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Palworld |OT + Review Thread | Pokémon Gun


Man... devs going over their head with 100-500mil budgets and failing while the answer is just to make game with basic survival gameplay, fun, kid cartoony graphic and fake pokemon lol.
of course! How easy. You make it appealing to kids.
And how fitting seeing asmongolds and other streamers play it ...
I've watched some gameplay and it looks like "a game" you see on mobile game ads lol.

Said all that - it does seem competent and kinda cute I guess... nothing I ever want to play or watch
Your favourite game is Forspoken, your opinion is invalid


Gold Member
Level 25

You can see my newly created metal armor and pistol.



Gold Member
So my game crashes when I build the grinder

I tried building it somewhere else but it keeps crashing :(


So heads up. If you capture a human then have them active in your base don’t. I had the game start crashing every 30 seconds.

Issue was the human died in camp and game can’t register it properly and game crashes. This is on Xbox.

I was able to put him in the pal box and quit the game which fixed the crashing.


I just read the backstory of the devs and now I'm really supportive of Palworld. This could be a movie. Happy for these lads.


Gold Member
Back to work. But all I can think about is what I want to do next in this game.

Great thing about it is that everything you do, earns you and your team experience. Smart.

My next big initiative (now that I have multiple gun types) is to relocate my base. I want to find a place that has multiple ore veins really close together and has flat surface around it.


crazy, enshrouded is due in 2 days and this is definitely going to have an impact on it's sales. I've been waiting for that for ages and i'm probably going to delay on that for a few weeks to try get all the bosses done in this before moving on.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Back to work. But all I can think about is what I want to do next in this game.

Great thing about it is that everything you do, earns you and your team experience. Smart.

My next big initiative (now that I have multiple gun types) is to relocate my base. I want to find a place that has multiple ore veins really close together and has flat surface around it.
Jaffe had a decent video on it. All he talked about was how well designed the gameplay loop was, and how each task feeds into 3 other potential tasks that are always there to catch you anytime you might consider losing interest, so the loop keeps you engaged.

Sounds super fun. I'm looking forward to trying it when I can, but it might be a few weeks.


Gold Member
This game really shouldn't work, and I shouldn't like it (I don't tend to like survival games, particularly not when playing solo) but somehow it all works, works well and is thoroughly addictive. I think part of the reason for it's success is that it's got a bit of everything and it does most elements to a reasonably high standard (some more than others).

Its basically some elements of the following games: Pokemon + monster hunter + factorio/satisfactory + Valheim + Fortnite + any base building game of the last decade. As a result provided you have the materials necessary you can focus on doing whatever aspect you prefer most, and even though it's early access there's a decent amount here.

That said, it can be janky at times, it's not at all well optimised for how it looks, the onboarding is not great (ihavenoideawhatimdoing.gif was a good summary of my first hour with the game) but everything else more than makes up for it.

They have a really good foundation to work with here, hopefully the level a of success they've had so far drives them to finish what they started (instead of going the other way and leaving it unfinished, which can happen). No hookers, no blow until the job is done please.

Also, as a side note, the game runs reasonably well on the Steam Deck at 720p medium settings using Proton experimental (30-40 fps with the occasional shader comp stutter). It is a battery hog though and there are strange frame drops when the menus are open. There's also a lot of pop in. Hopefully they work on the optimisation there because it's a perfect game for the device. No such issues on the 4090 rig though, but that was to be expected.

All in all, pleasantly surprised. The game has a lot of charm to it even if it does wear its inspirations on it's sleeve.
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I am amused that so many players wonder why their workers were unhappy or sick, but not realizing there is an entire medical supply tech branch that treats depression and illnesses.
You have to offer healthcare for your employees, after all. Even if that means antidepressants.

And obviously, there is always the option to give the equivalent of Adderal to your Pals, which drives them mental but makes them work faster. The game always give you options, but you don't have to use them. You can be a good boss and benefit from being a good boss. Being cruel still has down sides.


I am amused that so many players wonder why their workers were unhappy or sick, but not realizing there is an entire medical supply tech branch that treats depression and illnesses.
You have to offer healthcare for your employees, after all. Even if that means antidepressants.

And obviously, there is always the option to give the equivalent of Adderal to your Pals, which drives them mental but makes them work faster. The game always give you options, but you don't have to use them. You can be a good boss and benefit from being a good boss. Being cruel still has down sides.
Will they automatically take medicine if it's available in storage or do you have to give it to them?
Will they automatically take medicine if it's available in storage or do you have to give it to them?
Nah. This is one of the few things you have to deal with yourself. They need to be put in to your active party, and then you can pick the option to give them medicine.
The production of medicine can be automated though.


crazy, enshrouded is due in 2 days and this is definitely going to have an impact on it's sales. I've been waiting for that for ages and i'm probably going to delay on that for a few weeks to try get all the bosses done in this before moving on.
Devs from Enshrouded are probably really stressed right now...

Xcell Miguel

Gold Member
Naughty Dogs devs goes on twitter rant about how he feels the game is 'cheating' and was made 'nefariously' but he doesn't know how :messenger_grinning_sweat:


Maybe the tools they use make it difficult ?
Unreal Engine is quite accessible to make a game and is documented all over the internet, just look at the many proof of concept "remakes" made by single fans there are.
Also, they may have reused some things from their previous game, it's not cheating.
Naughty Dogs devs goes on twitter rant about how he feels the game is 'cheating' and was made 'nefariously' but he doesn't know how :messenger_grinning_sweat:


This reminds me of the British meme about how some of their best inventions are done by three guys in a shed. Except this being a dozen Japanese guys (with a hundred more temp people hired to ship on time).

The key here is that the entire company was working on this game, even the boss. There is no business majors involve at all. They made this game because they think it is fun to play. You know, how Squaresoft managed to created the first Final Fantasy.

In the end it boils down to execution. All the ideas are done by others, they just executed their vision properly. it also helps that it is built on the skeleton of Craftopia. So it isn't a blank canvas, they had a lesser prototype to work from.
Maybe the tools they use make it difficult ?
Unreal Engine is quite accessible to make a game and is documented all over the internet, just look at the many proof of concept "remakes" made by single fans there are.
Also, they may have reused some things from their previous game, it's not cheating.
According to the available info, the only reason they use Unreal Engine was because of a single new hired employee who only knew how to use Unreal. So they abandoned Unity at that time. The timing means they missed the Unity fiasco by chance. That's how tiny the team was.


Naughty Dogs dev goes on twitter rant about how he feels the game is 'cheating' and was made 'nefariously' but he doesn't know how :messenger_grinning_sweat:

How dare these amateurs sell so many, no fair! :messenger_tears_of_joy:

It's not like the games perfect by any means, its janky as fuck! Maybe the AAA devs and pubs will one day realise that all they have to do is make a game fun and have respect for their consumers time. Palworld is the antithesis of AAA, it doesn't feel like a game made by focus groups and committee, it doesn't care about trying to tick those woke boxes, it doesn't try to artificially lengthen the experience by a needless grind just to improve that player engagement stat. In a way, what it does feel like is a load of gamers sat around having a laugh chatting about what they would love to see in a game and then putting that all into GAMEGPT and letting an AI spit out the game code!

Maybe that's what they mean by cheating?

At the end of the day, a game is supposed to be fun, and the revenue making should be a reward for that. AAA devs and pubs put the money at the centre of the process and build the game out from there.


They need to figure out the gamepass version so I can give it another try although I really can’t get past the art style


Gold Member
This game has literally broken so many people's brains just by existing.

Like... it's making people so irrationally angry.

It's really quite amazing to watch :messenger_heart:

I can see how maybe it's not everyone's cup of tea if one isn't into survival/exploration games but holy moly:

People whining about hurr durr muh pokemahns... smh
Clearly they have not paid much attention. It's not pokemon, it's ARK:SE. But less ugly and janky, and it runs at a solid framerate.

Other people whining about "I don't know what to do!" ...
Aside from the extremely clear tutorial/guide that takes up 1/3 of the screen until you complete your first tower, I'm not sure what more they are expecting?

Then there's some bizarre pizzagate-level conspiracy about shadowy AI overlords and nefarious dealings...
I don't even know what that guy is on about, but I hope they get the help they need. Like "SURPRISE! A game that's all about goofy fun is more popular than your grimdank social commentary miserable slog of a game-story."


Lucky for me, I'm really enjoying the game

Exploring is fun. The environment looks great, traversal is fun, making use of various pet saddles and locomotion modes is fun.
Collecting new additions for my makeshift gulag is fun. Automating processes and ensuring the right mix of workforce is enjoyable.
Haven't even gotten into the breeding/stat enhancing game yet.
There's no DLC, or payments or anything required - just a 30$, single-player game that'll be good fun until I finish it, then I'll be satisfied and done with it.


Gold Member
This game is the absolute best example of Game Pass on a phone. This game plays perfectly on my phone using a backbone controller, while I have something playing in the background, like a podcast, movie, show or music.


Gold Member
I just relocated my entire starter base to a new location with tons of ore to be mined. Awesome stuff. After about an hour of transferring stuff, I made about 300 ingots.

I came by across a YouTube video that shows the location. Here’s a screen grab I did of its location from the video:

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Put a few hours in and I like it, it reminds me of the good parts of Pokemon Arceus but with a bit of its own twist, killing these cute monsters is feeling a bit weird though

I was a bit surprised at the difficulty of the first "boss" tower, 30,000 HP and at level 9 ish I was very underprepared

Actually thinking about the Pokemon comparison a bit, it actually has more in common with Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom as well, mixed in with a bit of Valhiem on the building/survival and its a nice mix here
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Gold Member
I haven't watched any videos on this game because they're predictably all the worst fortnight zoomer clickbait misery that you would expect from youtube in <current_year>.

But since this is the OT thread imma drop some pro-tips that I've gathered from playing in the last day or so.

- When exploring a dungeon the layout is semi-randomized and you're trying to find the boss room. To be methodical about it, pick a direction (say, Left). Hug the (Left) wall and follow it all the way around. Eventually when you get to a dead-end room, by keeping the wall to your (left), you will circle back out and proceed to the next passage. You are guaranteed to hit the boss room eventually and will avoid stumbling around in the otherwise hard-to-navigate chambers.
- If a pal gets stuck on geo and starts starving in your base, just remove them from the workforce in the base console then immediately add them back in (can do with RightClick). They will spawn at the console and find their way to the food bowl.
- Make use of the Map Markers (E)! I slept on this for a long time, but you can place like 100 of them and set an icon for each one (sort of like Valheim, but without the ability to name them I guess). Useful for tagging dungeons when you find them, or the location of traders or good mineral sites.
- Night-time is a perfect time to go Effigy Hunting, as the extended Draw Distance for the green effigy glows makes them visible from a great distance - basically across the map. That was a very smart piece of thinking on the devs' part it draws you into flying to all sorts of distant locations.
- Flyers can cross water without burning stamina by hugging the surface, so they're ideal to take to distant islands - abeit kind of slow.
- If you fly to a Conservatory but stay on your flyer, even moving along the ground, you will not trigger Illegal Activity. You can shoot and capture from your saddle and open chests etc. without triggering whatever the penalty for poaching is :nougat_rofl:


So, after flying around I quickly found many of the farther areas don’t load in fully and I fall through the floor. I also hit a point where until they update and stabilize the game I’m gonna take a break. Lots of fun in early access though.


The ND dev can't understand how they made a mutliplayer game, must be black magic.

I see the problem already.

I just relocated my entire starter base to a new location with tons of ore to be mined. Awesome stuff. After about an hour of transferring stuff, I made about 300 ingots.
There's another place near the desolated church with a fast travel statue pretty close by with 7 or 8 ore locations behind the church. I've been using the 2nd base I can build as a portal fast travel. Find ore/coal or whatever i'm after and build the pal thing mine and fast travel back to my real base drop the resources and repeat.
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What's up with it?

We had 8 people across two servers playing all weekend and apart from the sound bugs there wasn't really any issues outside of hitching every now and again.

It is early access...

And a shit load of fun.
Mind you I’m having a ton of fun with the game but the Xbox version is a sorry state right now. Constant freezing upon entering dungeons, clipping through the map, work benches disappearing, and dammit I just want to not be Player 652


Xbox just got an update, what did they fix lol, game is great but very buggy.

Game Pass version quick update I see is arrows craft 3 at a time instead of 1. Incubator is now ancient tech/statue is normal so they swapped. Effigy cost at statue is also reduced.

I played Steam version with my sister and friends, but Game Pass with my son (he doesn't have a computer - yet). Steam version is definitely preferred. Not sure if this finally fixed the 3 shot bow, but the game pass version it was using 3 arrows instead of the 1 it's supposed to. Steam version also allows character naming instead of character #
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