Is there a way to report players. If not Blizzard should get on that, oh and a mute option per player too.
To mute a single player press P, and there, press the little speaker on the player you want to mute (PC)
Is there a way to report players. If not Blizzard should get on that, oh and a mute option per player too.
I am level 15 and have had zero legendary drops.Why does Blizzard give us those legendary skins so easily?
Wolf high five!
I don't understand the tactic behind Blizzard with those lootboxes.
Shouldn't a legendary skin be very hard to get? i mean why would anyone buy lootboxes if those drop so often?
If you look at CS:GO a knife, the highest reward you can get out of a case is EXTREMELY rare that's why people waste TONS of money on those cases just to get a very rare knife.
Why does Blizzard give us those legendary skins so easily?
Crouching makes your footsteps silent. Its very powerful.
Crouching makes your footsteps silent. Its very powerful.
oh interesting. but I must say...I don't find a lot of opportunity for silent footsteps. game is so fast-paced all the time.
Seems dope for Reaper. But his teleport is noisy and he likes to announce his presence. IDK. How do you use it in practice?
Legendary skins are easy? Do you mean they have the same drop rate as everything else?
I am level 15 and have had zero legendary drops.
Crouching makes your footsteps silent. Its very powerful.
Could be useful for McCree so people don't know you're around a corner?
No but i've seen people who got 2 legendary skins in 1 lootbox. What's so legendary if it drops so frequently? not complaining, just wondering.
Blizzard normally doesn't do that, they always lock the good stuff behind an overly expensive wall or extremely hard to get.
They REALLY need to increase the cooldown on Tracer's dashes.
Could be useful for McCree so people don't know you're around a corner?
Her damage is not low...what?
She absolutely shreds.
Regardless, adding a second to the cooldown is not going to break her. Right now you can just spam your dashes, it's a bit ridiculous. God forbid people have to think a bit about how they use them instead of just spamming them.
how come Zenyatta wears pants but Bastion doesn't? Is this a goofy and pluto kind of thing? Genji runs around butt naked too.
Please help. I'm stuck at work and want to Overwatch.
I think the drop rate is just about right. I got 3 by 17. Not necessarily the 3 I wanted most, but I'll take it.
I think they missed a big opportunity by not adding a shit ton of skins to the game early on. By the time the first major additions roll around, people will have a lot of currency saved up. The reason to buy crates drops.
Of course, if people really are dropping 20-40 dollars on top of the purchase, then that's a good ROI for Blizzard.
oh interesting. but I must say...I don't find a lot of opportunity for silent footsteps. game is so fast-paced all the time.
Seems dope for Reaper. But his teleport is noisy and he likes to announce his presence. IDK. Maybe Genji since he can scale walls and get behind the enemy? How do you use it in practice?
Options > Gameplay.Nice, where can I turn this off?
Most of the time I see McCree's play like that, they're literally just standing in the corner camping and waiting. But yea I could see how that might work well in the opening half of El Dorado in particular. Other maps not so much.
Okami skin.<3 Love it so much.
Her damage isn't low but she has to get in close to actually deal it, each dash is on a 4-5 second cooldown and she's got the lowest health in the game.
Have you tried playing her? It's not easy when half the abilities in the game can one shot you.
wipe a whole team at once, they all decided to take the narrow path up to A on Numbani with a Reinhardt leading the charge.
Bad idea my friend.
Riptire......right through the shield as I see the group trying to find a way out going back and trying to get enough room to avoid it.
Wiped out in one go.
A shame they didn't realize that the tire only has 100 hp and could have just killed it in a second or less lol.
And here's something that's not readily apparent for anyone just trying the game out: the direction you press when you use Tracer's dash is where you'll dash. It's not just a <skill button> dash forward. You can do it to the side, backwards, whatever. NOT based on where you're looking.
Control is easily my favourite mode.
You also don't have to use the three dash charges consecutively. Each one operates on a 3 second cooldown, so it's a good idea to time them for max juking potential.![]()
how come Zenyatta wears pants but Bastion doesn't? Is this a goofy and pluto kind of thing? Genji runs around butt naked too.
Please help. I'm stuck at work and want to Overwatch.
Can people stop picking Zenyatta ? Seriously the most fucking useless character in the game, can't heal for shit
I think a skilled Genji or a Lucio can do that as well.Speaking of consecutive dashes, I didn't realize until yesterday you could use all 3 dashes to go around the huge gap on Volskaya.
Can people stop picking Zenyatta ? Seriously the most fucking useless character in the game, can't heal for shit
If anyone good at editing photos wanna make me a Okami avatar that'd be great
Head down to hands area maybe with transparent around it.
I feel the same way about, Tracer and Mercy's Legendary skins. Yuck.
Can people stop picking Zenyatta ? Seriously the most fucking useless character in the game, can't heal for shit