sometimes the truth hurts
Ok so I think I encountered someone utilizing an aimbot. Check this video at 6:34:45. It starts around there. The snap to a headshot kinda bothered me.
After searching: Try pressing enter, right clicking a character, and selecting "block".Is there a way to report players. If not Blizzard should get on that, oh and a mute option per player too.
The only purps I get are fucking emotes. Yay... something I can spam at the start of the match but then never use when playing.
Really? The aim was way off and then it quickly snaps to my head? I don't think so.
Looks fine to me.
Looks fine to me aswell
This coming from a person who played cs 1.6, source and cs:go, it's pretty much no skill at all doing that, people do way more crazy shit on those games and are not cheaters.
Why can't I choose a playlist with the game type I like, quick play and arcade are really the only choices?
On PS4, how do we use the Voice lines we unlock?
They didn't even snap to your head right away they went half way then corrected their aim and got the headshot. Also the shooting they did prior to that you could see them tracking you in a very human way.
You'd of been dead a hell of a lot quicker if it was a hack.
You should probably get used to it, there's going to be a lot of good windowmakers that make this one look like an amateur.
After you equip them from the loot box or hero gallery, press down on the d-pad when in a match and you should see an option for it. Highlight it/select it with the right stick to use it
On Xbox you hold down one of the directional buttons and you select the icon with the microphone and your character says the quote you unlocked and equpped for them.On PS4, how do we use the Voice lines we unlock?
Same ):ughh i wanna go home and play
So many complaints of no tanks or supports. I play with a group of 2 to 4 most times. No shortages for me (although usually I have to fill one of those two roles).
I'm a really mediocre CS:GO player, but my understanding is that snipers used a similar techinque there. People would track with the mouse, then snap at the last second and hope for a headshot. With tons of practice, people apparently get a reflex down for snapping the proper distance with a mouse.Fair enough, appreciate the input
Man, three matches in and my friend is already spazzing out. My god, we're not playing ranked. He freaks out over everything.
I was having more fun by myself lol.
So is Pharah. It'd be great to set up a custom game with only Pharahs and reduced cooldowns. Air fight for days.Winston is great fun on that arcade mode. Just jumping all over the place.
You can buy them with real money. You also get ingame currency that you collect to buy whatever you want.Had a bunch of really good matches today and a ton of player of the games with D.VA. Is the only way to get loot boxes by leveling up? I would really like to get the D.VA stinger legendary.
I was getting some pretty good drops during the beta but so far my loot boxes have been crap.
I'm a really mediocre CS:GO player, but my understanding is that snipers used a similar techinque there. People would track with the mouse, then snap at the last second and hope for a headshot. With tons of practice, people apparently get a reflex down for snapping the proper distance with a mouse.
Woah, ok, never noticed anything new in there, I'll try it. Thanks!
Possibly stupid question but how do you use things like sprays and such? I've won a few but am not clear on how to use them.
Possibly stupid question but how do you use things like sprays and such? I've won a few but am not clear on how to use them.
Point at a wall or the ground and press the spray key...check the key binding in the options.
I'm a really mediocre CS:GO player, but my understanding is that snipers used a similar techinque there. People would track with the mouse, then snap at the last second and hope for a headshot. With tons of practice, people apparently get a reflex down for snapping the proper distance with a mouse.
Really? The aim was way off and then it quickly snaps to my head? I don't think so.
junkrat has no business being as fun as he is
I'm a really mediocre CS:GO player, but my understanding is that snipers used a similar techinque there. People would track with the mouse, then snap at the last second and hope for a headshot. With tons of practice, people apparently get a reflex down for snapping the proper distance with a mouse.
I hope we get a ton more skins soon. Not feeling the Lucio ones.
The hockey ones are ok, but as someone who plays Lucio a ton I am disappointed.
Okami get!
Roadhog's skins are far from terrible.No they aren't. They're awful. His and Roadhog's are embarrassingly bad.
Don't throw her bubble up preemptively (or at least, not unless damage is about to happen RIGHT THIS SECOND.) It's too short lived so there's no point. Wait until you, or your ally are taking fire. Take advantage of corners to make hit and run attacks. Half your health bar is a regenerating shield, but that's only advantageous if you pull back when injured to let it regenerate. A high charge is a valuable thing, so don't play suicidal. Team up with someone who has a mean aoe ult to get the most out of yours, or failing that, lob high charge mortar shots into the clump of enemies when you pop it.
See above. Yes and no. LIke I said, can't pop it preemptively, but if you through that shit up during current, or right before imminent big damage, you will rapidly gain charge. If you throw up a bubble and eat a bastion burst or a mech suicide, you've gone from 0 to 50. There's definitely a timing element to it, and to some degree you're reliant on enemy players feeding you, but it's still totally doable to build up charge.
same experience
over 30 boxes in beta I got 4 legendaries
I'm 15 now without a single epic/legendary skin