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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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Dr. Buni

torbjorn should also have a teleporter
No, we really don't need more people saying Symmetra is useless. We already have options though, Mercy's resurrect works like a teleporter but better and Lúcio can take allies to the point faster, but it is not really as reliable as Symmetra and Mercy's ults. That being said, more mobility options would be welcomed yeah, but teleporting is Symmetra's niche.
A point-blank shot does about 20 self-damage to Pharah's 40. His mine does 0 self-damage. Character is stupid.

During his ult too. I know Zenyatta isn't immune to secondary effects while using his ult, but come the fuck on.

Well I think his mine is also supposed to secondarily be a maneuvering device, meaning he can blow himself up to higher platforms to get more effective angles. I personally hate playing against effective Junkrats but love playing him every once in a while.
Junkrat is definitely strong, but the only thing I think that is "stupid" about him is the martyrdom grenades. Everyone hated them in the Modern Warfare games, why introduce them here?
Depends on the team, I think. If everyone's busy doing their own thing (read: getting shot in back alleys without backup) then I don't know what a Mercy or Lucio's going to be able to do about it. If people are kind of grouped up, though, you might have a case.

Pretty much this. I've had games where I have more damage out than heals done. I hate those games. Watching people who are weak af just keep barreling into the enemy, having to take out people near our spawn after calling them out multiple times. The lack of comms in most matches is annoying.


Solo pubs when the defense has multiple turrets fucking sucks. Torb may be low tier in pro games, but in pubs he's gdlk. I go like 26-3 ever time I use him.

Nobody wants to coordinate ultis. I regually tell my team when i have mine ready and people want to go go off and solo as tracer vs turrets.


Well I think his mine is also supposed to secondarily be a maneuvering device, meaning he can blow himself up to higher platforms to get more effective angles. I personally hate playing against effective Junkrats but love playing him every once in a while.

yeah but I dont see why it cant damage him a little bit. doesnt make sense at all
Junkrat is definitely strong, but the only thing I think that is "stupid" about him is the martyrdom grenades. Everyone hated them in the Modern Warfare games, why introduce them here?
At least in this, if you know about his grenades, you'll know not to step over a dead junk rat. The problem with it in call of duty was that there was no way to tell if they would drop a grenade or not. I'm not saying I like it, but at least it's much easier to avoid in this game because only junk rat has it.

Dr. Buni

They aren't accurate, but then again he can spam it, my problem with him is he can panic trap you, throw the trap on you when losing a battle to auto trigger it is dumb as hell.
I love throwing myself into enemies when I close to dying, in hopes I take them with me. Works at times.
I see this sentiment way too much. Being vehemently anti edgy characters is worse than the edgy characters themselves. There's nothing wrong with a bit of red, black, skulls and shit. Especially when almost everyone else in the game is bright and colorful.

The fact that he's so over the top edgy is why he's fun
I agree. I hate Reaper but it is not because of the design, I hate how stupidly quick he kills pretty much any character.
I hate Reaper's design so so so much, to the point I won't even try him even though his play style looks potentially interesting to me.

I see this sentiment way too much. Being vehemently anti edgy characters is worse than the edgy characters themselves. There's nothing wrong with a bit of red, black, skulls and shit. Especially when almost everyone else in the game is bright and colorful.

The fact that he's so over the top edgy is why he's fun


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Junkrat is definitely strong, but the only thing I think that is "stupid" about him is the martyrdom grenades. Everyone hated them in the Modern Warfare games, why introduce them here?
One of the reasons I like it is that it creates some incentive for Junkrat to be a little more aggressive. He's already benefited massively by hanging very far back and dropping grenades on a location from a safe distance, so the martyrdom grenades at least provide some encouragement to fight up close when things get really hairy, or a point needs to be defended.
At least in this, if you know about his grenades, you'll know not to step over a dead junk rat. The problem with it in call of duty was that there was no way to tell if they would drop a grenade or not. I'm not saying I like it, but at least it's much easier to avoid in this game because only junk rat has it.

Mm, that's good point.
I hate Reaper's design so so so much, to the point I won't even try him even though his play style looks potentially interesting to me.

My enjoyment of Reaper went up 10 fold after I got the Mariachi skin. No idea why it isn't his default. The stupid mask and the stupid claws holy shit


Reaper's default design and VO is every angsty emo death metal rock loving teen personified. Wish his voiced changed when you switch to the Legendary skins.
Well I think his mine is also supposed to secondarily be a maneuvering device, meaning he can blow himself up to higher platforms to get more effective angles. I personally hate playing against effective Junkrats but love playing him every once in a while.

But it's not. It's an easy panic button. There's no reason it should be a completely safe, instant way to deal 120 damage. Vanilla Demoman had the same shit with his sticky bombs where he could destroy anyone at any range by mashing left click and right click. Add a delay or something, at least have it do no damage to anyone until a bit after it's set, or have its damage ramp up to 120 rather than instantly being 120.


Anyone got an idea how this runs on an Intel i5 integrated graphics? HD4600

I've tried running it on my Dell XPS 13, which has an Intel HD 520, so about the same power, maybe slightly less. It runs, and you can even push 60 fps, but it doesn't look pretty at all.


I usually know I'm going to lose when no one on my team can deal with turrets, I go Pharah or Widow and all the enemy team has to do is target me only the whole match while my dumbass team keeps dying to the turrets.


Is the player population high here in gaf on consoles? I don't really have friends to play this game and I want to find a group :/


Unconfirmed Member
Junkrat got you feeling down? Can't push forward because you're scared of exploding?

Have I got the solution for you! His name is Roadhog, and he likes to hook stuff. You can hook Junkrats running about. You can hook Flying Pharahs in the sky. You can hook wall grinding Lucios and even warping Tracers. You can even hook stun the tire and one shot it. Monkeys jumping about? Hook em'! Lucio push you off a cliff? Hook em' down with you! Widowmaker and Hanzo in the distance? Hook em' and cook em'! Just make sure you don't hook Zarya because she's no fun.
But it's not. It's an easy panic button. There's no reason it should be a completely safe, instant way to deal 120 damage. Vanilla Demoman had the same shit with his sticky bombs where he could destroy anyone at any range by mashing left click and right click. Add a delay or something, at least have it do no damage to anyone until a bit after it's set, or have its damage ramp up to 120 rather than instantly being 120.
Fair enough, makes sense to me.
Junkrat's martyrdom grenades arent even close to the COD4 ones. You couldn't tell if someone in COD4 had the perk and they killed way harder and from a larger range. I've only killed one dude with them, and it was a damaged mccree rolling over my body


I've tried running it on my Dell XPS 13, which has an Intel HD 520, so about the same power, maybe slightly less. It runs, and you can even push 60 fps, but it doesn't look pretty at all.

Thanks. I saw a video on Youtube and it looks like garbage so I guess I'll just wait until I get my GPU :)
I got one of the best poftg ever with Reinhart with lead to the victory of the team in Anubis, and... Turned off the console without uploading it, I guess I'm screwed


It's fun healing Pharah as Mercy. Just flying around with her helps keep you alive and she does extra damage if you're boosting her.


I see this sentiment way too much. Being vehemently anti edgy characters is worse than the edgy characters themselves. There's nothing wrong with a bit of red, black, skulls and shit. Especially when almost everyone else in the game is bright and colorful.

The fact that he's so over the top edgy is why he's fun

I dunno. There's a point where over-the-top edgyness is funny, but when you're constantly exposed to xDeathG0dx and FALLEN4NG3L99's playing him seriously (and poorly), I think that cancels out even any ironic amusement that can be gotten.

I'm another person in the camp of never playing Reaper because of his character even though he's actually got a pretty fun playstyle. Luckily there's rarely a situation where a Reaper is outright necessary as say, a Mercy or Reinhardt so I'm not screwing anyone over with my choice.
Just left a match where someone on our team demanded that their Pharah get a pocket Mercy or else they were switching to Widowmaker, which, like, who put you in charge of everyone? And then when we lost they blamed it on the Mercy for not healing them exclusively, and again, fuck you buddy. So then the next round that person and the Mercy they were hounding both switch to snipers and when we lose that one too (two Reinhardts and a Zarya, definitely sniper fodder) the SAME PERSON is all "glad we had an awesome Widow."

Never seen someone so entitled in a match before. Yikes.
On Route 66 defense I had a Widowmaker *livid* at my Mercy, shouting how they never caught a heal. Meanwhile I was at the objective, trying to keep all the teammates who were also at the payload alive, and never once saw her.

I've do appreciate a good WM, but it does seem to attract a certain player mentality.


"Rocket jump? That sounds dangerous."

She already has 2 methods for doing that between her jetpack and concussive blast.

yeah but her conc blast and rocket jump both have long cooldowns

lemme just rocket jump all day plz

edit: when I think about it I don't understand why her fonc blast has a 10s+ cd


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like


yeah but her conc blast and rocket jump both have long cooldowns

lemme just rocket jump all day plz

edit: when I think about it I don't understand why her fonc blast has a 10s+ cd

That is still two to his one and if he's using it for jumping he doesn't get the easy damage it provides for throwing it at someone.

Probably because she'd be insanely strong on any map that has a cliff near where fights break out.


Bought another 11 pack. 2 legendaries. One for Winston and the other was just Gold. The hell with this gold shit for legendaries.


If you join an in progress game it's basically guaranteed you're joining a side that's getting stomped. There need to be harsher penalties for leaving.


Bought another 11 pack. 2 legendaries. One for Winston and the other was just Gold. The hell with this gold shit for legendaries.

I'd have taken the gold over some of the legendaries I got. Fool Junkrat, Frogston Winston, Commando 76... I'd be halfway to a second legendary skin that I actually want.
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