some normal skins, and some sprays. Not bad for a handful of crates.
I've been enjoying playing as Lucio, Mercy, and Tolberone so far. Also liking Symmetra for her turrets, great for defense. Surprisingly, I didn't think I'd like playing as a tank, but I have been doing well with Reinhardt! I've tried D.Va but she hasn't clicked with me yet. I just need to learn her strats.
There a ps4 group right? Can I get an invite to that? Also anyone wanna play throw an invite. Psn kotd
People really need to learn/remember that you block captures/pushing if you get on the point while on def. Too many times I've seen my team decide to fight around the square and not on it leading us to lose when they could have at least prevented that cap.
Depend on the situation.
Personally, I like going D.Va when we're getting camped at spawn. I just fly over buildings and attack them from behind, or capture an objective almost all by myself.
Yeah. Thing I don't see D.VA players doing nearly enough is being aggressive. Shield+Boost and get in thier face and don't be afraid to lose your mech. If sacrificing your mech means taking out a problem turret or Bastion that's keeping your team at bay sacrifice it and then keep the pressure up with her blaster. DV.A herself is really fragile but her blaster is super good and she gets her mech back pretty quickly as long as you are throwing out blaster shots.
Lucio all over
My team is doing ______ I'll go Lucio. BECAUSE NO ONE FUCKING PICKS SUPPORT.
Why can't I choose a playlist with the game type I like, quick play and arcade are really the only choices?
You can't carry a team but you can swing a game for your team.
Backdooring while your team keeps running into a wall of enemies makes the enemies pull off and some of your stupid teammates start to push in. I won a game that we should have lost because of this. Nobody capturing point A to start the payload. Literally. Nobody. Backdoor at Overtime. Over-commited enemy falls back. Stupid team comes in. Take the point and then proceed to march the payload the entire way home.
This game also needs a little time, too. By the last day or so of the beta, I rarely ever saw a one-sided game.
Yeah, that Reaper melee cancel is so clutch. That alone took him up a tier in my book. I wasn't a big fan at all, and part of it was the long reload made worse by the fact that I'm typically a manual reloader in all games.
I almost never let a clip go to the bottom unless I absolutely have to when getting a kill.
Every time I headshot a Tracer as Hanzo:
You are what's wrong with the world.So I made the switch to Bastion as my main, and everything has changed. My average kills have probably doubled and I'm actually get put into winning groups! haha
You are what's wrong with the world.
sometimes the truth hurtsThat's harsh, bro.
So I made the switch to Bastion as my main, and everything has changed. My average kills have probably doubled and I'm actually get put into winning groups! haha
It is INSANEEE how fast you can reload with reaper if you reload cancel into a melee, you can melee pretty much as soon as you hit R and it'll work before you even have a chance to get your finger off R.
That shit right there approaches broken level of game mechanic.
I'm pretty sure I saw a way to mute players mentioned in a thread, but it was several menus deep.Is there a way to report players. If not Blizzard should get on that, oh and a mute option per player too.
Looks fine to me.