Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice |OT| Khura'in, not Kurain


Finished case two yesterday. That was a lot of fun.
Retinz was a pretty cool character when he switched to his magician persona, I loved his bombastic speech style and tricks animations. Sad backstory too, though I think it's still his fault he was fired in the end. Such a thirst for revenge.
What's this threads opinion on the English VAs? I'm kinda sad there aren't more anime cutscenes but I'm only on Case 3. Also gotta watch the prologue...

Going by the launch trailer:
- Phoenix: Not bad per se, but I imagined it'd be a bit deeper going by previous games objections.
- Apollo: On point. Exactly the voice of a somewhat immature lawyer.
- Trucy: Pretty good, but not alot to go on.
- Ema: Awesome. Just the right amount of enthusiasm in her character
- Maya: Also amazing, exactly how I imagined she'd sound.
- The Prosecutor: Fine. I'm not liking the character in game but the voice work is great.
- Athena: I dislike the voice she has but the VA serms to put work into it.

Overall pretty spot on work from the localization team. Also I should watch the anime sometime.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
About to start Case 5 Trial 2:

Well, the plot picked up a bit. It's amazing how distant the characters and setting of the first trial are from this one. I could easily see an argument for making this two separate cases, with the first one being more of a prologue. I think that would have actually been a better Case 4 thematically, though then there wouldn't have been a break between 3 and 5.

I think I have some of the mysteries figured out—what happened to Amara for the past however many years seems to be the most obvious and telegraphed one, though I'm unsure of her current fate and worry things might have recently gone or are about to go south for her—but I admit that when it comes to the murder, I have very little clue what happened. Just little theories, one of which I hope isn't true but I worry might be what's coming. But I expect PW to give me a happy ending (likely as the result of a last-minute twist when things seem darkest), so hopefully it's not that. For the stuff I haven't figured out yet or that I know are relevant story bits that will eventually be revealed, I'm excited to see what the trial brings. Can't wait for the revelations and turnabouts!

Also, Rayfa is definitely a new favorite character, and I appreciate Ema. Ahlbi's okay, and Shah'do is adorable. Dhurke is okay, and I'm undecided on Datz. Maya remains a favorite, and I always appreciate Phoenix. Everyone else is meh.


The culprit breakdown in case 2 is the greatest breakdown ever.
Animation is the best it has ever been.

Everything else can still fuck off though.
Except Apollo. Apollo is swag, Apollo is life. Even if I don't like his 3d model. I just want a real Apollo Justice game I guess.


The culprit breakdown in case 2 is the greatest breakdown ever.
Animation is the best it has ever been.

Everything else can still fuck off though.
Except Apollo. Apollo is swag, Apollo is life. Even if I don't like his 3d model. I just want a real Apollo Justice game I guess.

This is the "realest" AJ game you can get, way more than the game that bears his name.


This is the "realest" AJ game you can get, way more than the game that bears his name.

By that I mean Apollo only and get rid of everyone else. Back when it was announced I knew that the game subtitle was probably a double entendre, but ffs just make him leave and start his agency somewhere far away that is not super bad anime land.

If you think Apollo going solo would magically let the series become less anime, I don't know what to tell you.

Not what I said but whatever


Is there any chance this is coming to iOS anytime soon?
Would love to play this (played all the games in the series + investigations) but no 3DS atm


What's this threads opinion on the English VAs? I'm kinda sad there aren't more anime cutscenes but I'm only on Case 3. Also gotta watch the prologue...

Going by the launch trailer:
- Phoenix: Not bad per se, but I imagined it'd be a bit deeper going by previous games objections.
- Apollo: On point. Exactly the voice of a somewhat immature lawyer.
- Trucy: Pretty good, but not alot to go on.
- Ema: Awesome. Just the right amount of enthusiasm in her character
- Maya: Also amazing, exactly how I imagined she'd sound.
- The Prosecutor: Fine. I'm not liking the character in game but the voice work is great.
- Athena: I dislike the voice she has but the VA serms to put work into it.

Overall pretty spot on work from the localization team. Also I should watch the anime sometime.

Ye, I only dislike Rayfas VO, she sounds waaaaay too mature. I mean, she's 14 and she also acts like that most of the time. I know, she tries her best to appear mature, but that's not the same as actually being mature, which is how the voice sounds.


Case 4 has to be the worst/weakest case in the series for me, made even more bad by the fact it featured some of my fav. characters
I like Athena, but she was acting like it's her first damned time as a Defense Attorney. The fans have been playing these games for so long that seeing the characters freak out every other Cross Examination when the Prosecution finds an opposing view has gotten so old and drab. Doesn't help nthat Athena does the most exaggerated 'OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' face.
Furthermore it would've been interesting to see one of the crew take on a case solo, and while I liked that Simon was the assistant, I would've prefered if Athena took it by herself.
Alas it gets worse as Simon himself HINTS at the clues to solve a contradiction or point.

Nahyuta was friggin' irritating and just keeps repeating the same shtick over and over; here's an idea Mr. Sad Monk Prosecutor how about YOU Let it go and move on and realize you're accusing the wrong person.

The best part of this case had to be Uendo for me, his 3 personalities were great, esp. her Courtesan persona, it looked like an actual woman and I really liked the pose.

I am in Case 5 atm, and hope to finish the game in the coming days.


Ye, I only dislike Rayfas VO, she sounds waaaaay too mature. I mean, she's 14 and she also acts like that most of the time. I know, she tries her best to appear mature, but that's not the same as actually being mature, which is how the voice sounds.

I never liked any of the VOs for AA. Seems like they miscast most of them and they all sound bored most of the time. And yea, Rayfa was the most jarring. She sounds like she's in her 20's so when I saw she was 14 in profile, that surprised me cuz of her VA. They seriously couldn't have made her sound a bit younger?


Finished Case 4 last night. That felt like a Detective Conan episode starring the Ace Attorney cast. I actually enjoyed it, even if it's pure filler and the weakest case in the game so far.


Unconfirmed Member
The case 3 vision is just stumping me totally.
I finally got the lantern and basically nothing changed. I'm totally stuck.

Edit: Got it after searching though the thread. Seems like it's common to get stuck there.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Finished the game. Some brief thoughts:

-The revolution angle and how pervasive the law is in Khura'in never stopped being ridiculous, but managed to be extremely entertaining throughout despite this.
-Case 5 was like a gatling gun of plot twists. The villain herself may have been extremely obvious, but the journey there was a wild ride and quite possibly one of the most exciting cases in the series. The stakes got higher and higher, and I don't think a villain has felt so powerful and threatening since Von Karma.
-The entire game was basically Apollo's, but unlike AA4, which sidelined Apollo for Phoenix, every character remained important throughout. I never expected to play as Apollo for the final case, and having Phoenix by his side gave me AA4 vibes - the best kind of AA4 vibes from the best moments in that game.
-Case 4 was literally "insert cast here," but it was one of the more entertaining cases in the series and had Blackquill as your support, so I didn't mind at all.
-Nahyuta and Apollo feel like a better written, more appealing Edgeworth/Phoenix from AA1. Apollo's very own childhood friend prosecutor, whose superior is the final villain.
-I LOVE Dhurke. I was really sad to see him die. He managed to be both cool and hilarious. I was kind of upset he wasn't Apollo's birth father, without the extra foster father/Jove Justice angle. I mean, they look similar enough. At least the other best new character, Datz, survived.
-Really wonder what direction the series is going to go in now that Apollo and Phoenix have separate law offices. Also, nice Lamiroir tease at the end.


Been too busy to play lately but last night I got back into the game and finished the first case and got to the first trial in the second one.

First case was pretty good, I like how they keep making tutorial cases better with each game. The culprit was hilarious too and the breakdown was neat, the animation in 5 and this are just phenomenal.

I was so into it that I forgot I'm supposed to play as Apollo too, so the switch was disappointing but oh well,
at least they're keeping it interesting by keeping stakes absurdly high. I definitely didn't expect to see both Trucy get involved in a murder case and to risk losing the office in the same episode lol, that was heavy. I don't know how I feel about Apollo seemingly knowing Nahyuta but I hope it amounts to something interesting and not more nonsense like in AA5... Also I find him very dull, but they could at least do something interesting with what we learned of him in 4. Seeing him imply that he doesn't know Lamiroir is his mother and therefore be clueless about Trucy being his sister as well was pretty disappointing after the teasing in AA5.

Having Athena as an assistant is just salt in the wound too. I just wanna ditch Apollo and play as her lol.

Oh, and Ema is great so far. I missed her.

Edit: Huh, reading some impressions from case 5 without spoilers, it seems like Apollo gets good at last? I'll be looking forward to it then.
lmao holy shit. Case 5 trial 2

Inga Karkhuul Haw'kohd Dis'nahm Bi'ahni Lawga Ormo Pohmpus Da'nit Ar'edi Iz Khura'in III.

This is it. The final form of name puns.

That impressed me. They really went all out to do that.

Something else related to the end of case 5, trial 2 that I feel like was a missed opportunity was
no one realizing that the spiritual power offered by the Founders Orb was likely the ability to channel the Holy Mother, since it revealed her face
Ye, I only dislike Rayfas VO, she sounds waaaaay too mature. I mean, she's 14 and she also acts like that most of the time. I know, she tries her best to appear mature, but that's not the same as actually being mature, which is how the voice sounds.
Pretty much. I like her voice but it doesn't fit her character's age.


So I'm playing through Case 2 and
from the moment Ratings Rajah showed up I thought he looked like the masked victim so I'm predicting that'll be the twist and he did all of this because he's mad they ousted him from Troupe Gramarye.


So I'm playing through Case 2 and
from the moment Ratings Rajah showed up I thought he looked like the masked victim so I'm predicting that'll be the twist and he did all of this because he's mad they ousted him from Troupe Gramarye.

What got me personally was that I figured out the mid-case twist way before its reveal. Normally I turn off my brain when I play these games (one of the mid-case twists in Dual Destinies Case 3 totally blindsided me, for example), but this one just fell into my head.

I've been playing too many of these games or something.


What's this threads opinion on the English VAs? I'm kinda sad there aren't more anime cutscenes but I'm only on Case 3. Also gotta watch the prologue...

Going by the launch trailer:
- Phoenix: Not bad per se, but I imagined it'd be a bit deeper going by previous games objections.
- Apollo: On point. Exactly the voice of a somewhat immature lawyer.
- Trucy: Pretty good, but not alot to go on.
- Ema: Awesome. Just the right amount of enthusiasm in her character
- Maya: Also amazing, exactly how I imagined she'd sound.
- The Prosecutor: Fine. I'm not liking the character in game but the voice work is great.
- Athena: I dislike the voice she has but the VA serms to put work into it.

Overall pretty spot on work from the localization team. Also I should watch the anime sometime.


Phoenix (Not bad, but sounds way too light from what I'd imagine him to be. On a side note, the voice actor in VS had the perfect speaking voice for him in my opinion.)

Edgeworth (Speaking voice is fine, but his "objection" sounds like a winded old man.)

Klavier (Sounds nothing at all like his AA4 voice. Probably the character that got shafted the hardest in terms of voice actors.)
Just finished case 3 investigation.

Case 2
I figured out both twists, but in each case it was just ahead of the reveal. Doho! I enjoyed Roger's character, particularly the signs he would hold up while filming. "Say something dumb" lol

God these pun names just seem to be getting worse with every game. Just call the bad guy Aihdihd'it or something.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Just finished case 3 investigation.

Case 2
I figured out both twists, but in each case it was just ahead of the reveal. Doho! I enjoyed Roger's character, particularly the signs he would hold up while filming. "Say something dumb" lol

God these pun names just seem to be getting worse with every game. Just call the bad guy Aihdihd'it or something.

Eh'twuhz'mih Wih'thuhket'chennife Intebehd'rum. Puh'ressth Uhfurste Stah'temehnt. Convict M'e.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Someone needs to compile a list of all name puns. I think I got most of them, but some definitely went over my head, especially
whatever the minister of justice's full name was
Just finished case 3 investigation.

Case 2
I figured out both twists, but in each case it was just ahead of the reveal. Doho! I enjoyed Roger's character, particularly the signs he would hold up while filming. "Say something dumb" lol

God these pun names just seem to be getting worse with every game. Just call the bad guy Aihdihd'it or something.

Just wait until case 5. You ain't seen nothing yet


Just finished case 2.

Already I think the game is better than 2, 4, and 5. If it keeps up the pace it might just be my favorite AA game to date. So good!

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Absolutely nobody in Case 5 has a worse name than Case 3's
Reehl Neh'mu

Yeah, that one was ridiculous with how the supposed revelation was basically the emptiest possible revelation it could have been.


What got me personally was that I figured out the mid-case twist way before its reveal. Normally I turn off my brain when I play these games (one of the mid-case twists in Dual Destinies Case 3 totally blindsided me, for example), but this one just fell into my head.

I've been playing too many of these games or something.
I think this is definitely a problem for people who are very familiar with the series. You just know what to expect eventually when it comes to villains and other character reveals; I felt the same way about Case 2. Although there was a genuine surprise related to the murder which made me think, Oh that's clever!

Still, I enjoy the games very much and even the predictable twists can be satisfying if presented and paced well. At this point I'm in it for the puns, script, character interactions and presentation, but I envy some acquaintances who are new to the series and getting completely surprised by the turnabouts.


Still, I enjoy the games very much and even the predictable twists can be satisfying if presented and paced well. At this point I'm in it for the puns, script, character interactions and presentation, but I envy some acquaintances who are new to the series and getting completely surprised by the turnabouts.
Don't forget the eternal war between the ladderists and the stepladderists.

And yes, at this point it's not just about me the player figuring out what the truth is, it's also about when the player character starts to put it all together and what comes out of that. I'm enjoying this game very much, a little more than Dual Destines.
I'm on the first investigation for Case 3 so far and really enjoying the game. Don't think I'm into Sahdmadhi though which is disappointing because I fucking loved Blackquill.
I'm on the first investigation for Case 3 so far and really enjoying the game. Don't think I'm into Sahdmadhi though which is disappointing because I fucking loved Blackquill.

Blackquill had the sarcasm and black humor going for him, Sandmadhi's sermons get old fast. Wish they had played his foreign country shenanigan sticks more.

I made it to Case 4. 3 wasn't bad, but I felt it dragged a lot tbh.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
I just started Case 5 Trial 2 and...
could they have made the queen look any more like a supervillain with her prosecutor clothes? I laughed at how over the top the transformation was. Guess that's confirmation of who the ultimate villain is.
This seance in case 5 is driving me bloody insane.
Gonna give myself a few more minutes before I succumb to just looking it up, not even the tip is helping me here.

Wait, I think I've got the point I need, it's just a matter of figuring out the one exact way the game wants me to try and present said point.
And got it, I feel stupid but at least I didn't cave in.
Still investigating the first part of Case 3. They're answering my questions about the country and how it is different from Maya's family pretty well, and not in an overbearing way either. It's nice, I honestly wasn't expecting them to.

I'm on the first investigation for Case 3 so far and really enjoying the game. Don't think I'm into Sahdmadhi though which is disappointing because I fucking loved Blackquill.
I love his power clap thing.


Best part about sadmadbaddy is when he gets frustrated and slams his beads. Or the clap. He's not very interesting otherwise.

Blackquill was one of the bright spots in AA5. I like Klavier too, even if the lack of antagonism makes him less compelling, which is the point Edgeworth had reached too.


I think I'm stuck in case 3.

The seance in the trial on day 2. I got as far as countering the Plumed Punisher Theme as evidence, but I have no idea on what to do next.

I'm pretty sure what happened was that someone pushed over that stone and the victim ended up impaled on the statue's dagger, but what's the next step?

I have to admit, I am not a fan of the seances. They're a case of "Guess what the writer is thinking" more than most anything in the entire series so far.
Fuck I'm on case 3 investigation day 2 and I spoiled myself because
I didn't understand Abbot was a title and I was confused why they kept calling one person both Abbot and Tahrust so I went looking for an answer and I know what the murder actually is. Still not going to let it sour my experience, I've enjoyed many cases where I knew the villain / how it was done before hand.
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