Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice |OT| Khura'in, not Kurain


Finished the second case. Pretty good.
Bonnie and Betty were amazing. Reus breakdown was also fantastic.


So I finished day 1 of case 5

Aside from that one really frustrating piece of testimony from Sarge (the one in the middle of the mood matrix about the fire and you have to present the orb to some unrelated statement), pretty good setup so far. I can see why some people are saying this should've been 2 separate cases, but I guess they wanted to make it feel very grand in scope.

One last thing, the way Edgeworth shows up at the end and is all like "Yo, let's hop on my private jet." to take the gang to Khura'in is great.


Case 5 Day 2

The instant Dhurke(sp) tells Datz to fuck off when they land back home, Datz almost immediately goes off to harass a small boy, his tiny dog, and an endangered bird before getting arrested again. For basically no reason. And this somehow breaks the case wide open.

Best New Recurring Character 2016
People weren't kidding about the return of Japanifornia in Case 4,
*Whole case spoilers*
impressive for a case that doesn't leave the courtroom.
Blackquill da best, solid breather case in general though the ultimate conclusion and motives seem kinda hodgepodge (the whole allergy and udon being like a classic extra mystery that was just there to extend the case length), it almost goes for a sympathetic finish meanwhile I'm sitting there like "yeah but you still smothered a man with dough because he promoted the more logical choice", maybe there's something lost in translation about the importance/honour of inheriting name values here. But then again I suppose not ever killer has to be overly EVIIIL.
Enjoying the investigation of Case 5 so far, look forward to taking off on Yamazaki's wild ride.
Ace Attorney 6 Case 1

A bit of a meh intro to be honest. It drags a bit, and because it needs to set up some basic story elements relating to the overall plot, the case itself feels a bit empty. It doesn't help that the
culprit swung into his murderous persona way too soon.

That said, in terms of visuals, it's a beautiful game. The characters look fantastic.


Oh god, I love that the text sound is actually in tune with the music played by the witness in the first case. So good.
Just bought it after finishing the DLC case of AA5 after 2 years of letting it alone.

What a time to be alive to have Zero Escape 3 and Ace Attorney 6 the same year.

Hopefully the new exotic setting will mean the localizers won't corner themselves writing the translation and adapting it for English audiences.


Case 3, Investigation Day 2:
So Maya said she wants to have Ramen AND Burgers. Japanifornia indeed.

I want to leave work so I can finish case 3 already.


Finished the second case. Was a lot more fun than the first one! Enjoyed it quite a bit and I really liked the animations for this game, especially Bonny. I actually think I might be more invested in the Apollo side of things, but Maya is next case and I've been waiting for her return for so long...


Fuck, the final trial went from 0-100 straight away.
Prosecutor Sad Monk sits this one out and it's instead being prosecuted by a Final Fantasy end boss. This should be good.

Also, Capcom are sneaky sneaks. They tricked us
into buying Apollo Justice 2 by making it look like a Maya fan wank in all the trailers. He deserves it though, after being sidelined in his own game, and after DD's crappy backstory about his dead friend who apparently doesn't exist anymore
Just finished Case 5's Day 1 Investigation and
did not expect to be facing off against Phoenix for the Trial
This is gonna be legendary


What's their obsession with
women who act cute for show but are two tick-tocks away from going coo-coo?
It's been in many of the games and twice in this one.


Hoo boy, I am glad that I read beforehand that Case 4 was just a breather/comic relief case before Case 5 instead of additional buildup like it usually is. Otherwise I'd be really irritated at this game right now after how good Case 3 turned out to be, lol.
Why are people so mad about Case 4? I'm at the checkpoint for it atm, and I'm really enjoying it. The witnesses are super fun, the
multiple personality disorder
part is really interesting and Blackquill
being a super weeb is hilarious

Also, Uendo has
fans on his fans

I've always liked when the game has a more light-hearted tone to its cases (which is why I, unlike many others, think 3-2 and 3-3 aren't terrible).

Plus, unlike the first 3 cases, there's (so far) no
stupid ass testimonies where the game is extremely picky about when to present which piece of evidence exactly


Why are people so mad about Case 4? I'm at the checkpoint for it atm, and I'm really enjoying it. The witnesses are super fun, the
multiple personality disorder
part is really interesting and Blackquill
being a super weeb is hilarious

Also, Uendo has
fans on his fans

I've always liked when the game has a more light-hearted tone to its cases (which is why I, unlike many others, think 3-2 and 3-3 aren't terrible).

Plus, unlike the first 3 cases, there's (so far) no
stupid ass testimonies where the game is extremely picky about when to present which piece of evidence exactly

I don't think it's bad at all, it's just that most of the past Ace Attorney games have a structure in which Case 4 is the build-up to the game's climax, so there's an expectation there that this one doesn't meet. Again, though, not a problem if you already know going into it that it's not going to be the same kind of high-stakes drama that Case 3 was.

I'm also personally not a fan that it doesn't seem to have an investigation phase to it--feels more like a first case in that sense. Granted, court's the fun part of these games, but it always feels so much more satisfying when you've spent the time scrounging together evidence and piecing together how the various characters interconnect beforehand.
Just finished the first day of investigation for case 5...


The phrase "business just picked up" would be an understatement right now


You guys are smashing through the game. I'm still on case two. I love Ace Attorney, but I try and savor it and take it slow. Glad to hear the positive responses to later cases.


You guys are smashing through the game. I'm still on case two. I love Ace Attorney, but I try and savor it and take it slow. Glad to hear the positive responses to later cases.

Starting Case 3 it got a little harder for me to not want to keep playing considering where the story goes. It's very much like AA3 in how much build up/payoff it has, though AA3 didn't start ramping that up until the two last cases.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Starting Case 3 it got a little harder for me to not want to keep playing considering where the story goes. It's very much like AA3 in how much build up/payoff it has, though AA3 didn't start ramping that up until the two last cases.

Seriously. I had planned on pacing myself, but Case 3 just grabbed me and kept pulling me forward. Case 4, however, led me to slow down and relax again. But I bet it'll be Case 3, Round 2, when I get to Case 5.


Finished Case 3 and that was absolutely amazing.

The only reason The Rite of Turnabout isn't my favorite case in the series is because Farewell, My Turnabout exists.


I finished case 3 last night but didn't get a chance to reflect on it til now.

It was a really great case. The more I think back on it the more it grows on me too. Though I think I read one too many "wow case 3 is the best thing ever!!!"-type posts as I did feel a tad underwhelmed when it was over, heh. Still, it was a ride.

Some thoughts on it and the game itself thus far in no particular order just to get things out of my system

I really can't stand Phoenix's characterization anymore. It was a problem I had in Dual Destinies but it's even worse here. He acts way too, I dunno how to really describe it, inexperienced and on edge every time he's in court. It's like he has no idea what he's doing and he's constantly relying on bluffs (with a tendency to constantly point out to himself that he is indeed bluffing it). I get that here, if he doesn't get the Not Guilty he will die alongside his client, but even so, it's like all those years of experience he has just disappears in court. I want a cool, calm and collected Phoenix and not one that feels like he's screaming NOOOOO!! in court every 10 minutes when something goes south. I really shouldn't let this get to me so much but fuck, I think it's actually harming my enjoyment of the game a bit. I feel like I'm probably in the minority for wanting a Phoenix more akin to his AA4 incarnation so badly but whatever... just the way I feel.

Apollo on the other hand I feel like they've done a great job with, based on case 2. I feel like they have really conveyed a solid character growth with him since his debut and I'm so excited to see what role he plays as the game continues. Especially since I've seen people say that this game is really Apollo's more than it is Phoenix's. I wish he was the lead of 5 and 6 instead of Phoenix but what are ya gonna do?

I felt like case 3 kinda got a bit too complicated for it's own good as it kept progressing. To the point where it lost some of it's impact for me when it was finally all over. Mostly that final string of twists regarding Puh'ray being the Lady Kee'ra killer, Beh'leeb's role in the murder, Tahrust committing suicide and how it all tied back to the DC act etc etc... I definitely feel like the case will be a lot easier to digest on a replay when I know how it's gonna play out.

Tahrust just randomly dropping "taiko drums" at the end to give away that it was the Steel Samurai theme and not the Plumed Princess (or whatever the name of it was) and that being what ultimately causes his entire alibi to fall apart was way, way, way too fucking convenient. Why would he just say "yep those taiko drums in the theme definitely give away that its Maya!" makes no sense.

Rayfa has grown on me considerably since the start of the game. Thought she was gonna be another Franziska-type character who constantly talks about how great she is without ever letting go of her ego until the end of the game but she has been pretty great surprisingly. She's pretty hilarious at times and I'm enjoying seeing her character growth as she realizes the flaws in Khura'ins legal system. Good stuff, she makes for a great "assisstant" when not in court.

Datz Are'bal is fucking great. I really hope I get to see more of him in case 5, he's extremely entertaining. Also I finally got his name pun just now. lol

I feel extremely lost on this one, was the high priest's name Tahrust or Abbot? I swear one sentence he'd be called Abbot and the very next goddamn sentence he was called Tahrust and shit, I dunno if I missed a single line of text that explained this but man it got on my nerves for some reason after a while. It confused me at first too cause I had no idea wtf Abbot was until I realized they were talking about the victim. Who was listed as Tahrust. ughghguhguhguhfahs

I'm really digging the underlying plot with the rebels. Expecially that whole bit where we see that picture with Dhurke and his sons. Which explains how Apollo knew Nahyuta lol. For real though feels like with every passing game there's some convenient and huge part of Apollo's backstory that just happens to fit right in with the overarching plot of the games. First it was being Clay's best friend in DD and now it's that he was the son of the fucking rebel leader of Khura'in and brother of it's most noble prosecutor. It's kinda hilarious at this point.

Ya I think that's all of my thoughts for now. There's a couple niggling little issues spread throughout but so far I'm really loving my time with this game, more than I ever expected to. Very excited to see it through to the end.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Just started case 4. Case 3 was a wild ride - started off relatively mundane, and then snowballed into something huge by the end. Loved it.

Blackquill is my favorite AA character, and he's even better in this game so far without his "I'm a scary criminal" shtick. His snarky confidence is great. Think we could ever get a Blackquill Investigations spinoff? :D
I finished case 3 last night but didn't get a chance to reflect on it til now.

It was a really great case. The more I think back on it the more it grows on me too. Though I think I read one too many "wow case 3 is the best thing ever!!!"-type posts as I did feel a tad underwhelmed when it was over, heh. Still, it was a ride.

Some thoughts on it and the game itself thus far in no particular order just to get things out of my system

I really can't stand Phoenix's characterization anymore. It was a problem I had in Dual Destinies but it's even worse here. He acts way too, I dunno how to really describe it, inexperienced and on edge every time he's in court. It's like he has no idea what he's doing and he's constantly relying on bluffs (with a tendency to constantly point out to himself that he is indeed bluffing it). I get that here, if he doesn't get the Not Guilty he will die alongside his client, but even so, it's like all those years of experience he has just disappears in court. I want a cool, calm and collected Phoenix and not one that feels like he's screaming NOOOOO!! in court every 10 minutes when something goes south. I really shouldn't let this get to me so much but fuck, I think it's actually harming my enjoyment of the game a bit. I feel like I'm probably in the minority for wanting a Phoenix more akin to his AA4 incarnation so badly but whatever... just the way I feel.

Apollo on the other hand I feel like they've done a great job with, based on case 2. I feel like they have really conveyed a solid character growth with him since his debut and I'm so excited to see what role he plays as the game continues. Especially since I've seen people say that this game is really Apollo's more than it is Phoenix's. I wish he was the lead of 5 and 6 instead of Phoenix but what are ya gonna do?

I felt like case 3 kinda got a bit too complicated for it's own good as it kept progressing. To the point where it lost some of it's impact for me when it was finally all over. Mostly that final string of twists regarding Puh'ray being the Lady Kee'ra killer, Beh'leeb's role in the murder, Tahrust committing suicide and how it all tied back to the DC act etc etc... I definitely feel like the case will be a lot easier to digest on a replay when I know how it's gonna play out.

Tahrust just randomly dropping "taiko drums" at the end to give away that it was the Steel Samurai theme and not the Plumed Princess (or whatever the name of it was) and that being what ultimately causes his entire alibi to fall apart was way, way, way too fucking convenient. Why would he just say "yep those taiko drums in the theme definitely give away that its Maya!" makes no sense.

Rayfa has grown on me considerably since the start of the game. Thought she was gonna be another Franziska-type character who constantly talks about how great she is without ever letting go of her ego until the end of the game but she has been pretty great surprisingly. She's pretty hilarious at times and I'm enjoying seeing her character growth as she realizes the flaws in Khura'ins legal system. Good stuff, she makes for a great "assisstant" when not in court.

Datz Are'bal is fucking great. I really hope I get to see more of him in case 5, he's extremely entertaining. Also I finally got his name pun just now. lol

I feel extremely lost on this one, was the high priest's name Tahrust or Abbot? I swear one sentence he'd be called Abbot and the very next goddamn sentence he was called Tahrust and shit, I dunno if I missed a single line of text that explained this but man it got on my nerves for some reason after a while. It confused me at first too cause I had no idea wtf Abbot was until I realized they were talking about the victim. Who was listed as Tahrust. ughghguhguhguhfahs

I'm really digging the underlying plot with the rebels. Expecially that whole bit where we see that picture with Dhurke and his sons. Which explains how Apollo knew Nahyuta lol. For real though feels like with every passing game there's some convenient and huge part of Apollo's backstory that just happens to fit right in with the overarching plot of the games. First it was being Clay's best friend in DD and now it's that he was the son of the fucking rebel leader of Khura'in and brother of it's most noble prosecutor. It's kinda hilarious at this point.

Ya I think that's all of my thoughts for now. There's a couple niggling little issues spread throughout but so far I'm really loving my time with this game, more than I ever expected to. Very excited to see it through to the end.
I've got good news for you on several counts then
I feel extremely lost on this one, was the high priest's name Tahrust or Abbot? I swear one sentence he'd be called Abbot and the very next goddamn sentence he was called Tahrust and shit, I dunno if I missed a single line of text that explained this but man it got on my nerves for some reason after a while. It confused me at first too cause I had no idea wtf Abbot was until I realized they were talking about the victim. Who was listed as Tahrust. ughghguhguhguhfahs
"Abbot" is his title, "Tahrust" is his name. An Abbot is the head of an Abbey. I learned it from the Redwall books growing up.


Case 5 Trial 1

Thanks Capcom, you revived Apollo as great protag but you just killed Phoenix Wright by doing so. If Case 3 wasn't bad enough, this one just takes one step further. There is a way to nerf a character but they didn't have to make him look like a complete idiot by doing so.


Thank the Holy Mother for all the black haired maidens in this game.

The number of new awesome characters is great. The effort put into designing them has been tremendous.

Flashbacks has been far less of an issue case 3 onwards.


I'm just not feelin' this game so far. I'm at case two and it seems pretty obvious what is happening here. I don't really know how intentional that is.


Case 5, near the end of the 2nd trial help:
I have the mirror cleared up, but what the heck am I supposed to do here? I can see the tattoos and armband, and try to present statement 4 on that, but it won't let me
Case 5, near the end of the 2nd trial help:
I have the mirror cleared up, but what the heck am I supposed to do here? I can see the tattoos and armband, and try to present statement 4 on that, but it won't let me

You need to present the mirror again on the statement about Dhurke being responsible for the arson, IIRC. This is because the armband seen in the mirror is part of the Justice Minister's outfit.
Case 5, near the end of the 2nd trial help:
I have the mirror cleared up, but what the heck am I supposed to do here? I can see the tattoos and armband, and try to present statement 4 on that, but it won't let me

Point out the armband in the mirror. The statement you picked to present is correct.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Just finished Case 5 Investigation Day 1. I'm devastated:

Nooooooooooooooooo. ;_; I love Phoenix. Don't make me go against him. I don't even like Apollo. I would fire him if I could. Make him go full-time with Trucy doing magic. Part of me actually hoped he was going to die in the cave... I don't want to make Phoenix lose. :( x 1000 Also, Maya better show up at some point in Kurain Village. Feels so weird to be here without her. I'm pretty sure it's obvious what the deal with the Founder's Orb is, so maybe I actually won't beat Phoenix and we'll just call a draw? Also, I had a small theory about who Ami Fey is, but I think the timeline doesn't work out. So I'm guessing the story doesn't tie up as neatly as I thought it might. But I think I have the general gist of who Ami Fey is due to all the hinting they've done. I guess I'll find out.

How does one download the free costume DLC?

What Burning Justice said, but you might have to play a little bit before you can actually download it. I tried by saving ASAP, and while I got the menu to go look for DLC, it kept failing. However, trying again after I'd reached court then was successful. EDIT: Don't quote me if you choose to reply because I've posted spoilers above and you'll see them!!

Burning Justice

the superior princess
What Burning Justice said, but you might have to play a little bit before you can actually download it. I tried by saving ASAP, and while I got the menu to go look for DLC, it kept failing. However, trying again after I'd reached court then was successful.

Weird. I saved the first moment the game let me, and I was able to download it just fine.


Case 4 is annoying me so far cuz I find the witnesses pretty meh so far. Hope it improves. This case doesn't seem to fit the rest of the game at all in the way it's structured.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Weird. I saved the first moment the game let me, and I was able to download it just fine.

You did it using the button on the touch screen and not waiting for the game to ask you if you wanted to save, right? I did it on launch day, so it's possible the DLC just wasn't up yet or something.
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