Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice |OT| Khura'in, not Kurain

Nahyuta may provide good theories yes, but they're usually just theories without any new evidence. Then the game doesn't really lead you to believe why his theories are more credible or more readily accepted so it feels like it's a one-sided trial. They could have leaned towards it more in the Khu'rain cases by implicating a biased judge, but they didn't really give much character to the magistry.

As has been made very clear in the earlier games, the odds are always stacked against the defense in this court system. If the defense cannot remove all other possibilities from the table, the defendant will be found guilty. In other words, if the prosecution can show that there is a way for the defendant to have committed the crime and the defense can't show evidence otherwise (or make a witness confess), the prosecution wins. The courts in Ace Attorney operate under the "guilty until proven innocent" mantra.


The next one is slightly longer but yeah don't buy the mini episodes expecting substantial content. I'd think of them more like buying a theme and getting a little 20 minute story as a bonus

20 minutes? Huh? Are these different than the DLC from AA5? The whale case took up hours...


Hey guys, how is the game? I love the AA franchise and I wanted to see if this is a must buy now or should I wait for a sale?


Nahyuta's main strength seems to be his ability to weave a convincing tale even when the evidence is stacking up against him. Other prosecutors throughout the series always sounded like they were reaching whenever they tried to explain away the defense's evidence, but Nahyuta effortlessly produces explanations that actually make sense. I think that's a first for the series.

I feel that most prosecutors in the series generally have a prosecution "gimmick", not necessarily visually but also in how they conduct in court. Edgeworth is probably the most fully realized one since he's gotten the longest level of character development - he prides himself in his raw logic skills and intense deductive abilities (the infamous "updated autopsy report" shows how he's never beyond double checking evidence for clues). 1-5 and 2-4 are some of his absolute finest moments in terms of just prosecuting. Franziska mostly being concerned about her pride and winning shows how she's not beyond using some underhanded tactics (telling witnesses to not testify about certain matters, illicit photographing of detention center meetings etc). Godot is probably one of the better ones as he's not concerned about winning but about being a massive asshole to Phoenix, so he'll pull any bluff and trick in the book to challenge him to the same extents that Phoenix will often go to challenge the prosecutors (he rejects the Judge's testimony about Tigre's impersonation since it doesn't prove anything directly about Elg's murder). While this would be annoying under any circumstance he sells it with the insanely classy disposition. Blackquill is the one who's talent they make more "obvious" - he has a stupidly good power of suggestion and can get anyone to testify about anything specific.

Klavier and Nahyuta are the only real ones that don't make as much of an impact for me - Klavier mainly because he acts like a prosecutor who has experienced all of his character development already (even though he has his affable moments), and Nahyuta because despite having a gimmick of resignation, he just has a woefully stale presentation to go along with it. He boils down to "just fucking accept that the suspect is the culprit". I forget who it was that pointed it out here as well but I don't recall anytime in the story that Nahyuta would actually present any new evidence to court - he just weaves out a story based on the things you bring up. Even though he's by far the most garish prosecutor he's ironically the most flat one.
I'm only partway through Case 3, but a character trait I'm picking up on is that Nahyuta isn't accustomed to having to do much other than assert the accused's guilt, so he's always finding ways to come back around to that. It does make him seem a little flat as a character, but it's also interesting in its own way. Unlike many of the other prosecutors in the series, he doesn't have the air of someone who is trying to win a battle.


Finished the game yesterday. Absolutely loved it, although I disliked a few things (spoilers, obviously):

  • Nahyuta is the worst prosecutor of the series. He is not endearing, he is not a credible threat, he is simply annoying, and I felt no joy when besting him in court. I really loved the game, but Nahyuta was the weakest part.
  • While I like Maya, seeing her being accused of murder (again) and being kidnapped (AGAIN) was lame. Come one now, Maya as that plot device has been overused, stop it already.
  • Case 4 felt a little to disjoncted from the rest. It was a good case though, mainly because I like Uendo.
  • Case 5 should have been split in two.


Anyone else find the game 'hard to play' in the way that, it sure is kinda heavy.

I'm only a bit into case 3, but it kinda gets to you a bit when it feels like every other npc is constantly calling you a piece of shit, go burn in hell you lawyer scum or other insults every other dialogue interaction lol.

I felt like past games were a bit more optimistic and more silly? idk. This really isn't the best came to come to after a shitty day of work lol.
Not long into Case 2, but I'm quite liking it so far. It's a definite reminder of how this series got the transition to 3D right.

Minor question though, I could have sworn that I read somewhere ages back that the DLC costumes from DD would work in this, giving you a bit more of a selection. Was that not the case in the end?


Anyone else find the game 'hard to play' in the way that, it sure is kinda heavy.

I'm only a bit into case 3, but it kinda gets to you a bit when it feels like every other npc is constantly calling you a piece of shit, go burn in hell you lawyer scum or other insults every other dialogue interaction lol.
It doesn't help that the gallery is arguably more hostile in this game than all the other games put together.


It doesn't help that the gallery is arguably more hostile in this game than all the other games put together.

yeah the others were hilarious ('mommy are lawyers bad people?'), the stuff here is... a bit unsettling.

It's like a trump rally lol.
Started case 4

Blackquill helping you out? This is actually super hype, especially since I really, really don't like Nahyuta.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Started case 4

Blackquill helping you out? This is actually super hype, especially since I really, really don't like Nahyuta.
Case 4 might have been one of my favs in the game for this reason alone.
His dynamic with Athena was so different from the usual Attorney/Assistant dynamic, and he remained as cool as he's ever been. Was nice seeing a sharp tongued badass on the defense's bench for a change. Blackquill's relationship with the others involved in the case was done flawlessly, too, especially Bucky.

Extra spoiler for those who finished the case:

The scene where he GRABS YOU BY THE COLLAR in first person sealed the deal for me. Mia or Phoenix would just say "I know you can do it" or something. Simon is not messing around.
I have to disagree with this game's soundtrack being weak. All of the Khura'in music is great, the investigation themes are great (especially regular Core 2016, holy shit), I like the character themes a lot as well (particularly Nahyuta, Rayfa,
Mr. Reus, Uendo and both of Gar'an
), and the court music also is very strong. I can't think of a theme that is particularly bad.
Especially in comparison to AA5 where I felt the soundtrack was mostly weak safe for a few tracks.

I guess the whole Khura'in style themes didn't land for me, they work fine but just don't grab me.
Each to their own I guess.
AA5 had some bangin' character themes to prop up the weaker bits, Blackquill, Athena and Fullbright come to mind.


My problem with Nahyuta is that unlike all previous prosecutors who either had a method to their madness or a character trait that made them endearing, this guy just feels like a jerk on a high horse. Sure, characters like Godot, Franziska and Manfred wouldn't miss a chance to mock you for your mistakes, but Nahyuta feels far too patronizing in the way he addresses you, even you have the upper hand on him.

I honestly can't remember any actual arguments Nahyuta makes. When Edgeworth made an objection in the first game, I'd dread it because he'd always have some bullshit to make Phoenix's job harder, like an updated autopsy report or a way out for the real killer. All Nahyuta seems to do is insult the defence or do his stupid beads thing. Like he was interrupting the trial instead of posing a threat.

I guess the whole Khura'in style themes didn't land for me, they work fine but just don't grab me.
Each to their own I guess.
AA5 had some bangin' character themes to prop up the weaker bits, Blackquill, Athena and Fullbright come to mind.

I think 6's music is pretty strong. The Khura'in stuff I found kinda forgettable, but stuff like the testimony music, the cornered theme and the objection remixes I preferred to DD. The organ just makes it for me.

My favourite track in the game might be A Cornered Heart. The music that plays when (case 5)
the truth about Dhurke comes out. It's such a powerful moment.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
AA6 has an overall weaker soundtrack than the others in the sense that it has less themes you want to look up on Youtube and listen to outside of the game, but MAN are some of them effective when used as BGM in-game. Confess the Truth 2016 being one such example.

Blackquill's theme is still the best thing to come out of modern Ace Attorney. Well, music wise.
Otherwise it's still Blackquill

Edit: I did absolutely love Athena's guitar remix


Extra spoiler for those who finished the case [case 4]:

The scene where he GRABS YOU BY THE COLLAR in first person sealed the deal for me. Mia or Phoenix would just say "I know you can do it" or something. Simon is not messing around.

This scene and the big reveal/thought route of case 3 are the two big standouts from the game for me so far, the two things that really made me audibly go "AAAAAAAAHHHH OH SHIT!" aloud to myself. Made me appreciate him a lot more as a character, actually.

I know some people haven't liked case 4, and it definitely has its weaknesses though much of it can be attributed to the utter Japanese-ness of it...but I wound up still really liking it anyway simply because it contains one of the best
(or three/four of the best?)
witnesses in the series. Wonderful animations and a lot of fun to figure out.
There are some very notable framerate drops in this game on O3DS, to say the least.
Queen's Audience Chamber, Magic Theater
stand out though.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
So is there DLC today? I'm not going to update my 3DS until the latest firmware gets cracked for homebrew. Luckily I already got the costumes, and I can wait until I finish the game for the DLC cases, as long as they're not on sale right away...


Just finished case 3. Still loving it! If it keeps this up Spirit of Justice is going to end up being a top tier Ace Attorney game to me, wow. I have liked it a fair bit more than Dual Destinies so far.

Some random thoughts on 3, mild spoilers included:

That Apollo revelation. First case 2, now this? I guess this game's a secret Apollo Justice 2 huh? Strangely getting me hyped for how things'll progress considering I wasn't much of a fan of AA4.

I love how they canonized Maya's love for ramen in this case, while acknowledging her love for hamburgers too. I suppose both are her favourites, and that's just fine by me.

Speaking of Maya, yeah, I still love her. Maya and Phoenix's is still my favourite dynamic after all these years. So nice to have her back.

And uh, I guess this case's where the partial nudity comes from?

Also, I thought that ending was pretty damn touching. The cutscene looked really nice too, I like how they're expanding on Ace Attorney's presentation with this game.

I really like how all cases have been connected to the main plot so far. Feels like the game continues to escalate throughout its cases in a way I haven't experienced in past Ace Attorney games.

But I'm at the start of 4 now and it looks like a breather from all that, it seems fairly disconnected. Not sure how I feel about that, but at least I like the premise.
It's SO Japanese. A Rakugo storyteller, really? I love how the localization doesn't even try to get around the ridiculousness of it all. America has been mentioned multiple times during this game, more than I remember it being a thing in past games really. Hell yeah, you embrace that shit Ace Attorney. So far, it works. Blackquill being a Soba geek is adorable, but it's also believable considering his whole Samurai obsession. Guess he's just a whole lot into Japanese culture in our localized Ace Attorney universe. Anyway, him being on your side is really cool, I'm glad he makes an appearance.
So yeah, I guess I'm into it so far.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
(Case 3)
Reehl Nehmu
is the stupidest name ever.
Peeslub'n Andhistan'dan (or however it was spelled) was worse.
Reehl Nehmu
and Manov Mistree are Deid Mann levels of "are you seriously going with that" though, I agree.
So is there DLC today? I'm not going to update my 3DS until the latest firmware gets cracked for homebrew. Luckily I already got the costumes, and I can wait until I finish the game for the DLC cases, as long as they're not on sale right away...


If you have emunand already you can update just fine. Just be sure to use Luma3DS.

Chapter 5 is turning out pretty good.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Phoenix Wright: Asinine Attorney available on Australian e-store.


Edit: comes with Pixel Art theme.

I know it's a short story DLC but... What does it contain? Just cutscenes? No investigation?
That's the difference between this prosecutor and others is that I considered all the others my opponents. Yes, even Fransizka. But this guy's just an annoyance.

Also that butterfly animation is grating.


Case 4 done. Yep, it was a bummer. Felt more like some standalone DLC case. Didn't fit in with the rest of the game at all. It was nice to see
again but it felt forced. I liked some moments but the overall case was pretty amateurish in writing and design.

Def weakest case in the game. I'll save case 5 for tomorrow so i can marathon it over the weekend.


I'm at Case 5. I'm not enjoying this one much. I think this will be my last AA game sadly. It's just like 5 where they push the melodrama to eleven and it's really irritating. It's basically the end of the world every single time someone refutes your claims. They even had to do put the agency at stake on top of the whole DC act thing. Localization is a bit weird. The names of the characters in the backwater religious country are really weak and it seems they aren't trying to hide the Japanese root of the series anymore. I suppose the 4th case is funnier and makes more sense in Japanese.

I do applaud the dev team for not pushing the gimmicky mechanics a lot this time though.
yaaaay, all done~

really enjoyed it! honestly didn't have much in the way of expectations going in, but i feel like the game helped remind me why i liked the series so much in the first place. i'm glad we finally got
an apollo game
Middle of the last trial in Case 5:

Inga Karkhuul Haw'kowd Dis'nahm Bi'ahni Lawga Ormo Pohmpus Da'nit Ar'edi Iz Khura'in III


This retroactively makes all the other localized names look amazing by comparison. I have the sudden urge to punch something.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Case 2 was pretty slick even though it seems like the "filler case" more or less, despite introducing the main prosecutor.

The Bonnie/Batty twist surprised me, though I knew twins were going to factor in at some point in the game since Ema mentioned the "even twins don't have the same fingerprints!", and I figured out the Reus - Retinz thing right before the trial and I was like, "NO WAY?!", my reaction was the same as everyone else. Loved how they really played the magic angle up there, though I thought the optical illusion of the Penrose was gonna factor into the case too.

I love how even with all the hints I didn't pick up the fact Retinz's sweater resembled a cape till he used it as one.
Ok finished Case 3!

Pretty great overall, although I'm picking up on an annoying trend in this game that some others have already complained about - man this game really loves to waste your time. The flashback where
Rayfa mentions that spirit mediums retain all of their memories before their deaths
was repeated like twice in five minutes.

But yeah some good stuff. I'm looking forward to seeing where
Dhurke and his relationship to Apollo go, although I already have something of an idea. I agree with something someone said earlier, this game feels like it's picking up where Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney left off more than anything, where in Dual Destinies he was pretty tangential.
Middle of the last trial in Case 5:

Inga Karkhuul Haw'kowd Dis'nahm Bi'ahni Lawga Ormo Pohmpus Da'nit Ar'edi Iz Khura'in III


This retroactively makes all the other localized names look amazing by comparison. I have the sudden urge to punch something.

I still maintain that Case 3's
Reehl Neh'mu
is the worst offender by a large margin.


yeah, something about this water mirror stuff is really giving me a headache in ch3.

especially a few times where i accidentally select a 'sound' instead of 'sight' and don't realize it after a few more trial and error >.>


Corporate Apologist
Perceive is easily the best gimmick

Apollo stay winning
I disagree, perceive is my least favorite.

There are too many Gimmicks now, I liked it more when it was just phyche locks. Insights are pretty cool though.

Case 4 done. Yep, it was a bummer. Felt more like some standalone DLC case. Didn't fit in with the rest of the game at all. It was nice to see
again but it felt forced. I liked some moments but the overall case was pretty amateurish in writing and design.

Def weakest case in the game. I'll save case 5 for tomorrow so i can marathon it over the weekend.
Yeah, case 4 may have made more sense as the second case instead of 4th (Pushing 2 and 3 up a case each). What's his name running back and forth between nations just feels off. Maybe it was supposed to be DLC, but it left the base game too short.


so even tho i kinda shat on Case 4, I have to say it does have good parts. I liked some of the factoids in the case and it has some of my fave tracks in the game including a few from AA5 that sounds slightly remixed. Anyway, not all bad but it should've been DLC or an earlier case.
I don't understand some of the seance complaints. It's hard at first but the markers for what you're supposed to look for a really clear once you notice them. Granted I'm only on case four but so far I'm having a lot more trouble with cross examinations than seances as far as "I was supposed to do that?!" goes. Plus it's a nice change of pace.


I don't understand some of the seance complaints. It's hard at first but the markers for what you're supposed to look for a really clear once you notice them. Granted I'm only on case four but so far I'm having a lot more trouble with cross examinations than seances as far as "I was supposed to do that?!" goes. Plus it's a nice change of pace.

i liked the Seance stuff so far as well but it's a bit clumsy and felt like a bit of guesswork at times (particularly one specific one in Case 3). but it's pretty cool to see the POV from the victim which was creepy.
i liked the Seance stuff so far as well but it's a bit clumsy and felt like a bit of guesswork at times (particularly one specific one in Case 3). but it's pretty cool to see the POV from the victim which was creepy.
The only one that kind of bugged me in case 3 was when
you had to click on the vision of the flame blowing in the wind rather than the word "wind". I knew that's what the inconsistency was so I was less willing to retry once I got it wrong at first. All the ones in the second seance are super easy, Maya basically tells you the answer for the ice thing
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