add one more T to the company name then it would be perfect.
Wow, so is he making semi veiled mafia threats in the first two letters to Gabe?
The sad part about this is: no, he didn't. Once the initial uproar dies down, he probably insured a sweet gig at a more cut-throat type of PR agency that sees this type of behavior as desirable. And before anyone starts calling me names or feels the need to belittle my intelligence, I have two words:
Bobby Kotick.
Remember, in the business world, being a mouthbreathing shitpile isn't a bad thing, it's a bullet point on your resume.
I worked for Bank of America; I worked under bosses far worse than this guy.
not yet anyway
Luckily for him.4chan is on christmas mode right now
Yet. You forgot the word Yet. I'm sure they'll be joining in soon enough.
Therefore, being awful at your job is always a plus. Excellent logic.
You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain
Was this guy ever a hero?
Was this guy ever a hero?
Was this guy ever a hero?
I think that's before he was told who Gabe is. Then it became a bipolar comedy of "I love Penny Arcade/Penny Arcade sucks!" and "You are nothing to me/Will I see you at CES?"
Kids, stay in school and don't do drugs.
Was this guy ever a hero?
What the fuck is that thing? No seriously. What the fuck am I looking at? I don't even understand.
keep your thumbs on the sticks; never take them off. there's two rubber ribbons along the bottom. use your middle, ring, and/or pinky to pull the ribbon: you're pulling the L2/R2 triggers. extend your left index to hit the blue lined stick: you're pressing X. extend your right index to hit the yellow lined stick: you're hitting Y. nudge your right index finger up to hit the red lined nub thing covering your index finger's first joint: you're hitting B. All this without taking your thumbs off the two sticks so you can run and shoot and reload and aim and all that without taking your thumbs off the sticks. You do have to take your right thumb off the stick to hit A.
I worked for Bank of America; I worked under bosses far worse than this guy.
lol well say no more
I'm just trying to explain it from their point of view. I know there are times I have to do "the claw" so I can have both thumbs on the sticks while making my right index into a claw shape to hit the a/b/x/y buttons. This alleviates some of that. The L2/R2 ribbons are removable so I would take those off and I personally wouldn't want them. But I can see the point in not wanting to do the claw.I like buttons...
Therefore, being awful at your job is always a plus. Excellent logic.
He seems to have cancelled his twitter account.
Ok. Did the guy just basically delete the twitter account? Not seeing any tweets now and not seeing a picture on the twitter account either.
He seems to have cancelled his twitter account.
This guy isn't in the "business world". He's self employed (probably because no one would hire him already) and just very publicly ruined a client's good name. He's doneI. Never. Said. That.
I said that he'd probably be able to spin this into another gig once the shitstorm died down. It happens in the business world all the time. I'm not defending the guy; he deserves everything that's happening to him.
The B of A thing was just pointing out to someone else that I've worked in corporate America; people just as incompetent as this asshole get promoted all of the time.
Gentlemen, we are being trolled.
Lol, and it's still spelled wrong.
He just changed it to @OceanStratagy - he still can't spell!
Alex Navarro @alex_navarro
Roll out of bed at 12:30, and suddenly Joystiq is short two McElroys and a Grant. Also, everyone hates some marketing douche. WTF Internet